3 years ago
Error Code 16
I've played Sims 3 since June 2009 on a few different laptops, some better than others, and I have never even heard of Error Code 16 before. Now I am getting it constantly.
Research says it's because my game file exceeds 4GB. I have played for months in my last world without issue, then I started a new game in Dragon Valley. And it's in Dragon Valley that the problem is occurring, after only a couple of weeks of play with my saved family. Previous Dragon Valley games may have been with smaller families. Now I have eight and two pets. I've just deleted the game file because it won't save and it won't save as, so I had no alternative. I've also had a constant problem over the last couple of weeks of play that whenever a child graduates or even has a birthday, some adult family members, particularly the military, can no longer go to work - it's never their workday. It's possible the game file got so large so quickly because I have to keep moving out the family, saving it, deleting the original, and moving a fresh copy of the family back in to cure the work error. The game has been installed and running now for four years. Is there some corruption that might have crept in?
Is there a problem with Dragon Valley - is it too large a world? I've not downloaded any CC for a very long time - possibly a year or more. I've not downloaded anything in fact - textures, families, nothing. So the game which worked fine 3 months ago now - doesn't. Same laptop, otherwise working well.
Research says it's because my game file exceeds 4GB. I have played for months in my last world without issue, then I started a new game in Dragon Valley. And it's in Dragon Valley that the problem is occurring, after only a couple of weeks of play with my saved family. Previous Dragon Valley games may have been with smaller families. Now I have eight and two pets. I've just deleted the game file because it won't save and it won't save as, so I had no alternative. I've also had a constant problem over the last couple of weeks of play that whenever a child graduates or even has a birthday, some adult family members, particularly the military, can no longer go to work - it's never their workday. It's possible the game file got so large so quickly because I have to keep moving out the family, saving it, deleting the original, and moving a fresh copy of the family back in to cure the work error. The game has been installed and running now for four years. Is there some corruption that might have crept in?
Is there a problem with Dragon Valley - is it too large a world? I've not downloaded any CC for a very long time - possibly a year or more. I've not downloaded anything in fact - textures, families, nothing. So the game which worked fine 3 months ago now - doesn't. Same laptop, otherwise working well.