@ts1depot that link doesn't work, it gives an error and says it can't be downloaded securely. There's a choice on my browser of "Keep" and then that gives a pop-up lecturing about malicious attackers.
@Rflong7 hey :) waving*
At first I thought you'd meant the help page on TS3, like with the MyPage and all that. Those patch downloads are disabled. Clicking on any goes to a page of a description with no further button. I also wondered where the patch file is for the 1.69 to remove it. I suppose its not like TS2 where the patches were a file I could see and re-use in the documents/something something folders. I've never seen an actual patch file in the patch folder in Sims 3. I assumed it became like an integrated thing.
Thanks for your explanations, that was interesting. I will look into it further after the exams.