Forum Discussion

Johnnywr's avatar
13 years ago

Spiral Staircases - sorted, or at least another workaround.

This may be really old hat, and it may not work for everybody, but I think I`ve found a workaround to fix the issue where sims can walk up but not walk down spiral staircases (since Pets and the last patch, or the last patch and Pets?). I say I think I`ve found a workaround, but I found a thread over at MTS which linked to another thread and it was there I found a post offering a solution which seems to have sorted the issue for me.

Okay, I tried the method where you add the finished lot containing the spiral staircase to your lot bin in game, then in EIG add the lot last of all without doing anything else in EIG, saving, then exiting EIG. This method didn`t work for me, sims still couldn`t walk down the spiral stairs. My spiral staircases tend to be against walls, and in some cases the lot was built around the fact spiral stairs were used. I didn`t really want to rebuild the lots to accommodate normal stairs or redesign the interior to move the spiral stairs away from the wall, although, I was resigned to doing so. A tad frustrating. Okay, I admit, tears were shed :|

The solution.
Remove any fences or half walls at the top of the spiral staircase. At least, remove any fence or half-wall where the side rail rises up above floor level. It worked for me, and I didn`t have to move the stairs or turn them to any different angles. Happy happy joy joy.
I test exported, and in-game, without altering my spiral staircases in any way, sims can now happily walk up and down the three sets of spiral stairs in my world :D

Again, don`t slap me around the face and neck if this is already common knowledge. I`m just happy at the moment and needed to purge the joy.
  • Johnny, that's awesome! I know someone else who did go through and revamp all her houses to remove the spiral stairs she had used. It stinks to have to do that.
  • Regina, I`m just happy not to have had to revamp the three community lots (a disco club, gym and art gallery) where I used spiral staircases. It`s just a relief I can keep them almost exactly as intended :wink:

    Sorry Reg, didn`t see your post. I do hope this works for all those spiral staircase sufferers of late. I was a bit scared to post in case this was all a bit last month`s old news. But`s it`s cool, I`m a happy bunny.
  • That's good news Johnny, never be afraid to share good news, if it was old news or not, I'd imagine not all of us would have noticed and needed your thread. I always read your threads :D .
  • Brillaint Johnny! Thanks for sharing. Saves me from redoing some of my lots now. :)
  • That makes perfect sense to me, as I was a bit befuddled why I wasn't having problems in a lot of my houses and everyone else was. I did see what they were talking about though when I would test a house or world - and come to find out I did not use the ballistras (fences as you call them )or the half walls. Some were placed against walls and others were in the center of a hall or entry way - depends on the house design - but they worked. I always left a space on either side of the stairs when they were against the wall in most houses, so that might have had a bearing also.

    But it is good to see it work in other houses and that this is the actual solution without having to reset the whole lot or worse - enter each house and rebuild it. UGHHHH. Labor no one needs.

    So thanks Johnny for confirming that. I was not positive, so I sort of didn't say much about it.

    Yeah Regina, I read about that on the other site. My heart pained for her - just the thought!
  • This is very helpful. I created a log home that I thought I might be able to use in your upcoming Great Bear world but I used the spiral stairs so I wasn't sure if I should rebuild the stairs or not. Sounds like as long as I leave space all around the stairs it should be fine. Thank you, Johnnywr!

    Edited to correct brain fog surrounding the name of Johnnywr's WIP... :oops:
  • pkboo's avatar
    New Spectator
    I hadnt even known there was a problem with the spiral stairs but then again i dont put wall or anything around my stairs at the top and i dont have type of cc or mods, unless you count store items but i dont think most people do, in the game on this laptop and i had to get this one after pets came out since my older one couldnt handle pets because the card is unsupported so now i have a laptop thats just for the sims while my older one is for everything else.