- Spoiled food in the refrigerator is no longer marked as "spoiled." There is no option to clean out bad food. If a sim takes a plate of the bad food from the fridge they continue to eat it until they've finished the whole plate and grown sick from it, or until the player cancels the action.
So far, I've only tried one household and this was the issue. I will try another one later today.
1. Are you using any Custom Content or mods ? No
2. If you are using mods, are you using any of the 'big ones' like Awesome Mod or Twallan’s mods N/A
3. If you're not using mod, did you never use them or did you take them out for the EP (as you are supposed to do) I've never used any.
4. Did you update the mods you put back with a compatible version ? N/A
5. Do you have Supernatural or just the Patch ? Patch
6. Which Patch Level are you at ? (I got patch 1.38 last night.)
7. Did you start a new game for Supernatural or are you playing an existing ones ? This is my existing game.
8. What town are you currently playing ? EA or Custom ? EA. Sunlit Tides.
9. What is your Operating System (Mac, XP, Vista, Win 7) Mac.
Thanks for taking the time to do this. :-)