Here's another one that isn't critical, but might be annoying...
The consignment symbol in the skills journal has disappeared in all games tried so far.
Bugs I share with others... :?
I also have a blank page for plants, but assumed that this was for SN, as we already have a log for harvestables and there has been mention of mushrooms & plants to make magic brews with.
I am also getting the gardening & writing glitches, and did get the issue with the game hanging when trying to connect with the player profile/wall - solved that by going offline before playing and not letting the game connect. This also solved the missing needs panel, loss of moodlets, wishes and opportunities. (no idea why it should work like that!?)
Interestingly, if I start the launcher now (obviously with internet enabled) the 'front page' which used to connect here is completely blank - also don't get the usual offline screen. Has only happened since the patch so probably related.
Are you using any Custom Content or mods ? Yes
2. If you are using mods, are you using any of the 'big ones' like Awesome Mod or Twallan’s mods? I use Twallans/HPs and buzzlers mods, - removed all mods and cleared cache prior to the patch. Also have a lot of CC - mostly store bought, but 2 worlds as well - Jericho (which I play) and Los Anielos (which I haven't played)
3. If you're not using mod, did you never use them or did you take them out for the EP (as you are supposed to do) I took them out when I patched.
4. Did you update the mods you put back with a compatible version ? Waiting for the patched versions - playing vanilla +CC
5. Do you have Supernatural or just the Patch ? Patch only - SN not out here for another week.
6. Which Patch Level are you at ? 1.38
7. Did you start a new game for Supernatural or are you playing an existing ones? existing
8. What town are you currently playing ? EA or Custom ? Tried 3 so far - Bridgeport, Appalloosa Plains & SimSample's Jericho
9. What is your Operating System (Mac, XP, Vista, Win 7) Windows 7
I am playing on a laptop but has good specs (256MB graphics, 8GB RAM), All EPs & couple of stuff packs installed, and have had no issues up to now