"Dawnmccarthy;c-16343363" wrote:
I know this is beating a dead horse, but ya know how when a werewolf sim is in werewolf form, their energy drains, and fills as well, super slow? But the energy drains and refills normally in normal sim mode? Are they ever going to fix the bug where a level 10 werewolf sim gains energy slowly when resting while they're not in werewolf form, making it impossible to get well rested? They've tweaked sims 3 for dumb stuff in the last couple years, so they ARE still messing with it. You think they'd spend that time on the more negative bugs...
Actually sorry, but no EA has not done this. The last meaningful patch we got, one that actually affected the game files, was the post-ITF one also known as 1.66 back in Jan 2014, so that's over four years ago now. The one that came out just after in the same month, 1.67, was one trivial fix. Patch 1.69 that was released in late 2015 and refined in Jan 2016 was all about the Origin/Launcher tie-in and the way in which the game starts up, no changes were made to gameplay at all.
There is no TS3 development team. It would be very interesting if EA were to ever restaff it, but just doesn't seem like that's ever going to happen at this point.