The Sims 3 University - Marriage issues
- 9 months ago
@letitlego If you don't use mods, try evicting the boyfriend, in Edit Town, and placing him elsewhere in the world. You can choose a blank lot since he won't be there for long. Use "save as" to rename the save, so the original remains intact as a backup, then quit to desktop. Delete the five cache files in Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4. For reference, they are:
- CASPartCache.package
- compositorCache.package
- scriptCache.package
- simCompositorCache.package
- socialCache.package
Reload the save and either ask the sim to move in with yours or merge the households via Edit Town.
If you do use mods or are willing to add a few, at least for troubleshooting purposes, you'll want NRaas ErrorTrap, Overwatch, MasterController, and (possibly) DebugEnabler. All are described and linked here:
You can try using DebugEnabler first: click the sim and select NRaas > DE > Options: Smartphone > Sim > Fix Homeworld. Then see whether the options are available. If not, try a MasterController reset, under NRaas > MC > Sim > Advanced. I'd suggest saving/quitting/deleting the cache files/reloading afterwards and before trying any new romantic interactions.