Forum Discussion
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Every single one except My First Pet and Laundry Stuff
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Play the game for 5 minutes
What happens when the bug occurs? Simulation constantly freezes. Sims stand in place for a while even though they were assigned actions.
What do you expect to see? Sims doing actions as they were assigned without the simulation freezing and leaving sims idle.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. 06/19/2018 - PC / Mac
The "issues with time/clock" bug is back with the seasons patch.
Its pretty much this bug:
Tried fixes:
• Removed CC
• Started new save file
• Reinstalled the game
• Lowering ingame settings
- crinrict7 years agoHero+Do you see time jumps back (especially on speed 3) as well or just freezing ? Do you play in a house or apartment ?
- 7 years ago
Yes I use speed 3 a lot especially when a sim is raising skills or is at a active career (was playing detective career using a science station and sim just stands there doing nothing then finally gets to using it then freezes after the action has reached 100% and then it just rolls back to like 70%). Right now I'm playing in a brand new save in a house with 1 sim
- 7 years ago
This is all happening with my game as well. My sims are idle a lot instead of doing what I’ve assigned them to do. I play a lot on speed 3 and the time rolls back when I hit the regular speed button and the percentages do as well like you said, they roll back for everything on my game though; their skills and their needs.
- 7 years ago
It's extremely bad in my game since I installed Seasons. In addition to everything else already mentioned, my screen minimizes during the glitch and suddenly, I'm looking at my desktop. I am playing on a laptop, not that that really matters much these days. I have no mods or CC enabled.
Could you please fix this ASAP? This is a really nasty glitch that renders the game close to unplayable.
- 7 years ago
I've been seeing this for quite a while now, and it happens constantly, but especially at 3:20am on speed 3. I've tested this on multiple games.
- 7 years ago
This is a bug I've experienced for so long. Time will skip and jump back when sped up, usually through sleeping. Also, sims will often stand, not forever, but for a while, not moving when game is sped up, like my processor can't keep up or something. The game seems like it's just slow because of these bugs, like my processor is struggling along, however my pc is brand new and my processor is high end, as well as having no other processes running in the background etc. I've noticed that these two bugs are at their worst for me when playing in penthouses or apartments.
In terms of sims standing still and not doing anything, bare in mind anyone who uses mods, that I found a very extremely version of this issue when I used MC Command Center and altered how time worked. You can make days longer/shorter and this made the response times for sims extremely slow. Removing that alteration in my mc menu fixed that for me when I had that similar bug. However what I addressed above is a different bug that happens cc/mod less for me regardless.
- 7 years ago
Yeah, when I play I get the exact same problem. especially when using x3 speed, it mostly happens for me when they are sleeping? it goes fast, then goes backwards.
I was hoping they would have fixed this bug by now.
- 7 years agoHave the same problem, but not on x3 speed. I get this a lot when playing at normal speed.
- Aveliexa7 years agoSeasoned Ace
I'm getting some of the sims standing in place when I use speed 3, but the main thing I'm seeing is the clock freezing or going backwards when sleeping in speed 3. Normally I would only kind of see it in apartments, and even then it would happen like once or twice when asleep. This time it's far worse, I have my sim sleeping for like 2 sim hours and next thing I know it goes back by an hour, I have to stop the clock restart it and it does pretty much the same thing for the whole time they're sleeping.
- 7 years agoThis happened to me too yesterday. I thought it was just a one time random glitch, but I guess it's happened to others as well.
- Anonymous7 years ago
I have this exact problem. it freezes literally every 2 seconds that passes on the clock for at least 1 minute. and if I try to speed up it throws the clock back. it's unplayable. I thought it may have been one of the mods I had recently added but I removed it and the issues continue. I tried repairing, restarted my computer, reinstalled the game. nothing. really hope this gets fixed soon 😞
- 7 years ago
It seems like when the time messes up, especially while sims are sleeping, it also makes their needs roll back every time the clock does. And when I assign my sims a task to do, something as simple as go to work, my sims just stand idle in place and they miss half their work day. It's so bad with my sims just standing idle that I'm constantly resetting my sims and it's making the game unplayable when sims don't do anything but freeze in place for multiple sim hours, especially with the time glitching up...I hope this get's fixed soon. ☹️
- Anonymous7 years ago
This is so frustrating i can't play my game because my sims are constantly freezing and there's nothing i can do about it. Please fix this soon!! 😞
- 7 years ago
Yeah, this has happened to me for a while. I feel like they made it better a few patches ago. Mine doesn't seem to do it in a fresh game at first, but the longer I play, the worse it gets. I deleted all of my old save files, because I had a lot of them piled up for no reason. I do use some custom clothing, but I'm honestly not getting rid of it... because as literally everyone posted above me, it doesn't matter if you have no CC... this still happens.
I wish they could figure it out and fix it. The game never used to do this in the beginning.
- 7 years ago
What kind of computers do people have with this issue? High end desktops, laptops? I never actually had this issue until I upgraded my computer to a much better one. Along with getting this bug, came terrible frame rate, which drops to 40 constantly and back up even though my graphics card is a GTX 1070. It's the only game to do this for me, all others are fine. I would get solid 60 and more if uncapped with my old 750ti. I feel like this game doesn't work well with high end specs.
- crinrict7 years agoHero+I think it happens on all of them. I never seen it in my game but seen it on some people's saves.
There have also been reports for console for this actually.
- 7 years ago
I don't have seasons, but I too have this bug, even though my computer should easily be able to handle this game. The game is literally unplayable unless you want to play at a snail's pace! How can EA release a game like this?
- 7 years ago
What do you mean release? The game has been out for almost 4 years now. Its a bug with that came with a new patch. Bugs are present in every game and no game ever has been 100% bug free.
- 7 years agoYes when it updated for city living, that’s where it began freezing every few minutes, doesn’t respond then it’s okay for another few minutes.
- 7 years ago
I'm having this problem too! My game was perfectly fine until I installed Seasons two days ago. I hope a patch will come out soon because it's practically unplayable
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