Forum Discussion
372 Replies
- crinrict8 years agoHero+
Compiled List
Faulty Cheats
- Modifyrelationship doesn't do anything for friendship --> The Cheat was changed. See this post for more details
- Creating a police station and saving as residential to the gallery causes computers on the lot to have police station interactions
ResetObjects/Resetsim on shift-clicking (resetsim firstname lastname still works)--> Fixed in Patch 1.44.88- Present Pile from BuyDebug cannot be deleted.
- Plusie toys arms do not scale properly
Know Issues with their own thread
Cheats permanently removed after Seasons Patch
Here's an explanation by SimGuruGrant as to why what was removed:
stats.set_stat commodity_BecomingVampire 2160 and other vampire cheats
- modify funds
- Pregnancy cheats
- All add_buff cheats
- sims.age_up
- sims.Spawn
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Get to Work, Get Together, City Living, Cats & Dogs
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? After adopting a pet, pick any Sim within the household and click "Modify Sim in CAS". When returning to the game itself, click another Sim and select romance interactions. Not all of the previous romance options appear.
What happens when the bug occurs? Most of the romance options disappear. It only leaves "Serenade" and "Offer Massage" as the remaining options to romance a romantic partner.
What do you expect to see? All romance options and interactions would be available when clicking on a Sim (e.g. flirt, kiss, woo hoo, etc.)
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. Updated the game to install Cats & Dogs expansion pack.
I was playing my game and wanted to try out the latest expansion pack, therefore I downloaded it. Since I wanted my own pet, I used the Modify Sim in CAS with full edit mode set to add a pet to the household. Once I've fully edited my dog, it was added to the family. However, when I tried to click my sim's spouse, the only options that appeared for the romance interactions are only Serenade and Offer Massage.
So like a lot of people I lost all my relationships with the most recent update, unfortunately I can't recover without loosing months of gameplay (my own fault, I saved a bunch of times before I noticed the issue) but I'm trying to manually restore everyones relationships using modifyrelationships, and for some reason it only works for romance_main not friendship_main. I've used the cheat many times before, so I know how to use it, and its just not working at all.
If anyone has any idea why or how to fix it I'd appreciate it.
- crinrict8 years agoHero+
I can duplicate that. I merged your post with the cheats collection thread
- crinrict8 years agoHero+
I tried this and it works without issues for me.
Is this an existing game you're playing ? How many times did you try this ?
- SimGuruNick8 years ago
EA Staff (Retired)
We are unable to reproduce this as well, the cheat works fine for us. For clarification, here are instructions for this cheat:
First Turn on testingcheats true then type in the cheat below
The cheat is modifyrelationship YourSimFirst YourSimLast TargetSimFirst TargetSimLast (-)amount Track_Type
modifyrelationship Karlee Darnell Cassandra Goth 100 Friendship_Main
modifyrelationship Karlee Darnell Cassandra Goth 100 Romance_Main
- breezy95928 years agoSeasoned Ace
the Modifyrelationship cheat don't work... I have tried a few times now and nothing....
- breezy95928 years agoSeasoned Ace
I got the modifyrelationship for romance to work but not friendship? what is up with that...
- crinrict8 years agoHero+
Didn't work for me either.
As of today (it worked yesterday), with the Cats and Dogs expansion pack, the modify friendship relationship cheat is not working for me but the romance one is. I even copied the romance one that worked and modified the word to friendship and it didn't work. I am mod free, so I know its not a mod issue.
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