[ARCHIVED] [LD] Children die due to neglect despite not being neglected
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number? 110.311.1020 DX9
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All by the date 14.11.2024 (November). Last installed pack is Life and Death.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? 1. Play with household with a child stage sim. 2.Make sure you enable debug cheats to check sims stats 3.After playing a child for some time, you will get a warning about child being neglected (despite all needs and school stuff are met and child is happy). 4.In around a week of sims time, the child gets taken away due to neglect, if you check its stats - via shift click-->stats you will see that almost all stats are on minus value (like on my screenshots, mostly hunger -22) and the panel with needs shows him perfectly green and not -22 hunger, as example. After child gets taken away a "Life and death" pop up window shows up with possibilities make a child playable ghost or unplayable ghost. No matter what you choose you will get last exception "Error message: Exception while processing telemetry hooks! (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'death_type'), CategoryID: telemetry:257" Usually child gets culled and no longer present in the game.
What happens when the bug occurs? Child dies (gets taken away due "imaginary" neglect) ,a "Life and death" pop up shows with possibilities make a child playable ghost or unplayable ghost. No matter what you choose this generates last exception and child is gone from the game.
What do you expect to see? 1.Stats are processed correctly via needs panel, so player can see that child is actually neglected. 2. No "Life and death" pop up that shows possibilities to make a child playable ghost or unplayable ghost--> as a result no last exception mentioned above.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. I think its happens with update that was before "Life and death" Pack and then Pack "Life and death" made it wose.
I am having a weird thing happening to my children sims.
My child in a game is perfectly fine in terms of game UI :
-His needs are met
-He is B at at school
However, he got whisked away due to neglection, this follows up with a pop from "Life and Death" pack window with possibilities make a child playable ghost or unplayable ghost.
No matter what I choose I will get last exception "Error message: Exception while processing telemetry hooks! (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'death_type'), CategoryID: telemetry:257"
When this first happened I was playing with mods.
For my further tests I have removed all mods, cleared my folder and got a child taken away regardless.
I went back to the mods folder and added MC command Center with Debug cheats option enabled--> and THAT actually showed me that stats of my child sim are messed up.
Despite the needs panel being green and child is happy --> Stats menu shows "hunger - 22" and other needs pretty low too. So i think that's why the child is taken away.
Plus, I think the pop up of turning a sim into playable ghost or unplayable ghost was not thought through very well with children sims with pack Life and Death.
I am not sure if this all is connected but here are my screenshots (please excuse me for naked and bold sims, no mods or cc :D) :
1. No mods, but MCC for debug cheats to check stats - B grade at school and all stats are green, then stats actually showing its -22 hunger (weird)
2. I recovered my save to the last point where the child hasn't been taken away yet. I went into his stats and they were not reflecting the actual needs panel, with bunch of minuses on almost every need:
I have cheated his needs with "make happy" cheat, and this actually reflected in both stats cheat menu and in Ui needs panel:
Then I let the time pass a little to see how needs will drop, I am not an expert, however I think that in stats cheat menu needs are way lower then in UI needs panel, especially if you look on hunger that shows 71 but the actual ui need bar on hunger is almost full:
P.S I have also found a similar issue affecting other players in this post on Forum :
Thank you for checking it. I hope for a fast fix, as this makes children age stage unplayable.
Let me know if anything else might be needed for investigation and a fix.
EDIT: I did yet another test on the recovered save file before the child sim dies.
Thinking, may be its homework affected him being taken away and as a result die in game. But no, still is taken away (Just to clarify, he was doing his homework not every day but couple days a week, his grade at school was on B, so in a past, prior L&D update I've never gotten a child taken for THAT).
So, the recovered starts around 1.30 am, he has around 4 and a half hours before he gets taken away (5 -5:30 am).
During this time I made him do his homework, he does it, his needs aren't that bad and he still gets whisked away around 5:30 am.
However this time, he seems glitched and after he is whisked away, I can see him on a relationship panel of his grandpa. Other relatives don't have him there.
When I click on him from the relationship panel, there 2 options: Open profile and Hide relationship. No possibility to call him on the lot either.
And my folder contains last exception from me clicking turn into playable ghost: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z-ndIi0cpwqs5AIwDPlXoTaM19t9hpsm/view?usp=sharing
PS: If needed I can share my save file, its the one I play with mods tho, not sure if it will be relevant.
This glitch is a sad one, cz now my only option is to age him up to a teen I guess, not sure what to do ☹️
Please use this thread going forward: [LD] Children die due to neglect despite not being neglected/LD pop Up LE | EA Forums - 5022524