Forum Discussion
@karoschmitz The ones that tend to break first for me are Oakenstead in Willow Creek (most common) and Asphalt Abode in Newcrest. But I've seen other people further back on this thread say it started for them in Magnolia Promenade, or I think even in Del Sol Valley for one person, so it isn't completely consistent--but it's not completely random, either. Lots of people get Oakenstead first, specifically. So I guess check there on occasion?
I'm trying to find a good daily workflow to make sure to check them before saving at the end of a day, and wonder if I should have my Sim always travel there and then save there for the night, or if there is a quicker way to check regularly 🙂
- MrJamesNguyen3 months agoRising Adventurer
More bad news from EA. Looks like they won't be working on this bug on the next update.
- kassey220003 months agoRising Scout
See also the last several pages of: :
- rachelwolfe3 months agoSeasoned Vanguard
@karoschmitz I just load the lots in build mode, and look for whether the surrounding lots look like defaults or like what I've placed. This is super easy to spot in Newcrest, because if the surrounding lots are blank again, I've got the bug. Oakenstead is more common to break first, but more tricky since there's only one other lot in that neighborhood, so you have to make sure you replace the Spencer-Kim-Lewis house with something really distinctive in order to check there.
- 3 months ago
Has anyone who hasn’t downloaded lots from the gallery had this bug? The gallery seems like very much a common theme
- 3 months ago
Clearly all saves always keep the copy or original lots. That makes me think that, for each lot, the game is only storing a reference to the new lot. Perhaps, when the new lots are downloaded from the gallery, it stores them differently somehow, and eventually loses the reference.
It would be quite common to do a check/condition like this in the code: if reference is not null then grab the referenced object. Else, grab the default. That would explain why it reverts to the default.
I haven’t played this game for ages, so honestly can’t even remember if any of non-gallery-downloaded lots was ever corrupted (most of my lots were from the gallery) - 3 months ago@LauratkoK It doesn't depend on the gallery lots. Even if the neighboring building just has a repainted wall, after the save breaks from the world rebuild, the wall will be displayed as default. And the problem is not even that the neighboring lots are displayed as default. Although this is also a problem, because we want to see beautiful houses, not boxes. The problem is that they don't load, errors 800, 801
- Snapdr8g8n3 months agoSeasoned Novice@LauratkoK the gallery is a mess, and has many issues of its own, I might be wrong but I believe the fact you might download a corrupted lot is one of them - and there's no way to know which are corrupt..... again something else we can't rely on to be safe for our saves.
My long term save gave me these exclamation marks after For Rent, and after I had both downloaded from the gallery, and also converted various in game buildings to residential rentals. - 2 months ago
From the latest patch:
Memory Efficiency
Various enhancements have been made to save memory across all platforms, helping the game run more smoothly and reducing crashes.Would anyone be willing to test if this helps with any precorrupted saves or corrupted saves?
- indywara2 months agoNew Vanguard@jarl44 This doesn't really help as residential rental lots, apartments, dorms and penthouses are still broken. They haven't resolved the issues with these lot types so even if there might be fewer crashes the save games still are going to get corrupt while playing this type of lots.
- 2 months ago
The reason I ask is because a lot corruption may be tied to memory, especially with how protobuffers are handled by the game. Updates in regards to memory may not help fix already broken lots but if someone has a save that they know is close to corruption, they may be able to test if the changes have prevented corruption from occurring
- MrJamesNguyen2 months agoRising Adventurer
Unfortunately the new update hasn't fix this bug. I tried putting another lot in Willow Creek and right away my other lots disappeared and turn into default lots.
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