[ARCHIVED] Photos/Paintings turning black (1.102.190/1.82)
Product - Sims 4
Platform - Xbox S series (6 months old).
Language - English
How often does bug occur - Always
Packs owned: All Expansion, game, and stuff packs including all kits.
How to find bug: Take a picture with phone or camera, look in inventory
What happens when bug occurs- all photos go Black and paintings go White. This occurs if on the walls or in inventory. Doesn’t matter which sim is taking the camera. Once the photos taken by tripod lasted in the inventory for about five minutes then when black. Pictures taken with just camera and photo went black instantly. Paintings were fine when placed on wall at first but went white the next time played.
what do you expect - photos and paintings to remain.
Mods - on console so no mods
When bug first occured - After Oct 31, 2023 update. All photos and paintings in inventory or on walls have been black or white since.
A few days ago all of my photos were black, so I deleted that save and went into that last save I had of that game when the photos were normal. This has never happened before even a few of my paintings were black. I recently purchased the city life expansion pack. But, after I went back everything seemed fine but whenever my male sims takes photos they’re all black, and a few when my female sim takes photos turn black.
Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title
Please use this thread going forward: Photos/Paintings turning black (1.102.190/1.82) | EA Forums - 11936008