Product: The Sims 4 Platform:PC Which language are you playing the game in? Deutsch How often does the bug occur? Occasionally (10% - 49%) What is your current game version number?
Addressed multiple cases where festival objects from different events (Romance, Flea Market, Spice, and Humor and Hijinks) overlapped on lots in San Myshuno. Additionally, rogue objects such as coffee cups, plates, flowers, cupcakes, crates, and boxes will no longer appear randomly floating or scattered around the city.
Product: The Sims 4 Platform:Mac Which language are you playing the game in?English How often does the bug occur?Every time (100%) What is your current game version number? What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed?All Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?Travel to SM festival districts.First to regular lot, Everything is fine. Then to apartment lot. Multiple vendors and festival decor overlap. What happens when the bug occurs?Once you travel to an apartment lot in a SM festival district. What do you expect to see?Only the current vendors. Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods?Not now. I've removed them. Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system?Yes Please describe the patch or change you made.Patch released on Sept. 18 2024
Playing with a copy of my game from pre patch. Mods removed. Done this twice. Even checked a copy from January 2024. Same results. Normal when visiting a regular lot in a festival district. Overlapping vendors and festival decor when visiting an apartment in a festival district.
Travel to regular lot. Everything is normal.
Travel to nearby apartment. Overlapping vendors and festival decor appear.
I've played through the Romance and Hijinxs festivals to see if this fixes the overlap, but no. Once that mess is there, it seems to be there for good.
I'm wondering if it has to do with this fix: "Food stalls in San Myshuno no longer disappear after coming out of Create a Sim and Manage Worlds." Maybe all those disappearing stalls have come back to roast.
While playing this through, I've now found festival decor and vendor stalls in this apartment's household inventory. No reason for these items to be there.
I have exactly the same problem after the last patch! After loading into the apartment, the festival items Humor & Hijinks does not disappear, objects are stacked on top of each other; cleaning the cache and moving to other areas does not help. The festival is broken. After a week I tried to come again - broken.
Turns out that the Festival of Lights is also stuck. It took a while for me to notice because I play rotationally and hadn't gotten to my one Sim living in that neighborhood. Visiting the community lots was fine. The stuck Festival only appeared when I visited/played at a residential lot. Once the stuck Festival appeared it persists. I don't know it the Snow Festival is also stuck, I only have Vacation Rentals in that Neighborhood. Will have to send someone on Vacation to find out.
It's Tuesday. The Festival of Lights is on Friday at 6PM.
I did manage to clear the SM Festivals by uninstalling plus disabling EP3, plus turning off all updaters in the EA app, plus setting the EA app to offline. BUT, it was a giant headache and a lot of work restoring all my lots. Plus Sims lose any skills, knowledge, jobs, traits and aspirations associated with CL. Plus I'll be fixing townie outfits for years.
I do not want to do this with SE. The skills and aspirations associated with it are much harder to regain. Singing - not so hard. Rock Climbing? Getting to the top of Mt. Komorebi? Extreme Sports Enthusiast? The thought exhausts me. Yes I can fix a lot of this with cheats, but that's exhausting in its own way.
@DizzyDee-K I agree, but loading our households into the galery to transfer them to a new game is not a good option. I would prefer that EA integrates a clean up routine for the worlds. I see no need that clay and coffee cups and foodplates remain outside the lots after exiting the game. They should also give us functions to fix stuff, like a destroy-objects cheat. A Reset-function for the worlds without affecting the lots would be great. I don't want to lose my progress and also don't want to edit the savegame file. The game must be able to store the data in a consistent way
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