Having this problem right now. The unit is 5 stars, with fancy environment, luxury amenities, and satisfactory maintenance. My landlord sim always fixed every problem before, hiring expensive contractors or going there to fix it himself. He's also good friends with all the tenants (one of them literally officiated his wedding just a few days before lol). Some advice here was to look at the tenant agreement to see what to fix, but I don't see what I'm supposed to fix. I'm looking at the unit itself after visiting, and I can't see anything broken there either. I tried the promise better conditions interaction, which then got greyed out, but I didn't get any notification of whether it succeeded or not (I'm assuming not, since the event is still going on).
Also, I am now unable to pause or change the speed of my game. It's, like...glitched or something and those buttons are no longer clickable (I'll try and post a screenshot).
I have never used any mods in this save.
Anyway, I completely agree with whoever said these revolts shouldn't happen with 5 star units, especially when there's such a high relationship between tenants and landlord. And...can you stage a revolt when playing as a tenant? Cause if not, that kinda sucks too lol. I hate it when gameplay is one sided like that.