Forum Discussion
@crinrict I'm so sorry! I forgot I had re-instituted my CC. I just put the mod folder away, deleted localthumbcache, deleted the lastexception I sent you, and then triggered the error again. I don't have a backup of the save.... here is the lastexception I got after triggering it again:
<report><version>2</version><sessionid>d9c15a3724fbe55a6717117a</sessionid><type>desync</type><sku>ea.maxis.sims4.15.macarm64</sku><createtime>2024-10-21 20:44:54</createtime><buildsignature>Local.Unknown.Unknown.</buildsignature><categoryid></categoryid><desyncid>d9c15a3724fbe55a6717117a</desyncid><systemconfig/><screenshot/><desyncdata>Exception raised while processing zone spin up sequence: Value out of range: 4714830000 (ValueError: Value out of range: 4714830000) Traceback (most recent call last): File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\", line 130, in wrapped File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\", line 126, in finally_wrap File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\", line 157, in wrapper File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\", line 175, in wrapper File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\", line 383, in c_api_client_connect File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\", line 609, in do_zone_spin_up File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\", line 1682, in update File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\", line 286, in on_enter File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\server\", line 385, in add_selectable_sim_info File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\server\", line 1047, in add_selectable_sim_info File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\server\", line 463, in on_sim_added_to_skewer File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\careers\", line 750, in on_sim_added_to_skewer File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\careers\", line 128, in resend_at_work_infos File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\careers\", line 117, in _at_work_infos File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\careers\", line 783, in create_work_state_msg File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\google\protobuf\internal\", line 107, in Setter ValueError: Value out of range: 4714830000rtim=0 Client Session Time: 19.00 Num Save Errors: 0 Num Load Errors: 0 Current Game State: 0x96d01090 LoadingScreenActiveFlag: 1 Origin Version: 13,320,1,5827 Modded: False SystemInfo: Mac OS X Version 14.6.1 (Build 23G93) GPU: Apple M1 macOS Metal driver Architecture: arm64 </desyncdata></report>
Let me know if this is what you need...I don't know anything about this kind of stuff.
CM edit: spoiler tag
Could you try the following (with no mods)
1. Load the save game with the error
2. Load into the household
3. Receive error
4. Try loading the household again.
- 5 months ago
I have not used custom careers! I actually disallow script mods and I only have CC.... I know that's not saying the CC could not have caused it, but I've only ever added .package or .zip files to the game.
I just tried those following steps (with the mods folder still on my desktop and not in-game) and I received the error, went back into the household, and just received the same error again.
- crinrict5 months agoHero+@SketchyMonster Do you have any Sims in the detective career ?
- 5 months ago
yes!!! The game failed WHILE i was attempting to return to the police station from being out on a "case". It was also the same day I had given my sim that career.
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