[OPEN] Interaction menu delay on sims and computer while game run fine
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All except star war pack, backyard stuff, Luxury party, Knitting stuff and toddler stuff.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? just click on other sims that you are not currently command and click on the computer.
What happens when the bug occurs? interaction menu delay to comes up for sims and computer
What do you expect to see? this delay gone.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Yes
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure
When I click on the other sims(sim that I didn't command at the moment) it's take about 1.8 sec for interaction menu to comes up, when I click on the computer it's take about 2.45 sec for menu to comes up. Both just the delay of the menu. my game work fine, my sims still do their thing while I wait for the interaction menu. and if I move my mouse the menu will appeared where my mouse's cursor is. the detail that I think my issue is not the same as other is there are no lag and freeze at all I see everything move and I am sure it hit 60FPS or above 45FPS but the menu just take time to come up instead of immediately. 1.8 and 2.45 sec just kill some immersive off me while I have my vampire try to feed on a sim but wait for the menu until they go away. things I have try? everything include re-install and created a new save yet this things still happen with less delay but when I put my mods back it's act the same as the clean install (less delay on that save), then I think my mods are not the cause. my next test is copy the household I played on the original save and place them in new save game, less delay on sims then I think my save maybe corrupted so I created the whole new family and place them in my original world guess what? they have less delay than other household in the same save. after the test I have my conclusion 1.my mod is fine 2.my save game is fine 3.sims that have delay are those who have relation ship, item in their inventory, career and skill that made them have more interaction than other sims. for the computer no matter my household have item in house's inventory or not, it's still delay and the delay decrease about 0.8 sec if I continue to click on it multiple time. I have asked the support month ago about this case that they confirm me it's a bug and they will report it to the dev team and I heard there will be update coming so I wait for the patch if they fix it but no, that why I post my issue now.
P.S. I first noticed this after I bought Eco lifestyle as a bundle with Spar day and kid room stuff.
Edit By Crinrict: Added Tag to Title