Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] Harvestables disappearing from sims' inventory and chest inventory

@danceswithchaos In my game, one doesn't even have to leave the lot. The harvestables simple just disappear from the inventory the next day.

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  • peta12's avatar
    6 years ago

    Having the same problem as everyone else.  All harvestables, with the exception of the ones of normal quality, are gone!  Years of work...just gone.    Even when restocked, they disappear either the next day or when I leave the lot.   There seems to be no fix for this bug.  Everything was working fine until the patch update last week.  I've put a lot of time and money into this game; seems to me that EA should fix the bug THEY created or refund me my money back!

  • I had a little more time now to pay attention to the quality, and it's the same in my game as everybody says.

    To me it seems to be a general issue of the game not "seeing" plants of higher quality.

    My sim often fishes with plasma fruit as bait. But when the plasma fruit is of higher quality than normal, the fishing animation gets cancelled, and the sim just stands around. I can choose the plasma fruit in the bait menu (so the game "sees" them there, which I admit is inconsistent with my theory ๐Ÿคจ) but when the fishing should then start, the game seems to think there's nothing in the inventory. Same with wolfsbane, garlic and Sixam Mosquito Trap seeds.

  • Naviald's avatar
    6 years ago

    I think this bug is in some capacity to do with some kind of check for items and that check is returning an incomplete response or it's returning something completely irrelevant, but that's just my limited programming at work.

    However, I am also getting this from my flower arranging table since it appears to delete all flowers, fruit, vegetables and collectibles (in other words, anything you can concievably use to make something else). I have a lot of flowers stashed in the table and when I return to the lot for whatever reason (e.g. a debate event), those flowers APPEAR to still be there but all the interactions do not occur since it's looking for missing items.

    Hard to actually do anything creative, with the exception of painting, with this issue at hand.

  • FrekiNGeri's avatar
    6 years ago

    @c9956b777ce96a00I have the same thing happening when I cook or make potions. There seems to be some sort of weird stuck/unstuck thing happening with perfect produce.

    When I'm brewing a potion, if my sim keeps cancelling out the brewing action, then I know the veggie is in the stuck position. To get it unstuck, I take the veggie from where it is then put it back again (for instance, if it is lemons in the fridge - I take the lemons out of the fridge and put them in my inventory. I then put the lemons back into the fridge.) The brewing action should work the next time.

    That's also how I keep my stuff from disappearing - when I enter the game to play, I take the perfect harvestables from my fridge and put them in my inventory (to unstick them). I then put the perfect harvestables back in the fridge. Now if I go visit somewhere, my harvestables won't disappear when I come home.

  • @FrekiNGeri  That's interesting. I'll go fishing again, and when it gets "stuck", maybe putting the bait on the ground or somewhere else for a moment will work.

    I'll report back...

  • Lyoufln's avatar
    6 years ago

    I thought it was weird food in my sim's fridge kept vanishing...

    I keep putting tomatoes and basil (high/perfect quality) in the fridge after harvesting, and when I check back later (traveling back from another lot or opening up the game), the tomatoes and basil are gone! โ˜น๏ธ

    I tried keeping the stuff in my sim's inventory and it seemed to stay there...for know. Might not be there the next time I play.

  • My veg keeps disappearing, like so many other people.

    Also new for me since the Nov update:

    Sometimes, if I don't queue up a second action for my sim, she won't actually complete the first task & go watch TV or something instead. If I queue up a second task then she will finish the first and ditch out on the second.

    Other times when I queue up multiple tasks, she'll start to do the first and then all assigned tasks disappear.

    This is all quite annoying.

    Has EA acknowledged this is an issue yet?

  • This may have been answered but I wonder if this bug continues to occur if you restore a backup....?

  • Okay, so, I contacted EA help again.  The main thing, they said they're hoping to fix the bug within the next week (we can hope!).  But, in the meantime, the agent gave me a workaround that might work for some of you:

    First, clear your cache:

    Second, on your computer, access documents>>EA>>The Sims 4.  Rename The Sims 4 folder to The Sims 4 old.  Once done, launch the game.  When the game gets launched, please exit the game (you don't have to actually play it).

    Because you have renamed The Sims 4 folder to old and launched the game and exited it, it creates a new The Sims 4 folder.

    Now access The Sims 4 old folder and copy only the SAVES FOLDER.  open The Sims 4 (New Folder).  Use the paste option to paste everything which were copied from The Sims 4 old folder.  If it ask you to overwrite/ merge, select overwrite/ merge.  Once the files/ folders has been copied, launch the game.

    When I tried this, I was able to leave the lot without losing things, so at first I was really excited that it had worked.  However, when I left the game and came back, things were gone again. ๐Ÿ˜ž  It looks like we're still waiting for them to fix the bug.  At least if they do it within the next week like they hope, that's not awful, but in the meanwhile I'm personally annoyed that I can't really play.

  • SheriGR's avatar
    6 years ago

    @peta12 If you were to restore to a backup from before you lost your harvestables you would have them back. You could then try the workarounds mentioned before until the bug is fixed.

  • Jennifer329's avatar
    6 years ago

    @storywriter27   That workaround also failed for me.  I'm just going to bite the bullet and harvest my hoard all over again, once they fix it.  At least they acknowledged the glitch. I feel like they owe my sims 500k, lmao... Ugh, all that time wasted... 

  • SheriGR's avatar
    6 years ago

    @Jennifer329 They do owe you 500k in simolians. One word: Motherlode. ๐Ÿ™Œ
    Or role back to your save where you had all of your inventory and sell all but what you want to store in your household inventory, where it will be safe from the deletion bug. What is still on the vine is also safe.

  • danceswithchaos's avatar
    New Adventurer
    6 years ago
    @FrekiNGeri The problem is, any harvestable that ranges from Normal to Perfect, if it is anything but Normal it is disappearing from all but the household inventories (so I'm told). I can verify that all non-normal produce was also taken from my fridge upon re-entering my game after I'd exited. It was there before exiting, when the game re-loaded and I entered the lot, ALL non-Normal harvestables were gone from flower tables, personal Sim inventories AND the fridge. So this did not work to save mine from disappearing.

    I did learn about unsticking because before disappearing, it would not let me drag out a single item in a group of items (say, 10 perfect apples). I would have to drag all 10 into a fridge or another Sim's inventory and THEN I could grab only one to use. But then it didn't really matter b/c leave the lot or exit the game, and they are all gone again.

    I really, really hope it is only affecting lots I've entered, not any Sim that wanders onto the lot or worse, the enter game. I shudder to think the monetary and supply destruction I would have from years of gameplay if that is the case. I hate that I didn't just play my test save, but I didn't even install DU, it was just darn patch that wasn't supposed to break gameplay.
  • FrekiNGeri's avatar
    6 years ago
    @danceswithchaos Ouch - I've only tested the perfect and normal. So far none of my normals have disappeared. My perfects were disappearing every time I restarted the game or changed lots. I lost tons of them, too, so I know what you mean. โ˜น๏ธ

    Now I'm just keeping the 7 different mood berries & a bunch of perfect potatoes. I can use the perfect potatoes by leaving them in the fridge & trying to cook baked potatoes on the grill. If the recipe gets queued, then I know I'm 'unstuck' and just cancel out of the action. If they show as 'stuck', then I make sure to take all 7 of my berry types out of the fridge and put them into my inventory. Then put them all back INTO the fridge before I visit another lot. Also, right before I save my game, I do the fridge shuffle just in case. Since I started doing that, I haven't lost any perfects recently.

    Hope they get it fixed soon. I started a new game thinking I wouldn't really need a stock of perfects. I had no idea just how much I use the crops in the game, and there's no way I want to move 20 or 30 piles of veggies in and out of my inventory every time I leave my lot or game. โ˜น๏ธ
  • hwob's avatar
    6 years ago

    Hello, I'm having the same issue with my harvestables, as well as flowers I had in the in the flower arranging table & a chest I had for storage of all perfect plants. This all occurred after the last update. It appears to be a New Bug, so I don't know how long it will be before there is a fix. As it is, I cannot continue to play the game. I think I'll just download lots and build some others with houses & bring some NPG's into the Simworld until this bug is fixed. Good Luck.

  • hwob's avatar
    6 years ago

    Good idea, I might do that. Any ideas on how long it takes to fix the Bugs?

  • hwob's avatar
    6 years ago

    Glad to see the glitch has been acknowledged. The game is almost unplayable for me right now. I might just build lots and bring some NPG's into my Simworld, or play some games on my PS4; like "The Witcher" ๐Ÿคจ

  • Compulsivian's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer
    6 years ago

    @hwob wrote:

     Any ideas on how long it takes to fix the Bugs?

    Nope, one could only guess. First the problem should be recognized by EA, then found and fixed. They would probably not send an update out for only that problem, it would be together with other bugfixes and performance updates.

  • @SheriGR Never used that cheat, as I found gardening, and writing very profitable for beginners. Mostly since they included the money tree, 3 perfect money trees bring in over 30k apiece. I just want this damn bug fixed, I don't even want to play at this point. RIP university ๐Ÿ˜ž

  • RandomBuzziness's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    6 years ago
    @hwob Someone up-thread had contacted EA help & was told they are hoping to fix the bug within the next week. Let's keep our fingers crossed!