Forum Discussion

Lesamith's avatar
New Scout
5 years ago

✿The My Little Pony Generational Challenge✿

✿R A N D O M ✿ W O R D Y ✿ I N T R O✿

Hello, lovelies! I’ve been in a bit of a nostalgic mood lately, thinking about things that warmed my heart as a kid. While looking for a new sim challenge I stumbled upon the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic challenge on the forum. I’ll be totally honest with you and admit that I was born in the ’80s, so I grew up with the original My Little Pony things and know nothing about the newer stuff. As I read over the challenge requirements I thought it would be fun putting together a challenge based on the first generation ponies starting with the original six and moving through the rest. Keep in mind that this is a challenge based on my take for each of the My Little Pony characters. Some of them will be very similar because there are just so many!

At first, I thought about following the normal Legacy challenge requirements. I decided against that though because I wanted to give this challenge a little room to be customized by the player. Yes, there will be generations and requirements but it’ll be up to the player how they arrange the generations and when they wish to stop. There will be more than ten generations available soon, and I’m hoping to keep adding to the list because there are so many possibilities.

This challenge will have aspirations, traits, and careers that span all of the expansion packs, stuff packs, and game packs. If you don’t have one of the packs don’t sweat it! I want everyone to have the opportunity to play around with this challenge, so I’ll do my best to make alternative options available for others. I also want you guys to know I’m up for suggestions if you find something you think needs to be changed or added.

Oh, and one last thing, I hope that there will be a genuine interest in this challenge. I’d love for you guys to take part and share your progress here if that’s something you’re into. If you do decide to participate I hope you enjoy it. Happy simming!

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✿S E T U P ✿ A N D ✿ R U L E S ✿ T O ✿ F O L L O W✿

  • Choose the pony you wish to base your starting sim off of.
  • Make either a male or female character to start with. Whatever you want, the choice is yours as long as they can procreate.
  • You must use the aspirations and traits provided for whichever pony you’ve picked.
  • You must play with aging on and the lifespan set to Normal throughout this challenge.
  • You can use the Potion of Youth, the Age-Away serum, the Essence of Life, OR wish for Youthful Vigor ONCE per generation. Keep in mind that both the cow plant and the wishing well can be dangerous, so use them at your own risk.
  • None of your generational sims can be a vampire. They have to be able to age normally. Other, non-gen, sims can be vampires if you want.
  • All children's aspirations and traits must be randomized until you start the next generation unless otherwise stated.
  • When finishing one generation you must pick the youngest child of whichever gender you plan to use for the next. When that child becomes a young adult you must use the CAS.fulleditmode cheat to edit the aspiration and traits for the pony you’ve chosen to carry on the next generation.
  • You can either keep your new generation sim in the same house or move them to a different lot. That is up to you as the player.
  • No mods, CC, or hacks that change gameplay. There are two exceptions to this rule:
    -Custom content that changes CAS features is allowed.
    -The MCCC mod is allowed for the sole purpose of increasing the number of Sims/Pets per household if the player desires. Just keep in mind that adding loads of extra Sim/Pets to your house could cause lag.
  • The only cheats allowed are testingcheats, bb.moveobjects, CAS.fulleditmode, and sims.modify_career_outfit_in_cas cheats are allowed during gameplay. All other cheats are off-limits.
  • There is no restarting after bad events. No matter what happens you have to keep moving forward. Restarting to recover from a crash, glitch, bug, or another technical problem is allowed.
  • You are allowed to reset your sim or an object if it is buggy or glitching.

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✿P O N Y ✿ S T A T ✿ B R E A K D O W N✿

Just a note before clarifying the stats! If any of the stats are expansion pack, stuff pack, or game pack specific there will be an alternative listed for base game options in parenthesis. That way everyone has the opportunity to play along. If you see that I’ve made a mistake w1ith creating a base game friendly alternative please let me know!

Small description of the pony’s personality/hobbies/likes/interests/etc.
Aspiration: Each pony will start with an aspiration that they MUST complete before going onto the next generation. Once the Aspiration is complete you may choose another if you wish, but it’s not required.
Traits: You’ll start with predetermined traits that cannot be changed.
Career: Every pony will have a given career/job that they must hold throughout their generation until retirement unless otherwise stated.
Children: This number is the minimum amount of children your Pony/Sim is required to have before starting the next generation unless stated otherwise.
Parenting: A description of the type of parent your sims will be can be found in the section. You can take this information however you want. But, being creative and sticking to the depictions would add to the challenge and fun of the game.
Color: The color given here is that specific pony’s favorite color. They must show their love for their favorite color in some way throughout that generation’s gameplay. Be creative! They can do this by wearing it in some way, decorating their house or a room with it, etc. This is up to the player!
Generation Requirements: These are the objectives that the Pony/Sim must do to move onto the next generation.

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✿T H E ✿ P O N I E S✿

Currently there are 15 ponies to choose from.
More ponies of a wider variety will follow soon!

There’s nothing that Blossom loves more than spending time alone, tending to her beautiful garden.
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Cheerful, Loner
Career: Gardener, following the Botanist branch. (Make a living selling base game plants/produce. You can register as self-employed and give yourself the title of Gardener.)
Color: Purple
Children: 2
Parenting: Blossom must be a bit of a negligent parent because her attention is always in her garden. Have another sims deal with the kids whenever possible. This can be a roomie, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc. DO NOT let your kids get taken away.
Generation Requirements:
-Must complete the Freelance Botanist aspiration
-Max out both the Gardening and Logic skills.
-Reach level ten of the Botanist branch for the Gardening career. (Complete the Garden Collection and get the ‘Go, Green Thumbs’ plaque.)
-Make 1 of your children 100% irresponsible and the other 100% responsible.

Wandering through the forest in search of blue belle flowers is one of Blue Belle’s favorite pastimes.
Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast (The Curator)
Traits: Active, Loves the Outdoors, Outgoing
Career: Gardener, following the Floral Designer branch. (Make a living selling scavenged base game collectibles. You can register as self-employed and give yourself the title of Curator.)
Color: Blue
Children: 4
Parenting: Blue Belle must be a laid back parent. She’s a bit of a free spirit who doesn’t have a firm hand and tends to treat her kids like friends rather than her kids. She’d let her kids get away with just about anything.
Generation Requirements:
-Must complete the Outdoor Enthusiast aspiration. (Complete the Curator aspiration).
-Max out both the Flower Arranging and Fitness skills. (Max out both the Gardening and Fitness skills).
-Reach level 10 of the Floral Designer branch of the Gardener career. (Complete the Crystal Collection and get the ‘Consummate Gem Connoisseur’ plaque.
-Make sure that there is always at least one blue belle plant growing in your sim’s garden or house at any given time.

Being active is important to Butterscotch. She spends much of her time living in motion for both fun and competitiveness.
Aspiration: Bodybuilder
Traits: Athletic, Self-Assured, Bro
Career: Athlete
Color: Yellow
Children: 6
Parenting: Butterscotch is a very active sim. Because of that, she pushes her kids to get out and about, limiting their time with electronics in favor of outdoor exercise.
Generation Requirements:
-Complete the Bodybuilder aspiration.
-Max out both Fitness and Wellness skills. (Max out both the Fitness and Charisma skills).
-Reach level ten of either branch for the Athlete career.
-Move house! Your sim decides that he/she wants to move someone a little more scenic to make their daily exercise more enjoyable.

Sweets, sweets everywhere! Cotton Candy adores anything sweet from people to tasty sugary treats!
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Traits: Genius, Lazy, Glutton
Career: Doctor (Randomize a career if you don’t have Discover Get to Work.)
Color: Pink
Children: 3
Parenting: Because Cotton Candy has a sweet tooth, she tends to fill her house with sweet treats. Unfortunately, that means her kids eat a lot of junk food while lazing about and watching tv or playing video games for fun.
Generation Requirements:
-Complete the Nerd Brain aspiration.
-Max out both the Handiness and Logic skills.
-Reach level 10 of the Doctor's career. (Reach level 10 of your randomized career.)
-Have your lazy parent sims do most of the domestic tasks. IE- Cooking, cleaning, laundry, gardening, etc.

Everyone enjoys a laugh, right? Minty certainly does! She lives for silly shenanigans and crazy comedic antics.
Aspiration: Joke Star
Traits: Goofball, Self-Assured, Childish
Career: Entertainer, following the Comedian branch.
Color: Green
Children: 1 minimum, 2 maximum
Parenting: Minty is a laugh! She loves to have fun with her family, always planning fun things for them to do together. She never takes anything too seriously. Though, she does want her kid(s) to succeed.
Generation Requirements:
-Complete the Joke Star aspiration.
-Max out both the Comedy, and Charisma skills.
-Reach level 10 of the Comedian branch for the Entertainer career.
-Her kid(s) MUST get A’s in both child and teen stages of school.

Friends are super-duper important to Snuzzle. The only thing she likes more is setting trends.
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Traits: Cheerful, Squeamish, Insider
Career: Style Influencer, following the Trend Setter branch.
Color: Grey
Children: 5
Parenting: Snuzzle takes appearances very seriously. Her children must always be well put together. That means they have to be dressed nicely, with at least three changes of clothing per category, and always be clean.
Generation Requirements:
-Complete the Friend of the World aspiration.
-Max out the Charisma, Painting, Photography, and Writing skills.
-Reach level 10 of the Trend Setter branch for the Style Influencer career.
-Make a room in your house dedicated to your friendly trendsetter. Be creative! Give him/her a place for photoshoots, storage for clothing, a place to share their latest trends, etc.

Stumbling through life like a total klutz, goofy Applejack trips from one good time to the next in her kitchen.
Aspiration: Master Chef
Traits: Goofball, Clumsy, Foodie
Career: Culinary, following the Chef branch.
Color: Red
Children: 1 minimum, 3 maximum
Parenting: Applejack loves to prepare yummy food for her family, but she pushes her kid(s) to make food for themselves. It’s important to her that her family knows how to cook and clean up after themselves.
Generation Requirements:
-Complete the Master Chef aspiration.
-Max out the Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, Baking, and Mixology skills.
-Reach level 10 of the Chef branch for the Culinary career.
-Have a small orchard of apple trees in your sim’s yard at all times. Evolve the trees whenever the option becomes available.

Bow Tie loves losing herself in fashionable creations, be they silk, satin, or lace it doesn’t matter a wink.
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Traits: Gloomy, Materialistic, Perfectionist
Career: Style Influencer, following the Stylist branch.
Color: Blue
Children: 2 minimum and maximum
Parenting: Bow Tie loves her children, but she doesn’t have time to raise them right. Too worried about making a fortune for her creations, she leaves much of the caretaking to the live-in butler. (You must create a secondary sim to move into your home to act as a butler if you don’t have the Vintage Glamour pack.)
Generation Requirements:
-Complete the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration.
-Max out the Charisma, Painting, Photography, and Writing skills.
-Reach level 10 of the Stylish branch for the Style Influencer career.
-Create one additional room for your fashionista sim to work on their fashion designing and one additional room specifically for your ‘butler’ to live in.

Shy little Bubbles loves doing scientific experiments. She doesn’t always have time for bathing, but she always has time for science!
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Traits: Loner, Slob, Geek
Career: Astronaut, following the Space Ranger branch.
Color: Yellow
Children: 1 minimum, 2 maximum
Parenting: Bubbles makes a pretty good parent for a shy loner. She constantly encourages her children to do well in school, especially in science! They even have a science table for developing those mental skills, which Bubbles insists are fully maxed out for each child.
Generation Requirements:
-Complete the Nerd Brain aspiration.
-Max out the Logic, Fitness, and Rocket Science skills.
-Reach level 10 of the Space Ranger branch of the Astronaut career.
-Own an observatory.
-Make sure your children max out their mental skills before leveling up to teenagers.

As a pony who loves the water, you can always find Seashell in the outdoors fishing or swimming in the waves!
Aspiration: Beach Life (Angling Ace)
Traits: Fishing, Child of the Ocean (Loves the Outdoors), Hot-Headed
Career: Conservationist, following the Marine Biologist branch. (Make a living selling base game fish. You can register as self-employed and give yourself the title of Fisherman.)
Color: Green
Children: 6 minimum and maximum
Parenting: Seashell is an adventurous parent who always tries to get her kids involved in water-themed activities. It doesn’t matter if it's swimming, playing in the sprinkler, using a waterslide, or fishing like her. Keep those kiddies outside enjoying the water.
Generation Requirements:
-Complete the Beach Life aspiration. (Complete the Angling Ace aspiration).
-Max out the Fishing, Logic, Fitness, and Charisma skills.
-Reach level 10 of the Marine Biologist branch for the Conservationist career. (Complete the Fish Collection and get ‘The Right Angler’ plaque.)
-Keep at least two fish bowls and one aquarium in your home at all times. Keep the fish alive as long as possible throughout the generation.

It’s no secret that Firefly is a brave little pony. Courageous adventures as a foal have led to a dedicated life of serving and protecting.
Aspiration: Player’s Choice! Randomize for more of a challenge.
Traits: Self-Assured, Genius, Non-Committal
Career: Detective (Secret Agent, following the Diamond Agent branch.)
Color: Rainbow
Children: 2
Parenting: Let it be known the Firefly is a fantastic single parent! She’s dead set on raising children that will toe the lines of the law which makes her a strict, no-nonsense sort of parent. A strict curfew, daily chores, and set responsibilities are how she chooses to raise her kids.
Generation Requirements:
-Complete the sim’s given aspiration.
-Max out the Logic, Charisma, and Fitness skills.
-Reach level 10 of the Detective career. (Reach level 10 of the Diamond Agent branch of the Secret Agent career.)
-Have a dedicated work out room in your sim’s home. Physical fitness if pertinent for their career.
-Your sim must correct any bad behavior their children display if they’re on the same lot.

The sweet sound of music is like a soothing balm to Medley’s ears. Singing, playing instruments, and listening to the radio are just a few ways she likes to spend her time.
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Traits: Music Lover, Ambitious, Erratic
Career: Entertainer, following the Musician branch.
Color: Blue-green
Children: 4
Parenting: For Medley music is an important thing. She always sings to her children, teaches them skills for music, and tries to instill a love for the musical arts. To ensure they have the best musical education, Medley insists on purchasing every book and instrument for them.
Generation Requirements:
-Complete the Musical Genius aspiration.
-Max out the Guitar, Piano, and Violin skills. Also, max out the Singing skill if you have City Living.
-Reach level 10 of the Musician branch of the Entertainer career.
-Own one of every musical skill book and at least one of each musical instrument.

The lure of magic draws to Glory. No matter if it’s the magic of spellbooks, the otherworldly power of elements, the magic of potions, or the world of books.
Aspiration: Spellcraft and Sorcery ( The Curator)
Traits: Snob, Perfectionist, Good
Career: Register as Self-Employed with the title of Craft Master. Create, grow/harvest, or find magical items to sell. (Make a living selling scavenged base game collectibles, especially elements. Register as self-employed and give yourself the title of Curator.)
Color: White
Children: 3 minimum, 5 maximum
Parenting: Glory is a pretty relaxed parent. As long as her kids stay out of trouble, she’s happy to let them do what they like. She does, however, encourage them to use their imaginations in any way possible. So, their home is filled with toys, creative activities, and a reading nook for imaginative books.
Generation Requirements:
-Complete the Spellcraft and Sorcery aspiration( Complete The Curator aspiration.)
- Master all 24 spells of the Spellcaster. ( Finish both the Elements and Metal collections. Earn the ‘It’s All Elementary’ and ‘The Magnum Ingot’ plaques.)
-Max out any three skills.
-Max out each of your toddler’s Imagination skills.
-Have one of each in your house: a toy box with one of every toy, some sort of creative activity for your kids, and a designated reading area/room.

After discovering friendships don’t always last, Moondancer decided to become a bit of a bookish hermit.
Aspiration: Academic (Renaissance Sim)
Traits: Loner, Genius, Bookworm
Career: Education, following the Professor branch. (Randomize a career if you don’t have Discover University.)
Color: Red
Children: 4
Parenting: Knowledge is powerful and Moondancer wants her children to be sharp! She’s strict when it comes to education and her kids. Each day, after school, her children are expected to do their homework right away. She also makes her children do any extra credit
Generation Requirements:
-Complete the Academic aspiration. (Complete the Renaissance Sim aspiration.)
-Max out the Research, Debate, and Charisma skills. (Max out the Logic, Charisma, and 1 other skill that compliments your randomized career.)
-Reach level 10 of the Professor branch for the Education career. (Reach level 10 of whichever branch you choose for your randomized career.)
-Make sure your children always finish their homework and all extra credit possible.
-Create a designated area/room for your children to study, read, and learn.

What could be better than throwing parties for your friends? If you asked, Sunbeam would answer with a resounding NOTHING!
Aspiration: Party Animal
Traits: Outgoing, Music Lover, Cheerful
Career: Culinary, following the Mixologist branch.
Color: White
Children: 3 minimum, 6 maximum
Parenting: Sunbeam is the sort of parent that loves throwing parties for special occasions. She wants her children to know that she loves them and wants to celebrate their achievements with wonderful gatherings. Not only that, but she encourages her children to invite their friends for dinner or sleepovers, often treating them as if they’re one of her own.
Generation Requirements:
-Complete the Party Animal achievement.
-Max out the Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, Mixology, and Charisma skills.
-Reach level 10 of the Mixologist branch for the Culinary career.
-Plan gathers for your family whenever possible.
-Befriend your children’s buddies to make your kid's social lives amazing just like your sim’s.

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