5 years agoSeasoned Newcomer
🌸New Traits Ideas🌸
Besides return TS3 trait that many people hope, there're some my ideas
Conflicts with perfectionist and procrastinator. These sims will do everything faster, they also will work faster to finish things with lower quality. They usually run for move even have lazy trait. They're easily to disgusted repeated conversations and interactions, they'll angry instead of bored and can "Accuse Of Dillydally" as a mean interaction.
Conflicts with impatient. These sims will do everything slower, they also will work slower but no impact on quality. Teens and children with this trait won't doing homework autonomously. They're tend to repeated conversations and interactions and easily to accepted it.
Conflicts with over-emotional and coward. These sims will randomly get the "Feeling Fine" moodlet, most moodlets contribute less to sims mood(Lower limit is 1) and hardly performing emotion-related interactions autonomously. They'll tend to extinguish the fire autonomously, sims both have brave and calm traits will have higher chance for have the ability to fight with burglar(I always think in TS3 a normal untrained sim only with brave trait always can fight with burglar is too unrealistic). They don't perform emotion-related animations. They have higher chance for winning a fight(if traits in TS4 are effect on fighting). They won't effect by vampires Emotion power. When mourning on a grave, they'll stand in silent tribute instead of wail.
Conflicts with hot-headed. These sims are hard to anger and less performing mean interactions on others, hardly performing angry-related interactions autonomously. Sims both have impatient and mild traits won't angry at repeated conversations and interactions, they'll bored. They always can be calmed down from the try to calm down social.
Conflicts with good and evil. These sims are mixed good and evil. They will have "Good Vibes" moodlet if others have positive moodlet(but won't have "Near Misery" moodlet when others have negative moodlets), can "Discuss World Peace" with other Sims, also can "Discuss Evil Plans" with other evil sims, get an extra "Did Good" moodlet from making a donation. They'll laugh manically at the enemies death, laugh at pets when they misbehave, also can smash dollhouses even when currently not angry. But they won't get "Sad about evilness" or "Good v.s. Evil" moodlet, can't "Dismiss Goodness", won't laugh maniacally autonomously like pure evil sims. They'll sad for non-enemies death.
Doomed Lucky
Conflicts with lucky and unlucky. These sims will randomly have "Abnormal Lucky" moodlet, it cause they being Luckily; if others interactive with the sim with this moodlet, they'll randomly have "Doomed Feeling" moodlet, it cause they being unluckily. It doesn't work for sims with lucky, unlucky and doomed lucky trait. They have higher chance for winning a fight, sims who fight with them have lower chance for winning(if traits in TS4 are effect on fighting). Same as unlucky sims, these sims only can die from old age.
These sims tend to be stay in their homes. They'll have "Stay In Home" happy+1 moodlet when stay in home. If they leave their home for a while, they'll have "Leave Too Long" tense+1 moodlet(except they go to work or school). They can "Talk about home" with others. Inactive sims with this trait will hardly go out.
Inspired by one of my new sim in TS3 and lindaatjuh's idea
Conflicts with genius. These sims are... have low IQ... or just relatively dull. They're at a strongly disadvantage in school, activities and careers that require intelligence(such as chess, secret agent), they also hard to improve logic skill. When help children and teens with homework or school projects that need logic, sims with this trait will no effect, even cause a lower quality. Unintellgence isn't necessarily equal to dull in all things, they also can choose creative trait.
Conflicts with perfectionist and procrastinator. These sims will do everything faster, they also will work faster to finish things with lower quality. They usually run for move even have lazy trait. They're easily to disgusted repeated conversations and interactions, they'll angry instead of bored and can "Accuse Of Dillydally" as a mean interaction.
Conflicts with impatient. These sims will do everything slower, they also will work slower but no impact on quality. Teens and children with this trait won't doing homework autonomously. They're tend to repeated conversations and interactions and easily to accepted it.
Conflicts with over-emotional and coward. These sims will randomly get the "Feeling Fine" moodlet, most moodlets contribute less to sims mood(Lower limit is 1) and hardly performing emotion-related interactions autonomously. They'll tend to extinguish the fire autonomously, sims both have brave and calm traits will have higher chance for have the ability to fight with burglar(I always think in TS3 a normal untrained sim only with brave trait always can fight with burglar is too unrealistic). They don't perform emotion-related animations. They have higher chance for winning a fight(if traits in TS4 are effect on fighting). They won't effect by vampires Emotion power. When mourning on a grave, they'll stand in silent tribute instead of wail.
Conflicts with hot-headed. These sims are hard to anger and less performing mean interactions on others, hardly performing angry-related interactions autonomously. Sims both have impatient and mild traits won't angry at repeated conversations and interactions, they'll bored. They always can be calmed down from the try to calm down social.
Conflicts with good and evil. These sims are mixed good and evil. They will have "Good Vibes" moodlet if others have positive moodlet(but won't have "Near Misery" moodlet when others have negative moodlets), can "Discuss World Peace" with other Sims, also can "Discuss Evil Plans" with other evil sims, get an extra "Did Good" moodlet from making a donation. They'll laugh manically at the enemies death, laugh at pets when they misbehave, also can smash dollhouses even when currently not angry. But they won't get "Sad about evilness" or "Good v.s. Evil" moodlet, can't "Dismiss Goodness", won't laugh maniacally autonomously like pure evil sims. They'll sad for non-enemies death.
Doomed Lucky
Conflicts with lucky and unlucky. These sims will randomly have "Abnormal Lucky" moodlet, it cause they being Luckily; if others interactive with the sim with this moodlet, they'll randomly have "Doomed Feeling" moodlet, it cause they being unluckily. It doesn't work for sims with lucky, unlucky and doomed lucky trait. They have higher chance for winning a fight, sims who fight with them have lower chance for winning(if traits in TS4 are effect on fighting). Same as unlucky sims, these sims only can die from old age.
These sims tend to be stay in their homes. They'll have "Stay In Home" happy+1 moodlet when stay in home. If they leave their home for a while, they'll have "Leave Too Long" tense+1 moodlet(except they go to work or school). They can "Talk about home" with others. Inactive sims with this trait will hardly go out.
Inspired by one of my new sim in TS3 and lindaatjuh's idea
Conflicts with genius. These sims are... have low IQ... or just relatively dull. They're at a strongly disadvantage in school, activities and careers that require intelligence(such as chess, secret agent), they also hard to improve logic skill. When help children and teens with homework or school projects that need logic, sims with this trait will no effect, even cause a lower quality. Unintellgence isn't necessarily equal to dull in all things, they also can choose creative trait.