In this competition you will be making photos based on your interpretations of songs, or in other words, what they mean to or inspire in you. Your images can be about the entire meaning of the song, just the feeling (as some will lack singing), just snippets of the lyrics, or any hidden messages you hear. Majority of the rounds are free-reign with no specific requirements so your imagination can run wild, and there are also no examples in this comp since it is all about listening and imagining. I will not post majority as embedded videos for various reasons, but I will link to the songs and lyrics so you may click and listen. I will also try my best to avoid music videos, as I want you guys to make edits based on what you think, not what the video is showing (even if some videos have nothing to do with the song).
These songs I choose will either be straightforward or confusing, it just depends on what I choose and how you see things. Also, the songs I choose will not be hardcore (so no hardcore rap, screamo, or hardcore metal, etc.), or inappropriate (though some may imply or have a word or two), so that everyone can enjoy the competition, and for future cycles I may do specific eras/genres. Also, please keep in mind that some songs may be sad or even refer to things, like guns, or cheating. These songs though can range from pop, Vocaloid, rap, jazz, rock, Celtic, fantasy, 90’s, classical, epic, swing, or even techno, so having a wide taste and appreciation for music will be a good thing. I will do my absolute best to give you guys a wide variety, though there are some songs that I’ve been dying to see be interpreted, so some genres may appear more than once, it just depends!
I hope you enjoy this competition, and who knows, maybe you’ll find a new artist you like. ;)
(If you would like to suggest songs, or specific genres/eras for future cycles, please message me!)
Be respectful! No fighting, insulting, or belittling yourselves.
There is no roleplaying or storytelling required in this comp, unless you choose to do so. Explanations for your photos, when submitting, are recommended and may be required depending on the song chosen (such as songs lacking lyrics).
A wide range of music with different themes will be chosen. Please keep this in mind when signing up as we do not want drops just because one or two songs made you uncomfortable for whatever reason.
S2/S3/S4 models are allowed.
1 model per contestant, any gender, any size, YA only. No supernatural/fantasy/sci-fi/etc. sims, and no berry sims. Sims can be from previous competitions and must be of your own creation.
Remember that we do not alter the genetics in modeling (body shape/features, muscle, fat, etc. or skin color). Besides hair color/style, everything needs to be changed back to normal after the assignment (this includes contacts, tattoos, eyebrows, giving tans, etc.).
CC is allowed and recommended, but not required.
Editing is optional, but recommended. You are allowed to draw for this comp.
Follow Community Rules: No cheating, no copying, no face/body plastering (includes simmerizing). (No photoskinning in this comp. Hair photoskinning is fine if high quality and correctly edited.)
Follow Forum Rules: No nudity, no inappropriate content, no excessive blood. If you must do excessive blood or nudity for your assignment, post it on the Simmetry thread instead, or send it to me via pm.
Assignments will be 7-10 days long, depending on the song. New rounds will be posted as soon as scoring starts. No eliminations.
Redos/resubmissions are not allowed so no one feels that their interpretation is wrong, and changes the idea as a result.
Extensions need to be asked for at least 5+ hours in advance. Extensions last for 2 days unless you absolutely need more time, but please state so beforehand so we can work out the time.
Late submissions are accepted if you submit before the judges get back to me, but please just ask for an extension instead of being late. If you have not submitted by the time scoring is published, you will automatically receive the lowest rank, which means lowest amount of points for that round.
Please avoid dropping or disappearing.
Everything is due by 11:59 pm Arizona time (MST is closest time). I will include a timer, but here is a nifty timezone converter as well:
If you have questions or concerns, say something! Don’t hesitate and cost yourself points or stress because you weren’t sure of something.
---------- Not Checked In ---------- ---------- Checked In ---------- @NShippudenFan (Lilly) with Megan Black @Socallucyfan (Socal) with Stella
Final 3 ---------- Assignment Submitted ---------- @Movotti with Trash Kan @Penguinwa101 (Penguin) with Emily Thomas @TEXASTWANGTONYA (Tonya) with Tianna Darling ----------
It is time! The finale is here, and all scores are now reset to 0. This song is one of my favorites, and I'm hoping to see some amazing pictures from you guys to do it justice. Good luck! (I apologize for the song being a bit fast, and the lyrics small. All the original version lyric videos had a lot of flashing lights, images, etc., and for concern of those with epilepsy I decided on this one. Some of the original videos though, if you can stand the flashing, etc., are actually quite interesting to watch and I highly recommend checking them out. I have posted the lyrics above the video as well for those having difficulty reading the lyrics. Also, the original version is a Vocaloid song.)
The clock stopped ticking forever ago. How long have I been up? I don't know. I can't get a grip, but I can't let go There wasn't anything to hold on to though.
Why can't I see? Why can't I see? All the colors that you see? Please, can I be, Please can I be, Colorful and free?
What the he...ll's going on?! Can someone tell me please? Why I'm switching faster than the channels on TV? I'm black, then I'm white, No! Something isn't right! My enemy's invisible, I don't know how to fight!
The trembling fear is more than I can take, When I'm up against The echo in the mirror! Echo!
I'm gonna burn my house down into an ugly black. I'm gonna run away now and never look back.
I'm gonna burn my house down into an ugly black. I'm gonna run away now and never look back.
I'm gonna burn my house down into an ugly black. I'm gonna run away now and never look back.
I'm gonna burn my house down into an ugly black. I'm gonna run away now and never look back.
I'm gonna burn my house down, And never look back. And never look back.
And never look back!
What the he...ll's going on?! Can someone tell me please? Why I'm switching faster than the channels on TV? I'm black, then I'm white, No! Something isn't right! My enemy's invisible, I don't know how to fight!
What the he...ll's going on?! Can someone tell me please? Why I'm switching faster than the channels on TV? I'm black, then I'm white, No! Something isn't right! My enemy's invisible, I don't know how to fight!
The trembling fear is more than I can take, When I'm up against The echo in the mirror!
The trembling fear is more than I can take, When I'm up against The echo in the mirror!
For the first time in my comps, we are using a ranking system! The ranking is based on who we think was the most creative, image’s relation to song, plus judge’s preference, etc. all rolled into one, similar to all the other comps using this system (so basically who did the best overall). The ranking system works like the other comps, in that points are assigned to each rank and added up at the end to determine placement. I didn’t feel that it was fair to score these with a rubric when this was based on creative interpretation. So as long as you are creative and execute the ideas well when doing your interpretations, you should do well in this comp.
Feedback is optional on your end. So if you don’t want feedback for whatever reason, say so, and the judges will skip your comments every round. Otherwise everyone will receive feedback from us. Feedback includes the usual pros/cons, how to improve editing, and how better to go about executing an idea. We will keep them short to make judging faster.
20 points
18 points
16 points
14 points
12 points
10 points
If you miss a round, you receive the lowest amount of points for that round. That means if we have 6 contestants and one doesn't submit, the lowest rank is 5. That means the one who didn't submit receives the same rank as whoever got rank 5, meaning they both got 12 points instead of 10. Hopefully that made sense, but if not, ask questions.
I will be posting scorecards so people can see how judging is going, but I will not reveal total points, etc. until we get to the final 3, as I feel that stresses everyone.
Be creative! If your sim is just standing there staring at the camera when the song is about devoted love, etc., you will not do well.
This is not a regular modeling/fashion competition. Don’t worry about how fashionable the model is, don’t focus on editorial poses, etc. Go for poses that actually express your idea, and dress them appropriately for the situation.
If you feel your image starts to become confusing and/or unrelated, provide an explanation as a just in case. The last thing you want to do is get the judges confused and not have an explanation to help guide them.
Quality is not a large focus in this comp, but that does not mean you should forego quality. Round 10 Entries Penguin with Emily Thomas
I would first like to say I honestly love this song the message of mental health is powerful and strong and I clung on to that because I personally have people in my life that i'm very very close to,that deal with Bi-polar disorder and other mental help problems. I also, personally have diagnosed PTSD and i'm a strong advocate for mental health.
with that I clung on to these verses:
"What the he...ll's going on?! Can someone tell me please? Why I'm switching faster than the channels on TV? I'm black, then I'm white, No! Something isn't right! My enemy's invisible, I don't know how to fight!
The trembling fear is more than I can take, When I'm up against The echo in the mirror!"
In the image you can see a torn bi-sided Emily in the signal static I wanted to show the presence and pull of a manic behavior present in someone's mind by giving it a physical representation I also like the play on words of "switching channels on tv" as to being the changing mood and mindsets of individuals with Bi-polar disorder. also giving the idea of having an invisible enemy, which with mental health in some cases is yourself with is why their are two versions of Emily meshed into one giving the effect that the one she is in battle with is her own mind... and emily in the corner of the room represents her overall fearfulness of what is going on within herself internally.
the other verse represented is this one: "I'm gonna burn my house down into an ugly black. I'm gonna run away now and never look back. I'm gonna burn my house down, And never look back. And never look back. And never look back!"
people with Bi-polar disorder or even some other mental health issues such as Depression and even PTSD. They sometimes act in a destructive or violent way to themselves or to their surroundings. which is what is represented here with the fire, Emily in a Bi-polar envelopment/episode has set fire to her home and is crowded in the corner in fear of the situation and danger that she is not only mentally in, but now physically in, as well.
Tonya with Tianna Darling
This Song to Me... Is totally about Mental Illness -- Bi Polar Mania and Or Schizophrenia Mania.... I Myself Have Bi Polar and Manic Episodes for Years and My Father with Schizophrenia so this really hit home... Talking about -- I am "Switching" faster than the channels on TV I'm Black I'm White NO! Something isn't Right! My "Enemy's Invisible" I don't know how to fight .... this is definitely to me Hallucinations during Mania Episodes...You can't think!!!!! Your brain goes so fast you can't keep up Literally!... Why Can't I see All the colours that you see? Meaning .. Why can't I just be "Normal" and be like everyone else!!!!! Paranoia!!!...Voices!!!.... The trembling fear is more than I can take --- Meaning --- When your in these Manic episodes its the scariest thing and you don't know how to come out of it it consumes you and you cannot control it ... You look at yourself and wonder what is happening which to me is the "Echo" In the Mirror ... You see nothing familiar....
With these Lyrics --- I'm gonna burn my house down into an ugly black. I'm gonna run away now and never look back.
I'm gonna burn my house down, And never look back. And never look back.
In This Manic State You do "Irrational" things that doesn't make sense or not even logical in the LEAST! Such as the Song Says -- I'm gonna burn my house down and never look back!!!
Movotti with Trash Kan
Trash is stuck in a depressing black and white world, but can see a colourful world through the mirror. But also on the other side of the mirror, is the manic echo of Trash.
The clock stopped ticking forever ago. How long have I been up? I don't know. I can't get a grip, but I can't let go There wasn't anything to hold on to though.
Up late at night, losing track of time.
Why can't I see? Why can't I see? All the colors that you see? Please, can I be, Please can I be, Colorful and free?
What the he...ll's going on?! Can someone tell me please? Why I'm switching faster than the channels on TV? I'm black, then I'm white,
Bipolar disorder
Something isn't right! My enemy's invisible, I don't know how to fight!
The trembling fear is more than I can take, When I'm up against The echo in the mirror! Echo!
The invisible enemy is mental health problems. Alternating between manic episodes and depression. The echo is yourself in the other state.
I'm gonna burn my house down into an ugly black. I'm gonna run away now and never look back.
wanting to escape yourself and the situation in a violent and destructive way. Mizzie Penguin with Emily Thomas Comments: Wow! You did an amazing job portraying this song. The fear she shows, the destroyed room that is now on fire, and her altered appearance expresses the mental health tone very well! I do wish it had a bit less of a supernatural appearance (like changing her sitting version's eyes to normal), but other than that I think you excelled this round!
Tonya with Tianna Darling Comments: Wonderful job Tonya! I love the effects going on, and you did a great job portraying the overall theme of the song. While the staring blankly fits with depression, I almost wish to see a sadder expression to give the image more impact, but that's very minor. I'm also curious to know what that thing is next to her? I think its a mirror but she has no reflection, so it threw me a bit. xD Love the image though, one of your best in this comp!
Movotti with Trash Kan Comments: You did a great job adding in that second image to the mirror, and I love the black and white versus color in your image. The warped reality he is living in portrays the depression, etc. well. Although, while I do really love this image, it almost feels like he's seeing an evil twin in a horror movie rather than his manic echo. Either way, great job!
Jen Penguin with Emily Thomas Comments: This picture tells a story without even looking at the explanation, but the explanation was needed to bring the mental health aspect into play that you mentioned. From your shot alone, this could have depicted a fallen actress or a horror movie. The background is perfect and her stance and look gives off an almost supernatural look. Your interpretation and representation works with the song either way.
Tonya with Tianna Darling Comments: This would have to be my favourite from you, Tonya. It explicitly exemplifies exactly what the song’s lyrics portray. I didn’t even need to see your explanation to know that Tianna was a split personality seeing hallucinations and suffering internally or anguish over some other mental health issue. I have a sister with bi-polar and schizophrenia who describes what you represented here exactly.
Movotti with Trash Kan Comments: I really like how you’ve depicted the song lyrics here. Seeing a different person in the mirror and the fear and shock of it all. Perhaps finding out for the first time something is very wrong. I think the black and white vs.the colour version of trash and his expressions say it all. Your explanation makes sense of your image, but it is needed to bring about the meaning from your shot as it could be something supernatural or out of a horror movie on it's own.
Wbombje Penguin with Emily Thomas Comments: I really love what you did with this round! I love the background and you're interpretation. I think that even the negative space works with this round, because it almost kind of represents sometimes the emptiness that depression can bring. I do wish that the picture was a little larger so I could see more detail. Well done!
Tonya with Tianna Darling Comments: I really love how this turned out. Even though she's just sitting there kind of staring into space, I think it does represent depression and sometimes feeling lost in your head. I like the use of colors in this, too.
Movotti with Trash Kan Comments: I loved your interpretation of this song. I like how you used the different facial expressions and color vs. black/white. Awesome entry! I'm glad I wasn't the only one to interpret this song this way! It certainly has a lot of meaning for those of us who struggle with mental health. Thank you guys so much for doing a beautiful job with this song, and thank you for competing!
Message From Jen: A song that clearly portrays some form of internal struggle and anxiety and all your portrayals rang true.
Penguin with Emily Thomas
Lilly with Megan Black
Tonya with Tianna Darling
Karen with Sonnet Colbert
Movotti with Trash Kan
Socal with Stella
Round 2 Assignment 2 - Human
The artist had this to say about her song. Maybe it will help open more doors for you when thinking of ideas.
"The basic human need to be watched was once satisfied by God. Now, the same functionality can be replicated by man. This is the tale of a voyeuristic consumerism nightmare."
Human. What is human..? What does it mean to be human..? The lone figure stands within dark, within shadow. She yearns to know, to understand. How does one become human? What is humanity? What does it mean to show humanity? What is human? Are all humans made of flesh, blood, skin, a heart? Can one be alive and not human? Can one be human without being alive? Such thoughts trouble the young woman. Woman? No, perhaps that term doesn't work for her. She is...female, that's obvious. She has eyes, a nose, red lips, short messy locks. But inside..? Nothing human is there. She has no heart, no blood, no veins. She does not bleed, she does not speak. She does not feel. She is a cold, lifeless machine. She is not human. She wasn't born to human parents. She never had a real family. Her only connection to the outside world was through the people who brought her into the world with experiments and inventions, her home was a laboratory. She was made to be a killer machine; one who obeys without a word, one who does not feel. A machine. Not human. No one expected the young 'woman' to be anything but a robot. Being human was never an option for her. Still, the 'woman' ponders, and has thoughts about being human. She is not without thought, she is not without emotion. She is not a lifeless, mindless robot. She is not exactly human either. Instead, she's something in between. There are tears. They fall down her face silently. If she had a heart, it would surely break. If she could speak, her mouth would be open with sobs and screams. There's pain within. So much pain, and feelings she cannot explain. Is this what it means to be human? Is being human always this dark, lonely, and confusing? Is being human nothing but pain, and suffering? She does not have an answer.
Tonya with Tianna Darling
To Me this song came across as someone wanting acceptance no matter what others think and showing they are HUMAN........and They can do what they want dress as they want express themselves as they want be who they are INSIDE and just be themselves
Karen with Sonnet Colbert
I hope what I was trying to convey is clear, if not think "Amsterdam." I ran with the artist's explanation that the song was about 'voyeuristic consumerism.'
Movotti with Trash Kan
Explanation What is it to be human?
I've only been here one time
It’s passing me by Been in and out And in front of my judgmental eyes My precious disguise Business so cold Can’t cope with my own How to not fail
A constant state of second guessing, of re-examining oneself. Of feeling out of control, but being ones own master. The rest of the song sums up the components of a human, but this part feels to be more about the mind. We're more than just flesh and bones, we're self-aware beings, and it's not just ourselves that we are aware of, it's the passage of time, and our own mortality.
The plumbob is yellow, because we're not always in a perfectly happy state, there's always something to cause worry, and table top Trash has the body language representing concern. The clock is the constant reminder that time is passing, to the top right is the reminder of mortality.
God-like Trash is the representation of the sense of self, he's the thought in the back of the mind, constantly reminding of when things have gone wrong, the little voice of doubt that butts in on your ideas.
In short, to be human is to battle the internal struggle, to live life from inside your own mind, a place where no one else can exist. To be human is to be aware that you are in control of your own existence, and it's up to you to do as you choose, in the short time that you have to live, because this is the only time that you're here.
Socal with Stella
I read the article posted and the part that stuck out to me was, "Sevdaliza has fused the power of sexual desire with the anxiety of being different to make for a beautifully dark, twisted piece of art". I also used the quote posted at the top of the assignment, "The basic human need to be watched was once satisfied by God. Now, the same functionality can be replicated by man." So in the assignment Stella is not wearing much and being lusted over by these men, but she is in control. Her pose is confident, despite her scars and imperfections.
Round 3 Assignment 3 - Paris
Penguin with Emily Thomas
The phrases "Where I am, I will stand alone, I don't need the money. I don't want for much.. these two hands never will they mourn" AND " I'm the dancer of the dance, Let the socialites in her hands, let them love me when i'm not around".... So pairing that with the overall jazz and swing tone of the song... I envisioned a aging jazz singer alone in a moment of thought, thinking that she's had this career for a while and thinking about maybe leaving the "lounge life" and letting a new starlet take over in her place...
Lilly with Megan Black
My inspiration for this song was mainly with the lyrics about her being alone, and how she felt more comfortable with 'mannequins'. So, I tried to show Megan posing/dancing with mannequins beside her; could be interpreted as actually being there, or imaginary.
Tonya with Tianna Darling
Even all the Lyrics Made me think of her this way. I See her Loving her Passion for Design so Much..That she even brings it home to her home studio She is Most comfortable and Happy and Passionate doing what she LOVES...No matter the Money or Whom She Might Impress It's Her Passion that drives her! When it says these two hands will never mourn -- I take that as She will always be a designer using her hands to create beauty! Even in Solitude....Here she is in her Home Studio Happy with what she is doing Submerging herself in her Designing and Creating...Even if its Designing at home or wherever it may be travelling and Showing her Pieces at Grande Fashion Shows...She is Cold to the Public and people around her only seeing her as a Famous Designer not as a Human that needs to be seen as much more... She feels empty when She is around the Public but at home she feels comfort in her surrounds making her masterpieces for the world to see....It's as if the Public and All eyes on her and what she is famous for drives her to solitude! & She will always dress in her own Fashion Designs..It's so easy for her to forget where she's gone and looked at as Only Famous.... Solitude is where she is happy... It's evident she has been hurt and turned COLD to her Admirers....because of them not seeing whom she really is....
Karen with Sonnet Colbert
This is my take on an interpretation of the lyrics in combination with who the artist has said the song is about; Madame Grès aka Alix Barton. She was a scrulpter, painter and above all a Parisian fashion designer who invented the art of draping in the Grecian/Roman style of dress. She was said to have used her sculpting background to mold her designs to the bodies of her clients.
She was very protective of her personal life and had been described as cold in her demeanor. In later years she retreated to her studio and mostly led a solitary life. When she died, no one knew about it for a month after her death.
Taking the lyrics, "I'll take hours to perfect, in this room of disconnect. All I need are mannequins and me," I picture a woman who is an obsessed perfectionist that has gone a little insane. She feels disconnected from normal humans having pushed them aside with her aloof attitude and views her mannequins as her only true 'friends.'
Added to that the lyrics, "Where I am, I will stand alone, I don't need the money, I don't want for much.... I'd rather you not love, before you want too much," tells me that she feels that her fame and the attention she gets from it is smothering, she's a loner. She has all that she needs already from her fortune, but it doesn't mean much to her. She'd rather spend her days locked in her studio chasing a dream, the perfect dress.
Unfortunately, in her eyes, her designs are never perfect. But, when the lyrics say, "these two hands, never will they mourn," I think she means that she's not really unhappy about them not holding a loved one, because they were used to create her masterpieces. So don't feel sorry for her.
Later lyrics, "those who cherished me will not let them forget," I believe speak of her desire, despite being a loner, to be loved and not forgotten, remembered for her work. The ones who cherished her, were her dresses, her babies, her ultimate legacy. Although I guess it could mean her clients as well and those who tried to emulate her style.
To sum up my entry, it shows a famous fashion designer who is a loner, obsessed with creating the perfect dress. She's locked herself in her studio and talks to her mannequins. She's quite insane, she wears her own designs because she loves beautiful clothes and enjoys admiring herself in the mirrors as she works. Deep down she hates being perceived as cold and vows to leave a legacy behind that will make everyone remember and love her. If not for herself, at least for her brilliance.
The statues represent her love of sculpting and the Grecian/Roman style of dress and the fashion sketches are real designs by Madame Grès.
Movotti with Trash Kan
When your passion is fashion, fame comes with it. Yet, even though his face is everywhere, his fans don't seem to recognise him on the street (even while carrying a bolt of cloth). And if you don't make it to the very top of the industy, someone new will take your place, and you will fade into anonymity.
I had no idea what I was doing with this one, I just made a pretty street scene, that felt like it fit. :p Then I played around with adding in the cloth. And liked the look of the whole thing, so kept it. (Yes, the bags and signs do say Trashy)
Socal with Stella
I wanted to do something a bit different for this song. I just closed my eyes and listened. The first thing that came to mind was Stella singing in a smoky French café. Also, I know that Caro has a very vintage style about her, and so I styled Stella in a similar fashion.
Round 4 Assignment 4 - Homeostasis
Penguin with Emily Thomas
I really latched onto the dead/ dying aspect of the song with the "changing/spinning" and the end verse seemed really dark to me... - I feel so cold The sweetest stare My wool filled eyes Your hollow care A tiny game of truth or dare I’m changing, I’m spinning Uh, morphogenic I’m webbing I’m morphing Uh, morphogenic I’m hungry, I’m thirsty Uh, morphogenic I’m tired, I’m wasting Uh, morphogenic - And I kinda combined spider-lover with kinda a vampire-y aspect lol sorta with and went with a vampire victim... - She floats so soft Inside his web My spider lover His useless head -
With those to sets of ideas I envisioned a vampire victim dying and in the process of loosing their life essence, or their soul/what makes them human
In VERY simple summation: I though of someone dying and becoming a vampire and their life's soul trying to cling back onto them... LOL!
So, the lyrics I decided to focus on were 'She floats so soft..Inside his web, My spider lover,His useless head I told you not to touch my bed'
From these lyrics, I interpreted that the song could be about cheating. 'She' being another woman, 'inside his web', being with him, 'I told you not to touch my bed'= I told you not to cheat/have someone else in our bed.
'I’m changing, I’m spinning... morphogenic, I’m morphing'- Megan in my image has literally morphed/changed into a dark form filled with rage and hate. She's spinning out of control, and has lost herself because of her anger/jealousy.
Tonya with Tianna Darling
She is Purely His Possession and Captive ... He has seduced her to the point She cannot deny it thus her Morphing to exactly what he wants her to be for him... Talking about her Wool Filled eyes as if She cannot get out of his seduction...and and Meaningless "Hollow" Stare! She cannot deny he has her in a "Trance" to the point She is no longer herself ......She is Hungry, Thirsty, Tired and Wasting because He drains her inner being! So she succumbs to his needs because he is weakening her to her "Core" ... I see him as a "Creature" a "Monster" Or even Just simply a Seducer!
Karen with Sonnet Colbert
Since my original idea for this round had already been used, I decided to to come up with something else. So, here's my alternate story of what the song lyrics mean to me. It's a bit of a twist from what you'd expect since the main character is actually the 'tiny moth.' I hope it makes sense and that you notice the bits of symbolism I incorporated into the edit.
It's about a petite (a tiny moth), but fierce, cool and confident (wrapped in lungs, got my armor and I got my gun) dark beauty having an affair with a gorgeous man who is somewhat of a player (she floats so soft inside his web, my spider lover). He's not very smart (his useless head), but she doesn't care. She's not interested in his intellect. ;)
They have a mutual agreement the affair is nothing more than sex, and neither one should try to get closer or have any contact other than for the purpose of setting up a time and place for their lovely romps in the sack. Hence, she tells him quite forcefully to never call her 'hun' because it's an endearment meant only for true lovers.
After a few years, she gets tired of their arrangement, despite his allure, and wants more. She decides to try to find the love lost for her husband so they can start a family together. Her biological clock is ticking. She feels like she's wasting her life, just spinning her wheels and tries to end it with her lover. (the chorus)
She thinks it's over, but he comes to her house (I told you not to touch my bed i.e. come anywhere near my home) and blows her mind (you blow my brains) by telling her he's in love with her. Her husband is at work, but due home any minute. She's able to get rid of him by promising to meet him later that night at one of their secret hideaways to discuss it.
When she arrives, she lies and says she's had a change of heart and is willing to leave her husband for him. He's overjoyed and they fall into bed together. Afterwards, she tells him she brought a bottle of champagne to celebrate and gets up to pour them a glass. As he lies in bed watching the moon rise over the ocean, she slips poison into his glass. (I'll blow my cool) They toast their love and he immediately feels sick. He runs to the bathroom and makes it inside before collapsing dead on the floor.
She gets dressed, checks to make sure he's truly gone and then a bit shaken by what she's done, she stumbles out of the bathroom to the empty bedroom. But she quickly regains her cool and calmly walks away with menacing dead eyes to her car. (You know I can't play by the rules)
Each time I listened to the track, I got the same imagery. A spider in it's lair. It builds it's web, and just waits for it's prey. It doesn't actively hunt, it just waits. The music, and the lyrics have the feel of a hidden threat, and possesiveness, like a spider.
Socal with Stella
So, for starters I thought of and interpreted these lyrics as someone who has lost their love OR that they themselves are the lover that's lost. - Where are you now Was it all in my fantasy Where are you now Were you only imaginary Where are you now
Atlantis Under the sea Under the sea Where are you now Another dream
So, moving on. I thought the 3rd verse was REALLY powerful and it made me think and come up with this idea of someone who is kinda in a suspended animation... like a coma... and I love this verse its honestly REALLY thought provoking when you read it... - I'm faded So lost I'm faded These shallow waters, never met What I needed I'm letting go A deeper dive Eternal silence of the sea I'm breathing Alive -
So in summary, I envisioned a lover who has been in a accident/incident that puts her in a coma while, and she is not with her lover due to her being in a coma. Also, I wanted to represent that she is in this catatonic suspended state in her mind, underwater, and unable to be with her love and is alive to an extent, but also not alive because she's in a catatonic coma unable to do anything....
In BASIC, BASIC terms, I envisioned a woman who is in a coma unable to be with her lover and in state of suspended animation.
Lilly with Megan Black
Megan is mourning the loss of her relationship. She's filled with despair, and now wonders if her love was truly real, or a figment of her imagination. Either way, she's sad, and faded; within the ocean.
Tonya with Tianna Darling
OK I did a Foggy Atmosphere With the Sea Showing him "Lost" to Her...and Her Crying for Her Lover-- Not understanding Where he is -- Why he left -- Why She Can't see him -- I see her thinking with the Lyrics Was it Imaginary or Even Real... Maybe Just a Fantasy...because the Love she felt for him to me was Something She had never Experienced and With him gone She is Fading ( Losing herself and so Distraught that She can only believe it was Not Real at all because Why would he just Disappear ) With the Lyrics the Monsters running Wild inside of me .....It's as if that means She is so Hurt! and too with the Lyrics These Shallow waters never met what I needed She Knew he was not good for her or else he would still be there with her but wanted him to be because she truly was in love and Also with the Lyrics "Another Dream" It seems she has been there before Hurt by another With "I am letting go a "DEEPER dive Eternal silence of the sea.. I am breathing Alive....Means to me She is seeking more than what she has been given by Other Lovers....It seems to me She has been hurt so much She is Simply "Faded" at the thought of Having someone really really LOVE HER
Karen with Sonnet Colbert
I found some really dark themes in this one. Someones lover was stolen by the sea.
At first I was going to go with a lover lost at sea, but somehow, I was also getting the feeling that maybe it was more self inflicted. The guy with the wings is the lover left behind, we don't see his face, and I've tryed to portray loss in his posture. Trash is the lost lover, I've tried to make him seem depressed, contemplating a non-existence, and in a twist on the lyrics, he's the one who is faded, he's the one swallowed up by the sea.
There's cracks on the wall, and cobwebs, and the overall image is intentionally a bit washed out, a bit faded, but the picure on the wall isn't, it's from a happier time.
Socal with Stella
First off... a personal thought of mine, but I feel this might be one of the most powerful and thought provoking edits I've ever done... with that being said, I'm REALLY happy with the way it turned out!
For Paper or Plastic: after hearing it my first initial thought was Plastic Surgery because of the chorus lyrics - Paper or plastic go spend your paper on plastic Go buy a life that's fantastic cause all you are is your assets Paper or plastic do you want paper or plastic You can't buy love without passion So please don't do nothing drastic - and is one of the things I wanted to portray in the image, which is the pre-surgery markings on her face.
the other motif and aspect of the song which I though was really neat to have heard in the song, was death or the loss of innocence, due to the pre-chorus/refrain lyrics - Why do all the good girls have to die, na na na Living in a bad girl's paradise, na na na Halo's running there, halo's light it up Feel the rush, now you're one of us - and after hearing those set of lyrics and aspect of the song I just knew and thought of a image of a sweet woman/girl in a casket who has unfortunately passed away, but on her face are the surgery marking of a plastic surgeon.
BUT another thing about this song which I know we aren't really suppose to go a copy/draw inspiration of the music video of the song, but after hearing the song a few times I saw the M/V in the side-bar and I just HAD to see what this Brooke Candy is all about... and I feel like it would be doing the song a tiny bit of injustice if I didn't represent the underlying motif of, domestic abuse.... which is represented by the bruising on and around parts of Emily's eyes...
In summary the image represent a woman/girl who represents a fallen, good, innocent/angelic woman who was in a abusive relationship who wanted to pay for a surgeon to "make her pretty" to appease her tormentor... but it unfortunately instead angered him and, one thing leads to the other... and now we are overhead looking down at this beautiful woman at her funeral about to be lowered into her grave...
Lilly with Megan Black
My main idea/thoughts were that for this entry, Megan is basically a good girl gone bad. She's all about her "assets" and whether it's with "paper or plastic" she's going to buy/shop for items and things she wants. So a 'bad'/materialistic girl who has kind of lost her way, and gone onto a different, darker path.
Tonya with Tianna Darling
How I Interpret this song with the words "Why do All good Girls have to Die - Meaning - They have lost themselves in a World that could Offer them Luxuries and Money and More! Turning their Good Morals to Bad Ones, being they could be even "Call Girls" or "Escorts" or "Get Paid for Revealing themselves in Nudity by Dancing" - Getting Attention from Men and wrapped up in a World that has NO Morals and before they got into that World they were "Good Girls" but got wrapped up with the wrong type of People where they went "BAD" - With "Feel the Rush" Now your one of US. They were once "Good Girls" Too...and fell into this kind of life also, and All they care about is the Luxury and Money etc that comes with this kind of Lifestyle....Literally - Paper or Plastic, They will take whatever to have this Lifestyle: Halo's running there, Halo's Light it up, to me means There are so many "Good Girls" Meaning they are - ( Halo's ) That they can bring into this type of life and make them do things they would of never done but get a taste of it and they are hooked On Having so Much Money where they can buy anything they want! Living in Vanity! Dying Meaning they gave up their Morals
Movotti with Trash Kan
Paper or plastic go spend your paper on plastic Go buy a life that's fantastic cause all you are is your assets Paper (money) or plastic (credit card) go spend your paper (money) on plastic (stuff you don't need) Its about the superficial world, where your value is directly related to what you own.
You can't buy love without passion So please don't do nothing drastic Some people get a bit carried away with what they will spend money on, to try to 'buy' love/relationships.
Go live it up, they say age is a number, living proof of a theory They keep getting older and dumber Ignorance is competence then go ahead just bargain it Selling out not buying it take it for a refund 10% I'm seeing this verse as being about the concept of a sugar daddy. Someone older, who is willing to spend a lot of money on the younger person.
Why do all the good girls have to die Living in a bad girl's paradise It's not literal death. It's about becoming superficial. The good girl becoming the bad girl, in order to survive.
Living for the days, living for the night Living for the chance if we get what’s right You tell me who the plum you think I am Think I am, think I am, think I am, think I am trying not to lose yourself in the party lifestyle
As to my take on it. Trash, as a child, playing with makeup, dreaming of stardom. Trash as Tra-She, a star of sorts. It's how he makes his money, and the money brings fake friends. Trash is losing himself to the world of fake, spending his paper on plastic, getting a bit of surgery, in the hopes of gaining more fame, more money, but still not getting the love he craves.
Socal with Stella
There are so many different things that you can do with this song, and I ended up using the first lines as inspiration. "Why do all the good girls have to die? Living in a bad girl's paradise". That is what I created. a good girl dying while in a bad girl's paradise. The song also mentions halos several times and that is where I got the idea for a good angel versus a bad angel/demon. Lastly, the golden guns are a reference to the music video.
Round 7 Assignment 7 - Heathens
Penguin with Emily Thomas
I kinda went with a more aesthetic-interpretation take on the song.
most of the lyrics of song imply bad, downtrodden or "wrong" crowd type people. "You don't know the half of the abuse All my friends are heathens, take it slow"
I also interpreted part of the song being based in a prison or asylum type place:
"Welcome to the room of people Who have rooms of people that they loved one day Docked away"
as if the narrative of the song is based in a prison-like setting.
the other aspect I wanted to show was that the song is referring to a group of section of people... "You'll never know the psychopath sitting next to you You'll never know the murderer sitting next to you"..... "All my friends are heathens." :
and for that I thought, that this is a great time to utilize ALL the penguin in a shot together again, SO in the background in the cell are the "heathens" which I made the other Penguin Girls as... their looks vary from a escaped asylum patient, to some ladies of the night, and a lady who's ruffed up some people."
I also wanted incorporate the last verse in the edit : "Why'd you come? You knew you should have stayed I tried to warn you just to stay away And now they're outside ready to bust It looks like you might be one of us"
and I did that with Emily... her being the "new girl" of this rag-tag band of "heathens" entering their "world" and walking into the cell.
Lilly with Megan Black
Basically, light and dark. Both sides are the same person. "Don't judge a book by its cover." She may look nice/innocent, but in reality inside she's evil/dark, and twisted.
Lyrics I focused on were- "You're lovin' on the psychopath sitting next to you....You'll never know the freakshow sitting next to you...You'll have some weird people sitting next to you."
Tonya with Tianna Darling
My Interpretation - I went Literal with the Lyrics with My Edit. Tianna ends up in a "Reform" School For Young Offenders With her SO Called Friend -- Soon to Find out She is Not Who She Seems! -- Hard Lesson For Tianna Ending up Following her and her Friends ( Young Girl Gang ) --- In the Life of "Crime".... YOU See here Tianna is Standing up to her So Called Friend as she is "Laughing" that she got her where She wanted her...!!! The Song talks about You never know The Person Sitting beside You - I take it as a Warning to People in General! You Never know if the Person You Befriend Could Mean Harm to you and Lead you to do things you would not usually do... Or Take Advantage of you and your Friendship with them, Saying Welcome to the Room of People, Who have rooms of people that they loved one day Locked away. (Trusting That Person Loving That person ) But Finding out they are of No Good and No Good Intentions! Saying - All my friends are heathens, take it slow Wait for them to ask you who you know Please don't make any sudden moves You don't know the half of the abuse. To me says Again It's a WARNING - Take it Slow - Meaning - Don't Trust Easily be Warned Not Everyone is of Good. Also with Please Don't make no Sudden Moves Again He is singing about We have to realise that not all people will lead you in the right path and the possibility of going down the wrong road is there and easy to follow....and When they do follow the Bad Road they become One of Them. With these Lines - We don't deal with outsiders very well They say newcomers have a certain smell Yeah, trust issues, not to mention They say they can smell your intentions. I think this means People wanting to Follow the "BAD" Are Obvious to those that Want them to. They can sense their "Insecurities" and THEN CAN EASILY SWAY THEM AND MANIPULATE THEM
Movotti with Trash Kan
To me, this song seems to be about the heightened state of security, in particular, in airports. I've heard some pretty crazy stories about people being detained for hours. One guy was on his way out of the US, cos his visa was due to expire that day, he got detained, and questioned as to why he was leaving the country, and while detained, his visa expired. And there's a famous aussie kids author who got detained a few months ago. She has no idea why they detained her, maybe they wanted to know the secret of possum magic? It's lamingtons, in case you were wondering.
So, yeah, this is more or less the imagery that came to mind when I listened to the song.
Wait for them to ask you who you know Please don't make any sudden moves You get detained, you get questioned, they're demanding answers, who do you know, where have you been, who have you been talking to, what have you been doing, and you can't give them what they're seeking.
We don't deal with outsiders very well They say newcomers have a certain smell Yeah, I trust issues, not to mention They say they can smell your intentions I know people who are terrified of visiting the US, just because of how people get treated by airport security, and the police.
Why'd you come, you knew you should have stayed I tried to warn you just to stay away It's not a great time to be traveling.
Socal with Stella
I know that this song is from the movie Suicide Squad, but I wanted to stay way from that. Stella and her friends are a gang of heathens, and the outsider is trying to fit in. But he keeps asking himself "how did he get here?", which is a line from the song. Now the cops are "outside ready to bust", and it is the outsider's chance to "become one of us".
"You would not believe your eyes, how a voice could hypnotize Promises are only lies from Loreley In a shade of mossy green, seashell in her hand She was born the river queen, ne'er to grace the land.."
So this song is about a personified figure that lures people, and when I hear these lyrics I think of a mermaid or siren of the sea.
But I wanted to incorporate more of the lyrics So I looked at them and listened some more.
"And the winds would cry, and many men would die"
This jam is definitely about a siren in my book and I wanted to picture the moment in which they lure they prey.
So, for this edit I envisioned a siren water maiden with her arm embracing the wind starting her siren call to lure ships to her glade.
Lilly with Megan Black
*Lyrics I focused on/got inspired by were " how a voice could hypnotize. In a shade of mossy green, seashell in her hand She was born the river queen, ne'er to grace the land..."
I thought of a sea goddess/witch who is unable to be on land or be a part of it because she belongs to the river; in some way. Her mouth sings songs, and her voice is hypnotizing to those who hear it. I also thought this dress fit as a ''mossy green/reminded me of seaweed XD. And I added the seashell as an object that she holds onto and treasures, since it's a glimpse of the outside world and land that she can never experience.
Tonya with Tianna Darling
This Song Tells a Story/Folklore and with My Interpretation with Loreley. I Of course envision her as a River Queen Never to grace the Land as the Lyrics say...(Literally) - I see her as "Protecting" the River! Guiding Mischief and Evil to their Doom... With the Lyrics Many men would die! and her power over them with using the "Wind" and "Waves" to Lead them to their Demise! She was said to be quite a "Vision" to behold. So I Put her as Bigger than the Waves and the River and Beautiful as if a Seducer of Her River using her Beauty and the powers she had over her river to lead them to their death! With these Lyrics here: Oh, the stories we were told Quite a vision to behold Mysteries of the seas in her eyes of gold... Laying on the silver stone, such a lonely sight Barnacles become a throne, my poor Loreley...Makes me believe She did at one time Live amongst the Land and was somehow "Driven" to her demise herself to this River that became hers and wanted to protect it because the River was hers and in a way punishing those that did any kind of evil as might have been done to her - Pretty much its about a River Queen Called Loreley, Folklore/Story about how all she wanted to do was Protect her River from any bad doings of Pirates or Mischief and have them meet their Demise coming through her sacred "Throne" being her River
Movotti with Trash Kan
Though, I think there's a slightly deeper meaing. Loreley is the personification of storms over the river. Sometimes, in a storm, it can sound like a womans voice, which lures the sailors to take risks that often result in drowning.
Socal with Stella
I obviously got a very different interpretation of the song. To me it sounded like a song/story that sailors would tell each other in the tavern. It mentions, "legend's faded story line tried to warn us all. Careful or you'll fall." Also, I saw Loreley not as a siren or mermaid, but as a haunted ship (you will notice that the ship's name says Loreley on the side). The chorus talks about "winds would cry and many men would die. And all the waves would bow down to the Loreley". When I heard this I thought of a haunted ship, with my zombie pirate Stella, coming out of the fog attacking sailors. Attacking not with a literal song, but an agonizing "song" of death.
The verses that I really clung onto and looking up the lyrics where these:
"I won’t soothe your pain I won’t ease your strain You’ll be waiting in vain I got nothing for you to gain
I’m taking it slow Feeding my flame Shuffling the cards of your game And just in time In the right place Suddenly I will play my ace"
And my interpretation of the song was about a scorned lover who knows something about the man or woman who hurt her and I interpreted that as being the 'ace' which is something that they could reveal that could rock their entire love life and world to shambles. Due to the scorned lover wanting revenge and they will not make it an easy break-up.
So I depicted Emily as the scorned lover holding a playing card to symbolize the secret and or the 'ace' and in the background is her ex with another person. Emily is slowly lying in wait to reveal what she knows....
Lilly with Megan Black
Lyrics I focused on- Eyes on fire I see right through you any hour....Feeding my flame. Your spine is ablaze Felling any foe with my gaze
(I went a little overboard with the flames. I tried to show Megan as a vampire/woman of power; she's able to control others just through her eyes and gaze. Anyone who looks into her eyes sees this sight.)
Tonya with Tianna Darling
For Me this was a VERY Haunting Song, With the Tones of it and the Lyrics - With a Huge Feeling Of Betrayal Loathing & Anger! Especially with "EYES ON FIRE" With these Lyrics: Eyes on fire, your spine is ablaze Felling any foe with my gaze And just in time, in the right place Steadily emerging with grace Depicting Massive Anger Towards her "Foe"/Ex-Lover Is where I got My Inspiration to make this "HAUNTING" and even with the "Tone" Of the Music and I went Dark with it...Showing her a Dark Force with "GLARING Red Eyes....Approaching him to his doom - Him a Dark Force too! but him being "Set Up" PERFECTLY for HER to do what she wants to him - Flaying HIM When she reaches HIM! "Foe" is Repeated throughout the song - So It's apparent this song is about a "Foe" You cannot have a "Foe" Without "Betrayal" of some Kind! OR "Hate" OR "Anger" - In My Edit I am Portraying this woman seeking out her "Enemy" Emerging at the right moment where she has set him up to meet her! "I Will Seek You Out" ..flay you alive ..One More word You won't survive and I'm not scared of your stolen power - She is after him "Viciously" and will make sure he won't "Live" He has Stolen In my Opinion her "Love" and Hurt Her...Him thinking that's what he has "Over" Her... But He's Wrong! He's Hurt her for the Last time.....! She is seeking her Revenge...She see's through his "Game"... and will not soothe his pain that SHE will bring Upon Him as He did HER! She has been Planning this with the Lyrics - I'm Taking it SLOW, Feeding My Flame and her "FLAME" being her "Anger".... With the Lyrics - Shuffling My Cards of your game, And just in time, In the Right Place...SUDDENLY, I will play My "ACE" ...She has HIM in her SIGHTS Set Him UP Right where she Wants HIM! and is Approaching him to Play her "ACE" - To Flay Him Right where he SITS!
Movotti with Trash Kan
Interesting song. It gave me many ideas. But for some reason, while the music made me think of a western, the lyrics make me think of anxiety. I won't soothe your pain I won't ease your strain You'll be waiting in vain I got nothing for you to gain That's anxitey talking
I'm taking it slow Feeding my flame Shuffling the cards of your game Anxiety feeding on itself. It's not the cards it's shuffling, it's your life.
And just in time In the right place Suddenly I will play my ace That's a panic attack.
Eyes on fire Your spine is ablaze Felling any foe with my gaze Eyes burning with tears on their way, panic runs down your spine, and everyone is an enemy trying to block your escape.
And just in time In the right place Steadily emerging with grace Thats the calm when you come out the other side of it.
How does my image tie to that. Every person in it is Trash. Black hat Trash is the personification of anxiety, and he's taking down all the other voices, the logic, the reason, all the thoughts knowing that anxiety isn't the real power in this town.
Because that's where it starts:
I'll seek you out Flay you alive One more word and you won't survive And I'm not scared of your stolen power See right through you any hour The stolen power is control of yourself.
Socal with Stella
I went with a more literal meaning with this song than with the last one. The lyrics are simple, but there is a lot, and I mean A LOT, of anger behind them. I could feel the anger in the singer's voice as they threatened the listener. "I won't soothe your pain. I won't ease your strain" Not only is Stella not going to ease your pain, but she is going to be the one to CAUSE the pain. "I'll seek you out, flay you alive. One more word and you won't survive...You'll be waiting in vain. I've got nothing for you to gain" Stella has these poor men in her dungeon with nothing but time and various ways to torture them. Plus, one of the men has his "eyes on fire"
That font is so wacky in some areas. xD Oh well. :tongue:
Aaaaand it's open! Signups will go for two weeks only, meaning you have two weeks to complete A1. If the reservations slow before then and all current reserves have assignments in, we'll move on. A2 goes up as soon as round 1 closes. Eliminations start round 3, aka assignment 3 (A3).
I'll keep an eye on how fast assignments come in, etc. For now rounds go for about 7 days, 10 max.
Simmetry thread is up for our more intense imaginers. :P Simmetry Thread
I LOVE Music of many Genre's I sing all the time !!!!! to my music at home always Music going.........Reserving sounds like so much FUN ..........GREAT Idea @MizoreYukii I am mostly OLD School but like the new stuff too 70's 80's all Genre's