Forum Discussion

Chicklet45368's avatar
Seasoned Ace
3 years ago

:: Destined Connections :: [The Life of a Psychic]

Hi all!

Let me start off saying, that I have never, ever written a sim story. So, I'm a total storytelling noob!

I originally started writing this in the WHIYGT thread but I soon realized that I might end up spamming it too often so I felt it was best to make a dedicated thread to not feel like I was abusing that thread.

This is a story that I've had floating around in my head for weeks and have been slowly getting the characters in place and their backstories set up.

I'll apologize in advance because it will be slower in the beginning until a big majority of the characters are introduced and their lives begin to entertwine with each other.

One more thing I should note, I've never been a big occult player in any of the sims games, and never at all in TS4 so the occult aspects I write about may not be actually how they act/react in reality, but is how I perceive them to be in my head.

And, while this is not necessarily a story about occults, they will play a role in the story as it unfolds.

Here we go ......

3 Replies

  • :: Destined Connections ::

    Gemini crawled into bed thinking about her day. It was good, but it also wasn’t so good.

    She had received a letter a few days ago, asking her to meet with a lawyer in San Myshuno regarding her estranged Uncle Eddie. Sadly, he had recently passed away.

    Gemini hadn’t seen Uncle Eddie since she was little. The whole family washed their hands of him when he went to prison ….. again (for the 3rd time)! See, Uncle Eddie was not a good person; well he was always good to her so she didn’t really understand why her parents were so mad at him. But one day she overheard her parents talking about the bad things he had done (Boozing, gambling, and swindling money from people) and then she sort of understood or at least as much as her 8 year old mind could comprehend.

    Years went by and she had totally forgotten about him, until the letter came.

    According to the lawyer, Uncle Eddie had never had any children and since he was no longer a part of the family he had nobody. But, on his death bed, he asked the nurse to help him write a will. He still remembered his cute little niece and had decided to leave everything to her! WHAT??!!!

    Falling into a deep sleep, she was dreaming of the bright future she’d have when she was suddenly woke up by the loud, annoying sound of her phone ringing.

    It was Tessa, her best friend since grade school. She was crying hysterically but it was useless to try and make sense of what she was saying between her sobs. Gemini had no idea what was wrong; she just knew that Tessa needed her (now)!

    So, without hesitation, she packed up her things and called a cab.

  • :: Destined Connections ::

    After the cab dropped Gemini off at the train station, she called Tessa to see if she could learn more about what was going on. Tessa was still a mess and couldn’t stop crying.

    Gemini sighed to herself thinking this was going to be a lonnnnnggggg day.

    “Tessa, honey, please try to stop crying so you can at least tell me where you are so I know which train to take”

    After a few more hiccups and sniffles, Tessa was finally able to tell her that she was at the No-Tell Motel in Evergreen Harbor.

    “Ok Tessa, I’m coming! I’m still in San Myshuno, about 3 hours away from you by train. You going to be okay until I get there?”

    Tessa sniffled again but assured Gemini that she would be okay and that she would not do anything stupid.

    Taking a deep breath and blowing it out, Gemini bought a ticket to Evergreen Harbor.

    Once she was finally settled in for the long ride, she looked up the address for the motel and put it in her GPS. She was hoping it was not too far from the E-Har Train Station because she was extremely low on funds and couldn’t really afford to take a cab or uber to the motel.

    Glancing down at her high-heeled boots, she let out a string of curse words berating herself for her hasty rush. Why oh why, didn’t she think ahead before getting dressed in such a hurry?!! Nope, not her! She’s always been the impulsive one to “act now and think later”. Shaking her head and sighing once again she thought to herself “These boots aren’t made for walking, but that’s just what they’re gonna do”.

    Gemini arrived in Evergreen Harbor about 9:30 AM.

    Heaving her overnight bag over her shoulder, she got off the train looked around. Ewwww! Gross! What a scummy area it was. Thankfully the motel was less than a mile away.

    But, the closer she got to the motel, the trashier the area became.

    Block after block of nothing but rundown houses piled high with trash and broken objects. Trash and debris blowing on the streets, and she thought she spotted a homeless person sleeping under a a piece of cardboard beneath the overpass.

    As Gemini rounded the corner, she got her first look at the motel and wrinkled her nose and thought to herself “What in the world is Tessa doing at such a seedy place?”

    Even though it was still early in the morning, she could already spot some unsavory people hanging around on the street corners. Drug dealers? Escorts? Who knew, but one thing for sure, she knew they needed to get out of there as quick as possible!

    She walked up the outside stairs and started looking for Room 13. When she found it, she knocked softly on the door, hoping to not disturb anybody who might still be sleeping (didn’t need to cause any trouble in this part of the town, that’s for sure!)

    Tessa cautiously opened the door a few minutes later and flew into Gemini’s arms, squeezing her tight. “OMG! She looks like she’s been run over by a truck!” Gemini thought to herself. Tessa’s hair was in tangles and her mascara had dried in long streaks down her cheeks. Her nose was bright red and her eyes were so puffy they were almost swollen shut.

    Gemini just held her tightly and let her cry it out. It took about 15 minutes for the sobbing to finally subside enough for them to go inside the motel room.

    Once they were inside and sitting on the bed, Gemini softly asked Tessa what had happened. Tessa jumped up and shook her head. Her eyes immediately filling with tears again.

    After awhile, Tessa finally calmed down.

    Gemini quietly asked her again “Want to tell me what happened?”

    Shaking her head emphatically, Tessa almost yelled “No! I don’t wanna even think about it, let alone talk about it!”

    But she still wasn’t ready to talk about what happened.

    So rather than upset her again, Gemini chatted about her train ride and tried to make her laugh by describing all of the ridiculously dressed people who were on the train with her.

    All of a sudden, Tessa’s phone rings. She picks it up to see who’s calling and looks back up at Gemini with a look of fear on her face. Tessa whispers “It’s him! Should I answer it?”

    Since Gemini has no idea who “him” was, she blurts out the first thing that popped into her head …

    “H. E. Double L ….. NO! Do NOT answer that! I have no idea who it is, but whoever it is, if they can invoke that look of fear and terror on your face ….. You’re better off without them in your life!”

    She made Tessa hand her the phone and immediately shut it off and slid it in her bag.

    Noticing the time, Gemini said “We need to get going. Why don’t you go take a long, hot steamy shower and get dressed? I’m going to change into some regular clothes and see if I can’t find us something to drink.”

  • :: Destined Connections ::


    After the girls had gotten dressed, they made their way back to the E-Har Train Station. Tessa had plans of returning to her Aunt & Uncle’s farm in Hensford where they grew up. Gemini was planning to go to Copperdale to check out the property she had inherited from Uncle Joe.

    Since they had some time to kill before their departures, Gemini took off to grab a bite to eat at one of the outdoor vendors but Tessa was not in the mood for food and decided to just go inside the station to wait.

    After grabbing a calzone from a food vendor, Gemini walked into the train station to find Tessa. Sitting down beside her and she offered her half of the calzone but Tessa still refused any food.

    The girls sat in silence for a few minutes (Gemini enjoying her greasy calzone and Tessa just staring off into space).

    Once Gemini was done eating, she turned to Tessa and in a no-nonsense voice said “Ok Tessa, it’s time. You need to tell me exactly what happened yesterday”

    Tessa takes a deep breath and blows it out slowly. She turns to Gemini and starts telling her about the horrific event that took place.

    She stares off in space and describes what happened.

    “Well you remember I told you I had met a med student one night while I was at the library studying?” she said

    Gemini nods her head yes “Yeah, I remember, but I don’t know much about him. You showed me a selfie you had taken of the two of you”.

    Tessa hangs her head in shame and continues talking

    “His name is Brandon he lived in Evergreen Harbor, not too far from Britechester. He started to come see me on campus between my classes to bring me lunch. After awhile we were inseparable unless one of us had classes. This went on for weeks and then one night he asked me to go back to his house in Evergreen Harbor (he was sharing rent with another med student), and well ….. one thing led to another and ……”

    She looks up at Gemini and then quickly looks away, mumbling “Well ….. I think you can guess what happened”.

    Gemini nods but doesn’t say much, giving Tessa time to continue her story.

    Tessa takes another deep breath and continues

    “Pretty much from that day on I basically lived with him. Everything was perfect, he was so sweet and handsome and we talked about our plans after we graduated college. We’d lie in bed at night and talk about how amazing our life would be. We even thought up names for our unborn children we’d have one day. After a few weeks, he asked me to officially move in with him. Of course, I naively didn’t hesitate ….. this was my future husband, after all!” she laughed sarcastically.

    Gemini nods encouraging, “Ok, go on …..”

    Tessa stares out in space as if she’s remembering and shudders slightly.

    “Well, yesterday started out like every other Tuesday. I got up and packed a bag for the gym because I always go there to work out and do a kick-boxing class after uni classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays since Brandon has to go to the hospital for clinicals and doesn’t get home until late.”

    Gemini nods again, “Uh huhhh, go on … “

    Tessa continues in super low voice so nobody can overhear her

    “Well yesterday when I got to the gym, I found out it was closed due to emergency maintenance. They had a busted water pipe and the place had flooded” she explained.

    “So as I was walking home, I thought that I’d surprise him with a home-cooked meal so he would have a nice dinner when he got home. But as I unlocked the door and entered the living room, I heard some strange noises.”

    Gemini sits up straight, all attention on Tessa, immediately thinking the worst and imagining all sorts of horrific things occurring.

    Oblivious to Gemini and lost in her own thoughts, Tessa muses out loud, and says “At first I thought it was coming from outside, but as I moved through the house it got a little louder”

    Gemini (being the impatient person that she is), says loudly “WHAT KIND OF NOISES, TESSA!”

    Tessa jumps and looks at Gemini startled “Uhhh, well, it sounded like someone moaning and then I think I heard a pig oink, but I can’t be sure about that. As I started walking down the hall towards our bedroom the noises got louder and I heard a manical laugh coming from somewhere then more moaning and ….. fake barking, like someone was imitating a dog? And what sound liked a horn honking.”

    Gemini is now on the edge of her seat, leaning in close to Tessa because her voice has now become no louder than a whisper

    “I slowly open the bedroom door, still not sure what I’d find. I actually was not expecting to find anything; because I still wasn’t sure what I heard was coming from inside the house and not through an open window from outside. “

    Tessa is starting to take heaving breaths as she relives the nightmare from the day before. “I open the door a crack and peek around to look inside and just about fainted at what I saw!”

    Gemini is now beyond impatient …. “Ok AND???!!!”

    Tessa eyes start streaming huge crocodile tears as she says “I …. I ….. sawwwww ……”

    Seeing how distraught Tessa was becoming, Gemini says softly, It’s Ok sweetheart, just take a deep breath”.

    Gemini nods and tries to smile through her tears, clears her throat and continues “I saw Brandon!”

    “He was …..he was …….. HE WAS DRESSED AS A CLOWN!!!!” she wails.

    Gemini looks at her with her mouth wide open in shock “Wait! Did you just say a clown?” she asked, because she wasn’t quite sure she heard her correctly.

    “Oh Gemini, it was awful! You don’t understand! He was literally dressed as a clown, balding green clown wig, full clown makeup, big squeezy nose, huge oversized shoes! AND ……. “ she says loudly

    Tessa looks around and lowers her voice to a whisper, “He was not alone! There were 3 other people in the room with him ……. and maybe a pig, but I can’t be sure about that” she said, as she shook her head.

    Gemini’s eyes were as round as golf balls as she tries to comprehend what Tessa just said, for once her life she was speechless, which is extremely unusual for her because as she likes to say “God gave me a mouth and I’m not afraid to use it”.

    Gemini leans in again and says “Soooo ummmm, what were the other people doing?”

    Tessa squeezes her eyes tight and whispers “There was a girl or at least I think it was a girl, but I can’t be sure because she had on a furry dog suit and was on the bed on her knees “wagging her tail” at him and sitting up begging with her front paws”.

    Gemini jumps back in shock, “Do what??!!”

    Tessa nods and keeps telling the story, like now that she’s started she can’t stop “And, there definitely was another girl there, I don’t know who she was, but she was dressed like Little Bo Peep, but only I think she had a pig, instead of a sheep, but I can’t be sure about that, it’s all a blur”

    Biting her lip, Gemini nods without saying anything and Tessa continues the story

    “And the other person had a video camera and was recording everything! I’m pretty sure it was Ben, our roommate, because I recognized his glasses under his big brown bear costume!!!”

    “I must have screamed or gasped or something, because Brandon turned around just then and saw me, and he smiled at me with his big clown grin and nonchalantly says to me “Oh hey babe! You’re just in time! We got you the foxy-fox costume! Come try it on”

    “So, I immediately slammed the door, ran to the living room and grabbed my purse, phone, and a basket of laundry I hadn’t put away and took off. I wandered around for awhile and eventually stopped at the No-Tell Motel and that’s when I called you” she said, hanging her head in shame.

    Still trying to absorb everything that Tessa told her, Gemini leans back and processes it all as best as she can while Tessa is trying to hold it all together.

    Gemini leans over and gathers Tessa in her arms and tells her to let it all out and that everything will be okay.

    After a while Tessa lifts her head up off Gemini’s shoulder and looks at her with huge big eyes and says “I’m pretty sure I saw a vampire last night!”

    Gemini slowly looks over at her and rolls her eyes at Tessa “Tessa why would you think that? You know there is no such thing as vampires or ghosts or werewolves or any other paranormal /occult beings. That’s just fiction and made up by writers.”

    Tessa shakes her head “No! No listen! You don’t understand! ….. “

    “I got really hot in the motel room so I stepped outside to get some fresh air; it was really late, about 3:49 AM. I caught something out of the corner of my eye and turned my head to see what it was. Over by the dumpster, I saw a shadowy shape of a man and he had another person bent over his arm and it looked like he was biting their neck! But the light in the parking lot didn’t shine all the way over there, but I’m positive of what I saw!”

    And I got super spooked so I went back inside my room, but right before I did, I swear I saw a bat flying above me! I couldn’t stop thinking about it, so I went back outside but there was nobody by the dumpster this time. So I went down there and looked around and I SWEAR I SAW WHAT LOOKED LIKE BLOOD ON THE GROUND BY THAT DUMPSTER!!!”

    Gemini shakes her head and says “Tessa, I think you’ve just had an overly stressful 24 hours and your imagination is running wild. That’s to be expected after the circus ….. Sorry! Bad choice of words! I mean, after the traumatic event you went through with the oddly *mumble … freakshow* dressed people you saw last night.”

    Tessa sighs and scratches her head, “Yeah, you’re probably right”.

    Tessa appeared to be in better spirits now that she had talked about what happened so the girls were chatting like normal, when an idea struck Gemini.

    “Tessa, what exactly are you planning on doing? I know you said you were gonna go back to your Aunt & Uncle’s house in Henford, but what about school? You only have 1 more semester left until you graduate. Then what? You know that there’s not much career opportunity for you there unless you want to tend a garden or milk a cow!”

    Tessa sighs dejectedly, and in a resigned voice says “I know, but I don’t have much choice. I sure as heck can’t go back to Uni now, because he knows my schedule and I’d be afraid people would find out what kind of a freak he really is and I just want to get as far away from Evergreen Harbor as I can!”

    Gemini says listen “Why don’t you come with me? We’ll call it a mini-adventure. You don’t have to stay long if you don’t want to. I just want to go to Copperdale and see the property my uncle left me so I can decide what to do with it”.

    “Heck you can even move in with me if you want to. I would love the company and it’ll be like old times!”

    Warming up to the idea, Gemini pulls out her phone to show her the pic the Lawyer had given her when he was telling her about her Uncle Joe’s property.

    “Look Tessa! It would be perfect; now I’m not sure which trailer is mine, but that doesn’t matter! Either one of these little trailers is all we need right now, look how adorable they are!”

    Gemini continues to point out the reasons it would work, “I have a laptop, and you could just finish up your schooling online, no need to go back to Britechester!”

    “And think about it, we would both save money by not having to pay for all of the bills on our own”

    And knowing Tessa like she does, Gemini says the one thing that she knows will sway her decision, the one she knows will seal the deal

    “And Tessa, you know if you’re not having to go to school full time AND work full time to pay for everything, that would free you up to write more. Isn’t that the whole reason you’ve spent the last almost 2 years in Uni?” Gemini grins to herself, because she knows she’s got her hooked now.

    As soon as Gemini mentioned writing, Tessa immediately looked over at her and started grinning

    Getting all emotional, Tessa’s eyes started to water again, only this time they were happy tears, “Oh Gemini! You are more than my best friend, you’re like my sister! I can’t believe you are offering to let me move in but I’m not gonna turn you down!” she laughingly says “TY TY TY!”

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