Forum Discussion

CharityCodes's avatar
Seasoned Hotshot
2 years ago

100 Baby Challenge Extra

I first read about the 100 Baby Challenge here:

I decided to update the rules for new packs, add some extra challenges that I would like to do and allow for more family types. Open to comments and suggestions as this is a work in progress. This is compatible with base game, but will be more interesting if you at least have the parenthood pack. Growing together (milestones/compatibility), Snowy Escape (lifestyles) and High School Years (teen aspirations) will also add a lot if you're looking for recommendations. See the prequel let's play on YouTube at

Objective: To have 100 babies, care for them until adulthood and provide them a good start in life.

- Create a teenage sim in CAS. If the sim cannot get pregnant, then you will need to use cheats, science babies or adoption. You may choose this sim's gender options, traits, aspiration and likes/dislikes. This sim will be referred to as the matriarch in these rules although they might not be female.
- Assign 1 fear that cannot be removed. You can cheat to get it.
- Choose a lot type, residential, tiny home (micro, tiny, small), haunted house or apartment in any world, but this cannot change until a new matriarch. If you choose to play with a micro home, you must stay under tile count for the life of the current matriarch. No exploits to get extra indoor space or using outdoor space for items that should be indoors.
- Choose lot traits and challenges.
- Bulldoze the lot.
- Set funds to 0 Simoleons

Before aging up to young adult, finish these goals. You can reset your age using potions until you achieve your goals.
- Build a house while a teen by making money with 1 chosen skill. Your house must provide shelter and all basic needs.
- Achieve at least 1 lifestyle and keep it for the rest of the challenge.
- Get an A in school.
- Finish a teen aspiration if you chose one.
- Get at least 1 character value in range to receive a trait.
- Earn 3 reward traits. You may choose for the initial matriarch, but only 1 may be related to needs and none can completely eliminate the need. i.e. hardly hungry is OK, but not forever full and then you cannot chose seldom sleepy as well.

- It's recommended to use normal lifespan.
- Turn on pregnancy aging using mods or track the days until your birthday to manually age up after the next birth. MC Command Center has a setting for this. No life extension methods can be used for the active matriarch. Age up vampires according to lifespan rules.
- You may have pets and increase household size with mods so that you can still have 8 non-pet sims.
- Your matriarch, babies, infants and toddlers cannot go to rabbit holes. Children and teens may go to rabbit holes to attend school, afterschool activities and jobs, but try to take everyone with you everywhere if possible. You can take everyone on vacation after aging all babies up even if pregnant, but must return home to give birth when it's time.
- You can build a daycare at the high school and follow the teens to school. You can choose to bring the matriarch and all toddlers/infants to the high school and watch them in the daycare building.
- For each age up, you must purchase basic necessities to care for that life stage first. You may share items like toilets, bathtubs, skill items and high chairs, but everyone needs their own bed, crib or bassinet. Tents and sleeping bags are extra and don't count as a bed.

Pregnancy/Adoption/Science Baby
- You can change family types for each matriarch if you wish, but keep it the same for a single matriarch.
- Wait at least 3 game days for your first adoption or science baby and between adoptions or science babies since they take less game time.
- To have a new child, you need 3 bassinets indoors. No free bassinets. You may sell unused bassinets after the arrival of the newborn(s).
- Only babies may be adopted, no skipping life stages.
- If choosing pregnancy or science babies, there must be a 2nd sim who is at least good friends (for cheats) and/or agrees to the procedure in game (non-cheat woohoo or science baby). This sim cannot be reused for another pregnancy/science baby.

- Age up when the matriarch is good friends with them as long as you have all items to care for an infant
- Randomize infant trait on age up

-If you have growing together, at least complete the milestones: stand, pincer grasp, babble
- If you don't have growing together: 1) Max relationship with the matriarch 2) Introduce the infant to 2 sims outside of the household 3) Try all baby foods until you find 3 likes and 3 dislikes or all have been tried. Don't ignore other needs to do this.
- Randomize toddler trait on age up. If the infant ages up with a negative trait that they weren't cared for, then this child does not count for the 100 baby total. They still have to achieve other life stage goals to age up and move out.

- All skills to level 3 or 5 (if you want to make it tedious, lol)
- Randomize child trait, aspiration and likes/dislikes on age up

- Child aspiration completed
- A in school
- Either a positive or negative character trait in range (parenthood pack) but randomize the one they're trying to get because responsibility is too easy. This trait needs to stay in range until they get to young adult.
- Randomly assign an afterschool activity or part-time job to get as a teen. Join as a child if possible.
- Randomize teen trait, aspiration, likes/dislikes (new categories) and assign 1 random fear by cheats that cannot be removed.

- If they have a teenage aspiration, then they have to complete the whole thing to get to adult. If it's an adult aspiration, they need to finish the first level only if they are not the matriarch. If the aspiration has only 1 level, then just pick 1 line item to finish. For bugged aspirations, it's OK to cheat complete after achieving an alternate goal. For the sneak out, you can go to a community lot past curfew (parenthood pack) and invite at least 1 other teenage friend who must agree to come. Then switch control back to the home lot and leave the teen out for 4 sim hours before bringing them home.
- Reach max level in afterschool activity or part-time job/side hustle chosen as a child.
- Earn 1 random lifestyle
- Choose 1 skill to earn money with. This sim can only earn money with that skill. Not everyone can be painters. The skill must be related to (in order) an aspiration, a trait or a like. So if they have the knitting aspiration, the recycle disciple trait and like painting, they must knit for Simoleons. If none of those seem directly related to a revenue stream, pick a random skill related to the child aspiration that your sim does not hate.
- Earn 20k Simoleons to take with you when you move out as a young adult. The whole family can contribute to this using their own methods.
- Earn 3 random reward traits. Only 1 may be related to needs and none can completely eliminate the need. i.e. Hardly hungry is OK, but not forever full and then you cannot chose seldom sleepy as well.
- Randomize the last trait and a new aspiration if a teen one was completed.

Changing matriarchs
- Elder matriarchs may not have any more children through cheats, pregnancy, science babies or adoptions. The current youngest child becomes the new matriarch.
- The elder matriarch needs to raise the new matriarch and all current children to young adult before moving out. You may prevent the elder from dying of old age by resetting their life stage.
- The elder matriarch needs to complete their entire adult aspiration before moving out.
- Once a young adult, the new matriarch will move out of the elder matriarch's house and pick a new lot according to the setup section except everything must be randomized this time instead of chosen. You can only take 20k of the household funds and cannot sell the old house for this. If the elder matriarch is ready to move out, split from the household and move leaving the old house and elder matriarch there. If the elder matriarch still needs to complete the adult aspiration, move to a lot less than 20k and set household funds to 20k minus the lot value.

3 Replies

  • CharityCodes's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    2 years ago
    Infant rules adjusted. They're a work in progress until I get Growing Together.
  • CharityCodes's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    2 years ago
    Adjusted infant milestones to be more reasonable. I think standing, babbling and pincer grasp is enough to age up to toddler.
  • CharityCodes's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    2 years ago
    To change up the monotony of this challenge, I'm going to add the ability to do daily quests. Complete the quest and get a random amount added to your household funds from 0-100%. Fail the quest and get a random amount subtracted from your household funds 0-100%. Quest list reused from another challenge and based off the Mr Bumble series from Dr Gluon on youtube Comment suggestions to add to the list.

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