For those of you that like a harder, more strict challenge, I present the following...

1. Create a female/male YA.
Vampires are not allowed since they do not need age potions to stay forever young.2. No you may NOT use Story Mode to create your starting sim(s).
3. Instead of having her seduce a male, have her fall in love and get married. Yes, married.
4. Stay with that man for as long as he may live. If he accidentally dies you may not bring him back to life or plead for him. Once he is gone, he's gone. You may NOT cause this accident on purpose so choose your Sim's mate very carefully.
5. Have as many children with that one husband as you can. See the goals below.
(Easy goal: 3 babies)
(Medium goal: 6 babies)
(Hard goal: 10 babies)
(Epic goal: 15 babies,
Is this even possible?)
6. Full autonomy on for all Sims in household.
optional) You may only control your main Sim. All others in the household are not to be controlled. You may access their inventory and give them wardrobe/hair make-overs after they have aged.
8. Recommended gaming speed: Normal
9. ONLY use the youth potions on your main challenge Sim. You may not use the potions on her husband.
10. Buy youth potions for your main Sim from their own rewards points to stay young. You may NOT use rewards points from any other Sim but the main Sim to purchase these potions.
11. Once her 1st husband (or wife) has died, her heart will yearn to find love again. A new husband will be found, married and help her to continue on in her quest for 100 babies.
12. If your main challenge Sim is a male and he is abducted by aliens and should get pregnant...The child WILL count towards the 100 baby total but they can NOT become heir if/when your Sim passes the challenge torch on. (
see rule 13)
13. If you have a mod that allows abducted females to get pregnant from alien abduction, the same rule (rule 11) applies.
14. If the main Sim can't buy another age potion in time to stay young (and not turn into an elder) then you may choose one of the sons or daughters still living in the home at this time to continue in their mother's (or father's) place. You may not move back in a son or daughter that has already moved out.
15. Your main character's first husband has to be found in-game. They may not be created at the same time your Challenge Sim is. All husbands (or wives) are to be found & married in-game, whether they are downloaded from the gallery or game generated. You may NOT have a child out of wedlock. Any child conceived out of wedlock (marriage) will NOT count towards your 100 baby total.
16. Money cheats are still allowed & you may keep the money that comes with a spouse that marries into the home when they come.
optional) No one in the household is allowed to have a job, career or home business. All earnings for the household must come from painting, writing, collecting, gardening, painting, digging in the trash, etc.
18. Only the torch holder (current main baby-maker) may be employed and ONLY if a butler or nanny is hired to help care for the children.
19. Can you influence the gender of the babies? Yes
20. Can you use mods to increase the chance of multiples? No.
21. Can you use the fertility reward object? Oh goodness, YES! This is hardcore, not epic. lol
optional) You may NOT use the fertility reward object for anyone. mwahaha
23. You must wait for the game itself to age up your baby naturally. You must wait for your child and teen to get A's in school before aging them up.
24. With the addition of toddlers, you must get their skills to level 3 before aging up prematurely.
optional) You must get toddler skills to max level before you can age them up before the game does.
And there you have it. The 100 Baby TWIST Challenge
HARDCORE EDITION. Comments appreciated. Questions welcome.
Happy Simming!