After making so much progress with Nina Caliente, it was not a difficult exercise to get her to come on a Gold level date to Magnolia Blossom Park and become Bae #11. There was a Sim who left some munchies for the couple.
Apparently, midday isn't the best time to be secluded there. Aya Seddiki walked by and sniffed at them, so for his next date, he took Tracy Portillo to the Museum. That wasn't much better: Although they both got very flirty, their interaction fell flat and it never felt quite right to offer the massage he wanted. In spite of this, it was still a Gold level date. She became Bae #12. Word has gotten around that he is a Player.
He went out to the Blue Velvet and picked up a couple of more prospects. Although he may be safe from angry jealousy, it doesn't keep conversations from becoming awkward sometimes.