Forum Discussion

rew127's avatar
5 years ago

A Curious Life

Introducing the Washburn Family! Things are a little strange with them. After their servo got kidnapped by aliens and now has a little baby of his own I decided to try to catalog some of the events of the family.

Let's start with the family.

Misty Washburn
Ivan Washburn
Ellery Washburn
Wrench Washburn
Mesh Washburn

Summary (almost no pictures)
Goes into what happened before I decided to try documenting everything.
Intro, University Years, New Love
Moving in (Secrets)
Roomie, Getting Fired
Getting Famous, Roomie Returns
Date Night Surprise, Hello Wrench
Proof of Devotion, Goodbye Roommate, Hello Ellery
Our Family, Alien Abduction

Updates: (with pictures)
Mesh Becomes a Toddler
Global Superstar
Mesh's First Winterfest
A Day at the Park
New Year
Take Your Daughter to Work Day

Story Right Now: (If you don't want spoilers, read the summary and updates above first.

Mesh has her first Winterfest and it's a ball. Though little Ellery is starting to feel a light outshined by all the attention Mesh is receiving. Hopefully, they'll work things out.

Himeka House

Steampunk Bakery
Toddler/Children Park
  • This is really interesting! I really want to see more ?. I’m new on here, can’t wait to start my own story!
  • Misty Washburn.

    Misty Washburn has just started her dream of opening her own bakery. A strange dream for someone who has a degree in Computer Science. Then again it makes perfect sense when you realize she wanted to open a steampunk theme bakery with robots milling about. Misty is very hardworking to the point the sometimes she loses herself in whatever project she is in. Many times she has suffered from it and is still trying to find a good balance between her own workaholic personality and her family.

    Traits: Creative, Genius, and Foodie

    Completed Aspirations:
    Fabuously Wealthy
    Master Chef

    Current Aspiration: Master Chef (complete and she's not sure what aspiration she wants to go after next, if any)

    Rewards + More:
    Storm Chaser
    Higher Education
    Fresh Chef
    Seldom Sleepy
    Quick Learner
    Essence of Flavor

    Married to Ivan Washburn (Gibbs)
    Daughter Ellery Washburn
    Family: Wrench and Mesh Washburn
  • Ivan WashBurn (Gibbs - Maiden Name)

    Ivan has just reached the top of his career in the writing field and at the same time reached the position of Global Superstar. Ivan started off as pizza delivery guy and never went to university (besides to deliver pizzas). This has always bothered him and despite being a bit of a longer, he craved the recognition fame would bring him. So it's with immense satisfaction that he reached the top even if he preferred the lack of paparazzi and fan mobbings when he's out and about. He loves his work as a screenplay writer, but more importantly, he loves spending time with his wife and child. Though years ago he would have never considered himself a family man.

    Traits: Child of the Ocean, Loner, Snob

    Completed Aspirations:
    Bestselling Author

    Current Aspiration:

    Creative Visionary
    Storm Chaser

    Refined Palate

    Married to Misty Washburn
    Daughter Ellery Washburn
    Family: Wrench and Mesh Washburn

  • Ellery WashBurn

    Ellery just entered her childhood years. She feels a bit like the normal one in a family of high achievers and unique personalities. She's not sure if that is a good thing or not. Currently, she's hoping to make some new friends and find out what she likes. She is a very obedient child and has been since her toddler years, though she has been trying small bits of rebellion. Her recent being a picky eater...though she still ended up eating the food anyway. Small steps.

    Music Lover

    Toddler Trait:

    Completed Aspirations:
    Artistic Prodigy

    Current Aspiration:
    Rambunctious Scamp

    Top-Notch Toddler
    Storm Chaser

    Character Values: (pending)

    Mother: Misty Washburn
    Father: Ivan Washburn
    Family: Wrench and Mesh Washburn
  • Roomie
    Though Misty was making good money through her job, Ivan was just starting out and the house debt hung over their head. The pair decided to get a new roomie. After numerous interviews, they found the perfect guy. He was a bit squeamish about things, but was nice. Things hit off well between the trio and they became good friends.

    Ivan and Misty were still figuring things out between them while juggling their career and their roomie was a great listener. He occasionally had his girlfriend over, but that was never a problem. And he often cleaned up without them asking. Things were looking great.

    Getting Fired
    At least they were until Ivan was told to write a review of a restaurant by his boss that was only positive. Ivan was torn. He liked being honest with his reviews and to be paid to write a good review didn't sit well with him. Risking it all, Ivan stuck by his morals and wrote the review, embedding it with a secret code with his honest feelings.

    At first it went on without a hitch, but then people began discovering the code and a buzz started. Ivan never expected the popularity the code would have and so it was no surprise it got back to his boss and he was fired. Coming home to tell Misty about what happened was no small feat, especially since he knew his fiance was struggling with burn out at her job and was looking to pay back the loan before going after her bakery dream.

    To his relief, Misty was supportive, believing he did the right thing by sticking to his morals. The two discussed him using his newfound fame to find another critic job, but in the end Ivan decided to try a writing job.

    As he started his new job, they got some more bad news. Their roommate decided to move on temporarily due to a family emergency, leaving them short once again on money.
  • Getting Famous

    Ivan start as his new job was lackluster, but eventually, he began publishing small books, focusing on short stories and poems. As he did, he noticed he got more and more attention. At first, he didn't particularly care, but with the fame he started getting more money and stability. Fame definitely had its perks. Things really started taking off when he decided to do his first screenplay. Despite that, his success didn't stop him from trying to fix his relationship with Misty.

    He took her out and listened to her problems at work and tried to be a supportive fiance. Misty began opening up to him again and soon he was sure that maybe marriage was getting closer. There was still a strain, the woman he had seen back when Misty was in university kept calling, but he declined her calls, but he knew it irked Misty whenever she called.

    Roomie Returns

    Their old roommate returned from his family emergency and they trio began hanging out once more. But their friend had changed while he had been gone. It came as a shock to Misty when one day as she was working from home their roomie began to blow kisses at her and serenaded her.

    She told him she wasn't interested without even a second of hesitation. Still, he persisted, stating he had always had feelings for her but kept them hidden. It wasn't until the death in his family that made him realize he had to grasp the moment. Again she refused. Pointing out they were both in relationships.

    After that, he grew angry. Ivan returned home and the subject was dropped, but the roommate was angry for the rest of the day, being mean to her. Eventually, she pulled him aside and told him to stop. She valued their friendship and knew he had gone through a hard time recently, but she was committed to Ivan. Finally, he dropped it, but their pair was uncomfortable with each other for a while.

    Misty thought about telling Ivan but worried about damaging the two's friendship, so she kept it to herself, promising to bring it up again if it happened again. Besides she had to sort out her own feelings. Ivan and her had been rocky but things were smoothing out and he had shown he was completely devoted to her. She figured it was probably time to let go of the past and look forward to the future.

    With that in her thoughts, Misty began working on her newest robot, Servo.

  • Date Night Surprise

    Things were going well with Ivan and his new career. He was moving up quickly and his relationship with Misty was better than ever. Misty was entrenched in her work and making computer chips and mechanisms for her Servo on top of her regular work. On top of that. She made a cybernetic arm and it jammed up when she left to go to a guest lecture. He figured it was time to take Misty out on the town.

    Ivan wasn't one for crowds and this was getting more difficult to handle as he grew in fame. Still, it wasn't crazy yet and he decided to sacrifice his loner status and go out to all the venues and make a day of it. So on their next day off, he took Misty to the ice skating park followed by, arcade games, and then a visit to the bowling alley and drinks.

    It was a great night and they finished it off with woohoo in the sauna. Ivan was tempted to propose right then, but he wanted to wait until Misty was ready.

    Hello Wrench

    Misty was more than ready to marry Ivan, but she wanted things to be perfect. So she concentrated on making Servo. With Ivan's job and book publishing they almost had enough to pay off the house. The roommate situation was still a bit awkward. Their roomie hadn't hit on her, but now he had taken to having parties and they were getting more and more frequent. Misty hadn't had time to talk to him about it, especially after the whole robo arm getting stuck on her, but she knew it made Ivan uncomfortable to have a constant stream of strangers in the house.

    It was aggravating or maybe she was more irritable lately. She had been feeling nausea a lot lately. Still, she'll make a doctor's appointment soon enough. She was almost done with her Servo. Misty worked hard through the night and finally, she completed Servo. With excitement, she activated him.

    Wrench booted up and immediately began to look around for information while babbling to her excitedly. She spent the rest of the evening adjusting him. His traits were off, so she adjusted him to be family-oriented, she wanted him to know he was part of their family and to make extra sure she made him good and kept his original trait of geek so he could retain his own unique personality.

    Ivan took to Wrench instantly, their roommate was a bit more hesitant, but warmed up to Wrench's warm and inquisitive personality.
  • @gothprincess4ever Thank you! I love Mesh. She's so adorable and it's my first time having an alien character. But I love the whole family. I can't wait to see how everything develops.
  • "Dez_The_Foxy_Simmer;c-17418212" wrote:
    This is really interesting! I really want to see more ?. I’m new on here, can’t wait to start my own story!

    Thank you! I haven't been playing this family for a while. I'm actually planning something out a new idea, but plan to bring all my families into the same world.