Forum Discussion

OkayLazySim's avatar
New Spectator
2 years ago

Adding 'Work from Home' to more careeers

I love that some careers allow you to work from home with tasks to achieve. It's a fun way to experience the game, especially when you play with a single household or have kids to take care of. But I noticed many of the base game careers do not have this option, while the careers would fit perfectly for it.

Giving work from home tasks to each career really adds to the experience and especially after Covid made Home Office more common, it's also adding some realism.

Edit: I didn't elaborate more, but I'm realizing it's nice to bundle ideas. Thanks to @EgonVM for writing out tasks that fit each base game career, I will use your tasks and add ideas per career (also from anyone who'll comment more in the thread) - therefore I won't use the quote function, but will add names respectively.

So a little more elaboration: Each career could include tasks for

  • skill building
  • social interactions
  • administrative tasks
  • tasks for pack integration

- "build / use rocket ship" (EgonVM)
- talk/convince about space
- talk to/interview aliens about space experience/advice

- "Train at home or train other sims in Bodybuilder track. Though it would be great if some days your sim can't work from home because of competitions." (EgonVM)
- prepare for competitions
- share training tips with colleagues
- watch sports canal
- get checked at hospital
- "Office work" (EgonVM)
- investment advise
- cleaning out spread sheets

Criminal -
- "do Mischief, pickpocket sims, or hack (Oracle) or threaten sims (boss)." (EgonVM)
- share pick pocketing tips
- steal from specific community lots/households

- "tending bars" (EgonVM)
- prepare meals and drop them off at other residential or community lots
- watch cooking show
- share recipe ideas
- try food at different vendors/bars

- Go out and do some music/comedy! (EgonVM)
- promote music/comedy show
- participate in Talent Show
- perform at a karaoke bar
- create stage outfit

- "Paint, duh." (EgonVM)
- discuss art
- view art / research art
- go to museum/art center for inspiration
- host paining class

Tech Guru
- "Program or play video games" (EgonVM)
- "in E-Sports branch to participate in video game competitions" (EgonVM)
- debug code
- give computer advise
- check out the community forum for ideas

- "Write books" (EgonVM)
- "Sims in Journalism branch: interview sims" (EgonVM)
- buy new books
- analyse written books
- promote book to other sims
- get feedback from other sims

All Careers
- chat with colleagues/discuss work
- online meeting
- send/sort emails

10 Replies

  • EgonVM's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    2 years ago
    Agreed. After all, some careers got their picture updated when you are choosing a career/branch for your sim.

    These careers could especially benefit for it:
    • Astronaut - Would be great to those who have an access to rocket ships.
    • Athlete - Train at home or train other sims in Bodybuilder track. Though it would be great if some days your sim can't work from home because of competitions.
    • Business - Office work at home, yay!
    • Criminal - Either go out do Mischief, pickpocket sims, or hack (Oracle) or threaten sims (boss).
    • Culinary - I fear that it would go only for the bartender branch, giving them an opportunity to get paid for tending bars.
    • Entertainer - Go out and do some music/comedy!
    • Painter - Paint, duh.
    • Tech Guru - Program or play video games. In addition, some days could require your sim in E-Sports branch to participate in video game competitions.
    • Writer - Write books. Sims in Journalism branch could get tasks to interview sims.

    Though some careers could require some more new interactions so working from home could have more tasks, all of the careers could literally work with Work from Home options! Let's have a career refresh!
  • Pleeeeeeease!!!! I have said this so many times. Careers seem pointless when you can't even see your sim at work, let alone control their actions. Especially if your household is a single sim. Then you have to just sit and wait for them to get home. Boooring!
  • "EgonVM;c-18270806" wrote:
    Agreed. After all, some careers got their picture updated when you are choosing a career/branch for your sim.

    These careers could especially benefit for it:
    • Astronaut - Would be great to those who have an access to rocket ships.
    • Athlete - Train at home or train other sims in Bodybuilder track. Though it would be great if some days your sim can't work from home because of competitions.
    • Business - Office work at home, yay!
    • Criminal - Either go out do Mischief, pickpocket sims, or hack (Oracle) or threaten sims (boss).
    • Culinary - I fear that it would go only for the bartender branch, giving them an opportunity to get paid for tending bars.
    • Entertainer - Go out and do some music/comedy!
    • Painter - Paint, duh.
    • Tech Guru - Program or play video games. In addition, some days could require your sim in E-Sports branch to participate in video game competitions.
    • Writer - Write books. Sims in Journalism branch could get tasks to interview sims.

    Though some careers could require some more new interactions so working from home could have more tasks, all of the careers could literally work with Work from Home options! Let's have a career refresh!

    YES, Thanks for writing these out, It's exactly what I was thinking.

    I don't know why I didn't elaborate more in the original post but here's some additional ideas:

    They could include social interactions as well

    • finance: giving investment or finance advice
    • painting: discuss art styles/preferences
    • rocket scientist: share opinions about space. For those with Get To Work: ask aliens for advise
    • entertainer: promote band/comedy show
    • Tech Guru: give advise on computer hardware
    • Culinary: exchange recipes
    • any career: meet with colleagues and discuss work
    • any career: online zoom meeting

  • EgonVM's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    2 years ago
    One career I did leave out is Secret Agent career. The main reason is that I really don't imagine how this career would work at home. After all, I really feel like it's a replacement for Law Enforcement career in previous career (the level 5 title is Lead Detective after all).

    The only thing that comes to my mind is browsing intelligence on computer. That and Tranquilizing Handshake interaction on poor random sims...
  • I would love this and have written about it before on the forum. It would be a great addition to the game, especially if we also got "do career/work tasks" as a club activity, and "work place" as a lot trait inspiring people to do work related tasks, then we'd really get far in terms of allowing us to create our own active careers, without the game developers doing it for us.
  • I love the work from home option. My sim usually completes the work tasks first thing and has the rest of the day for other pursuits.

    Along with the many other things on my to do list is to work on some hobby/skills/club hangout lots so that when working from home they have somewhere to go to socialize with other Sims.
  • Totally agree. I would use more of the careers if more of them had a work from home option. Even for careers that "make no sense" as work from home in real life, I would like to have that option in Sims 4, because then I can build a "workplace" and have them go there to do the tasks and any other relevant skills.
  • "JAL;c-18271198" wrote:
    I would love this and have written about it before on the forum. It would be a great addition to the game, especially if we also got "do career/work tasks" as a club activity, and "work place" as a lot trait inspiring people to do work related tasks, then we'd really get far in terms of allowing us to create our own active careers, without the game developers doing it for us.

    Ah I didn't check and see this but I'm glad it's been mentioned before!

    Also love the lot traits and club activities. I've started to create some career clubs but it sucks that we don't have anything like the career tasks.
    For community lots, I've created some co-working spaces in community lots, either as an art center or Makers Space because soms on these lots will do use the lot as intended. I don't have Growing Together yet, but I guess the new lot trait would also be handy for a co-working space.
  • "EgonVM;c-18271162" wrote:
    One career I did leave out is Secret Agent career. The main reason is that I really don't imagine how this career would work at home. After all, I really feel like it's a replacement for Law Enforcement career in previous career (the level 5 title is Lead Detective after all).

    The only thing that comes to my mind is browsing intelligence on computer. That and Tranquilizing Handshake interaction on poor random sims...

    I haven't played this in a while so I don't remember much what it's about, but perhaps some snooping around, interviewing mischievous sims.
  • I definitely would love to see this.

    What I'd really like is for careers to have WFH and active options, or you can just choose to send your sims to rabbitholes, on a day-by-day basis.

    Like, the astronaut career could have some WFH tasks, or there's a rocket at the science lab where the scientists work. Maybe astronauts could also go work at the science lab and do their astronaut tasks there. The education careers can take place at the high school or college (we might need to have actual lecture halls at college.) Doing an active day in the athlete career sends you to a gym. The culinary career sends you to a restaurant or bar, entertainer send you to a lounge, artist to an art center, etc.

    We'd need an office workplace for business and salaryman type jobs, and maybe a dedicated workplace for criminal jobs.

    And, part and parcel of all this, no daily tasks. Building skills for promotions, sure. But work 8 hours and then go home and continue working? No thanks. My sims are all quiet quitters who have way more important things to do than keep working after hours.