7 years ago
All Sims 4 Worlds connected in one map (Fanart included)

Link: https://simscommunity.info/2019/01/21/a-simmer-has-put-together-all-the-sims-4-worlds-in-one-image/
It's so beautiful! I think it makes the whole world look so much more alive and connected. The way the worlds like Oasis Springs, Del Sol and San Myshuno fit perfectly, just makes me so happy and excited.
Of course, worlds like Forgotten Hollow and Selvadorada don't fit in well yet because there aren't enough worlds with correct aesthetics to transition them nicely.
Would you like all worlds to be connected in one map? As more worlds are added, we could get a pretty awesome and expansive map that we can move around to see how everything connects. I think it might also help please the Open World advocates a bit. Although the worlds would still be "closed," a map like this would make everything seem more open and connected instead of each world just being a little dollhouse of its own.
This large map would replace the white screen with all the circular map icons on them. When you click on your chosen world on the large map, it switches to the world-specific map like it does now.