Generation 2 Spouse: Clementa Uglacy, neé Frost. I was brooding to my sister one day about the lack of ugly Sims in this game, tormented by the possibility of attractive Generation 3 children (Eric is not terribly ugly, mind you, so we needed help), and she innocently suggested, "What about Santa Claus?" Yeah, took that one and ran with it - After some MCCC Command Center, Clement Frost became Clementa, and assumed the unsuspecting role of ultimate Matriarch and probably one of the most recognizable figures in the Uglacy Family, likely ever. I did age her down significantly to match Eric's age, which seems to have backfired because Clementa is now frozen in elder hood and refuses to die.
Yep - Our town is controlled by a do-gooder, immortal, female Santa Claus.
I'd originally started to write Clementa as more of a passive figure in the Uglacy storylines, but as it turns out, her personality shone through on free will, significantly. Despite putting up with her husband's womanizing ways, Clementa wasn't a pushover - She entered the household with three maximized skills and made thousands of dollars as an immensely famous singer and entertainer. She also ended up with (I think, I lost count) more romantic relationships than her husband. Most of these relationships occurred without me noticing half the time, and most are definitely not at all appropriate. For instance, Clementa's romantic pursuits include her sister-in-law, her son-in-law, her sister-in-law's son (I have no idea how this happened and I truly hate it), and various maids under her employ.
At present, Clementa is still alive and I find it hard to kill her off (even if she's 250+ days old) because I like her so much. I am playing with the idea of giving her her own lot where she can live throughout the next 6 generations as the eternal Uglacy mascot.
Fun Fact: Clementa had five children of her own and is up to 11 (!) grandchildren in Generation 4 so far. Give it a couple of generations and this entire town will claim descent from Clement(a) Frost.
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