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DarkChadmeister's avatar
6 years ago

Ancient Bloodline Legacy Challenge (Realm of Magic)

We have all seen and read those fantasy books/movies of powerful magical bloodlines that stretch back many generations. Penniless and alone, your Sim has dreams of being and creating something greater; a powerful and prestigious legacy that will be remembered by all. Realm of Magic now gives you that chance as you can create your very own ancient magical bloodline in Sims 4!

This challenge is inspired and is a variation of the standard Legacy Challenge for Sims 4 but with a focus on the Sims 4 Spellcaster occult from the Realm of Magic game pack. In order to complete the challenge you will of course need Realm of Magic but otherwise you should not need any further expansion/game/stuff packs to complete the challenge.

To become one of the most prestigious and powerful bloodlines of spellcasters within Sims 4 and with each generation passing on your magical bloodline until you receive the Ancient Bloodline trait.

This will require 3 successive generations of spellcasters past the first generation so think of this as a shorter occult legacy challenge with a few more rules added!

More details on magical bloodlines can be located at Carl's Sims 4 Guide website.

Getting Started:

Create any character in CAS but you must start at age Teen or above and you must be the only sim in your household. (Note: Its not required that you start as a Spellcaster occult as you can become a spellcaster via the quest with one of the sages in Glimmerbrook)

Optional: You may use the in-game personality quiz to determine your founder’s careers, traits, and skills but you will need to cheat down your starting funds and possibly quit your job (see below).

Optional: If you have Cats & Dogs expansion pack, you may add a pet initially to be your familiar. Subsequently, any other pets added to the household must be in-game (strays moved-in, adoption or bred).

Optional (Hardmode): If you have Seasons, you start the game in Winter.

Purchase an empty lot (or bulldoze one of the other pre-built lot). Lot traits can whatever you wish but they can not be changed during the challenge. (For Hardmode take the off-the-grid trait for your lot)

Use the money cheat by typing testingcheats true in the command console and then money 1500 (or 0 depending on if you want to do Hardmode for a greater challenge).

Base Rules:

  • You must play with aging on and set to a normal lifespan (auto-aging for non-households can be disabled). Your sim cannot use any methods to prevent or prolong aging EXCEPT by their own magic. (Keep in mind household size limits so your immortal founder staying in your house may be an issue)
  • Any mods or CC that gives you an unfair advantage over others are not allowed. Your sim is powerful enough already!
  • No cheating or reverting to saves! The only exceptions are bb.moveobjects on (for building purposes) or to resolve glitches.
  • Your sim can only pass on his bloodline when they unlocked their full potential. They must complete both the Purveyor of Potions and Spellcraft & Sorcery Aspirations before producing an heir (i.e. having children).
  • Partner for your bloodline must be of an occult of some type (no mudbloods!). You can use the Rite of Ascension if you wish. (Keep in mind breeding with another occult has a chance of not producing a spellcaster)
  • A spouse can be moved into the house but they must be an occult (as above).
  • Sims can be moved out of the house to make room for others but they cannot be moved back in afterwards.
  • Use the in-game randomiser to select all the children’s traits as they age. You cannot pick their traits yourself. (You may re-trait via the Reward store as per below).
  • Starting aspirations for your heir apparent must be Purveyor of Potions or Spellcraft & Sorcery. Subsequent Aspirations can be picked.
  • You may pick whichever child to be the heir apparent but they must have the bloodline trait and be of the Spellcaster occult (Hardmode: use the full Succession Laws in the Legacy challenge)
  • You may have a work-from-home career but you must always choose the work from home option. Mastering magic is a full-time job! (Hardmode: You can not take any careers)
  • Your heir may not purchase any Rewards from the Rewards Store until you have unlocked your full potential (i.e. Purveyor of Potions and Spellcraft & Sorcery aspirations completed)

You can view the rules here as well as I'll be making updates on occasion based on feedback and things that may come up as I try to complete the challenge myself.

Let me know what you think!

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