4 years ago
Babies From Woohoo
So one thing that has always sort of bugged me about the game is that there is actually an action called "try for baby." I mean, it does make sense that when you want to plan a pregnancy you'll remove certain um, precautions however there is also a chance when not trying, even with said precautions that pregnancy occurs irl. However, in the game, it shouldn't be so binary of a choice.
It's my understanding that just like "try for baby" doesn't guarantee that you'll get pregnant, plain woohooing (is that a word? lol) can result in pregnancy but in my experience, I've never ever even ever had that occur so if it's a chance, it's way to weak. I think that a chance of 11.692% should be sufficient to make one cautious of over woohooing (again, is that a word?).
I mean when one of my spouses (wow, that's not a phrase I ever thought I'd use) has low social and/or happiness needs, my default is to throw them in bed together and have them "sort it out." But if woohooing has a higher chance of making babies, that could end up causing quite a ripple in your households future plans. And let's face it, life isn't life without a bit of uncontrolled chaos.
It's my understanding that just like "try for baby" doesn't guarantee that you'll get pregnant, plain woohooing (is that a word? lol) can result in pregnancy but in my experience, I've never ever even ever had that occur so if it's a chance, it's way to weak. I think that a chance of 11.692% should be sufficient to make one cautious of over woohooing (again, is that a word?).
I mean when one of my spouses (wow, that's not a phrase I ever thought I'd use) has low social and/or happiness needs, my default is to throw them in bed together and have them "sort it out." But if woohooing has a higher chance of making babies, that could end up causing quite a ripple in your households future plans. And let's face it, life isn't life without a bit of uncontrolled chaos.