A little help for you to improve the game :)
- Update neighbourhood stories so that townies could autonomously start to date, get married, finish university, progress careers, divorce and my sims could get invited to birthday parties, weddings, or to help a friend when they break up etc.
It would be amazing if townies would know each others!
- Repair social bunny so that it is not useless anymore. Sims could finally be able to post about what happens to them, like vacations, graduation, marriage, birthday, breakups etc!
- An attraction system that may even challenge compatibility: a sim could be attracted to someone they are not compatible with
- Better teens! There is nothing real about teens, you could add modlets specific for them about that add more drama and realism. For example they may feel uncertainty about future and confusion or even sadness about love life, fear of the first kiss and inspiration about self discovery. It could even work similar to the middle life crisis in growing together. With updated neighbourhoods stories and social bunny teens could receive messages about friends who give their first kiss, breakups, and others who decide which university they want to do etc and they could give them moodlets too.
Them and children could also have summer and winter vacations!
- Longer and better moodlets. Some noodles should last longer and have a bigger impact than other. Furthermore they should be more influenced by sims traits. Other ways my sims are all the same and they don’t feel real. For example, no way a tan you get would last so short
It would be fantastic ?