5 years agoSeasoned Ace
Big Brother 2020 Challenge
Welcome to the Big Brother challenge! Originally by gizmoman49 on MTS.
1) There will be 8 Sims in the house to start with. Once the first four have been evicted, there will be one or two wildcard Sims added.
2) Evictions will be every Sunday.
3) Sims will not be controlled. I'm Big Brother here and can modify the house and evict Sims, but will not intervene directly.
4) They're cut off from the rest of the world. No TVs, computers, radios, or books allowed. There will be a mailbox on the premise solely for paying bills - assuming they'll be able to afford them!
5) At the start of the challenge, household funds will be set to 0. Raising money will be on the housemates.
6) While within the confines of the game, I can't take away their phones, they won't technically have them and hopefully... won't spend too much time on them. They have all been provided with journals; the spellcasters have had their glimmerstones taken.
7) Each week will have a challenge. Either the loser of the challenge will be the evictee, or the winner/s of the challenge will be immune from voting.
8) Check out the house here!
Meet The Housemates!
Our housemates for the challenge: Cassandra Goth, Malcolm Landgraab, Morgyn Ember, Johnny Zest, Don Lothario, Diego Lobo, Lilith Vatore, Caleb Vatore. Two sets of siblings (one close, one... very estranged), two vampires, two spellcasters.
Morgyn Ember
Ambitious | Bookworm | Outgoing
Former Sage, now reality TV contestant! How will this bookworm last without a single book in the house?
Cassandra Goth
Creative | Gloomy | Loner
From the famed Goth family, Cassandra would rather be left alone with her music. Will she cope with a house full of strangers?
Malcolm Landgraab
Evil | Snob | Self-Absorbed
Heir of the Landgraab family, Malcolm is rich, vain, and well-connected. Will he be able to relate to the others, including his disowned older brother?
Diego Lobo
Art Lover| Hot-Headed | Snob
A critic who knows what he likes and what he doesn't like, can Diego ever learn to play well with others?
Don Lothario
Active | Noncommittal | Romantic
Don is a capital H Heartbreaker! He's almost guaranteed to woo at least one other housemate - will he leave a trail of broken hearts in his wake?
Caleb Vatore
Foodie | Materialistic | Romantic
One of a pair of twins, this gentle-natured vampire loves being around others. Will he be able to keep his thirst in check and not snack on his housemates?
Lilith Vatore
Active | Creative | Outgoing
The other half of the Vatore twins, Lilith is energetic and loves being kept busy. Will she end up suffering from boredom?
Johnny Zest
Ambitious | Goofball | Outgoing
An aspiring and outgoing comedian, Johnny is used to having friends. How will he fare with his evil younger brother in the house?
Week 1, days 1-2
Week 1, days 3-4
Week 1, days 4-6
Week 1, day 7
Week 2, days 1-2
Week 2, days 3-4
Week 2, day 5
Week 2, day 6
Week 2, day 7
Week 3, day 1
1) There will be 8 Sims in the house to start with. Once the first four have been evicted, there will be one or two wildcard Sims added.
2) Evictions will be every Sunday.
3) Sims will not be controlled. I'm Big Brother here and can modify the house and evict Sims, but will not intervene directly.
4) They're cut off from the rest of the world. No TVs, computers, radios, or books allowed. There will be a mailbox on the premise solely for paying bills - assuming they'll be able to afford them!
5) At the start of the challenge, household funds will be set to 0. Raising money will be on the housemates.
6) While within the confines of the game, I can't take away their phones, they won't technically have them and hopefully... won't spend too much time on them. They have all been provided with journals; the spellcasters have had their glimmerstones taken.
7) Each week will have a challenge. Either the loser of the challenge will be the evictee, or the winner/s of the challenge will be immune from voting.
8) Check out the house here!
Our housemates for the challenge: Cassandra Goth, Malcolm Landgraab, Morgyn Ember, Johnny Zest, Don Lothario, Diego Lobo, Lilith Vatore, Caleb Vatore. Two sets of siblings (one close, one... very estranged), two vampires, two spellcasters.
Morgyn Ember
Ambitious | Bookworm | Outgoing
Former Sage, now reality TV contestant! How will this bookworm last without a single book in the house?
Cassandra Goth
Creative | Gloomy | Loner
From the famed Goth family, Cassandra would rather be left alone with her music. Will she cope with a house full of strangers?
Malcolm Landgraab
Evil | Snob | Self-Absorbed
Heir of the Landgraab family, Malcolm is rich, vain, and well-connected. Will he be able to relate to the others, including his disowned older brother?
Diego Lobo
Art Lover| Hot-Headed | Snob
A critic who knows what he likes and what he doesn't like, can Diego ever learn to play well with others?
Don Lothario
Active | Noncommittal | Romantic
Don is a capital H Heartbreaker! He's almost guaranteed to woo at least one other housemate - will he leave a trail of broken hearts in his wake?
Caleb Vatore
Foodie | Materialistic | Romantic
One of a pair of twins, this gentle-natured vampire loves being around others. Will he be able to keep his thirst in check and not snack on his housemates?
Lilith Vatore
Active | Creative | Outgoing
The other half of the Vatore twins, Lilith is energetic and loves being kept busy. Will she end up suffering from boredom?
Johnny Zest
Ambitious | Goofball | Outgoing
An aspiring and outgoing comedian, Johnny is used to having friends. How will he fare with his evil younger brother in the house?
Week 1, days 1-2
Week 1, days 3-4
Week 1, days 4-6
Week 1, day 7
Week 2, days 1-2
Week 2, days 3-4
Week 2, day 5
Week 2, day 6
Week 2, day 7
Week 3, day 1