Welcome to the Big Brother challenge! Originally by gizmoman49 on MTS. https://i.imgur.com/0hxLcrw.jpg Rules 1) There will be 8 Sims in the house to start with. Once the first four have b...
We return to the house at 4 AM on Tuesday. Four of the housemates, sensibly, are sleeping. Don appears restless; he's playing basketball. The Vatores, of course, don't sleep; Lilith is doing pushups in the kitchen (really?), Caleb is in the pool.
Diego's up, Don takes the opportunity to steal his bed. This is an, "I'm awake but at what cost?" look if ever there was one. https://i.imgur.com/vtf1JB7.png
I swear Diego's breaking the fourth wall here. "Can you believe this guy?" Actually, given that this is Big Brother, he actually could be addressing the audience... https://i.imgur.com/HCuYEbQ.png
Anyway. Regarding money, it was pretty unanimous to just cheat the bills. Once Morgyn is done with the dishes, let's go do that! https://i.imgur.com/2mJu7XR.png
And a bit more money-making while they're at it. From $429 to $722! https://i.imgur.com/ssB1lEf.png
This is the first time Lilith hasn't given Don an, "In your dreams" look. Progress! https://i.imgur.com/qyJL4iD.png
This is technically from a non-forum-friendly mod but this animation is very PG-rated, and also, awww!! https://i.imgur.com/R5vwDDz.png
Just. So cute <3 https://i.imgur.com/FS0vl58.png
I swear I need to ban that popcorn machine. How do they not have scurvy. https://i.imgur.com/JqjAxRf.png
Cass, in true loner style, is having her own popcorn party - the type where she's the only attendee. https://i.imgur.com/23QGAk6.png
Lilith is so ready for the dance competition. https://i.imgur.com/9999FRp.png
Apparently Johnny is describing his fear of boredom. Ironically, Lilith looks bored. https://i.imgur.com/Eav4yzq.png
Dance dance! Albeit in... really weird outfits. Caleb in everyday, Diego in half of something, Johnny in a towel, Don in athletic, Lilith and Morgyn in swimwear. What kinda dress code is this club?! https://i.imgur.com/SDV6itf.png
Even Cass emerges to get her dance on! https://i.imgur.com/qgM7ytm.png
Oh thank god something other than popcorn. https://i.imgur.com/Absce6W.png
So I did change settings slightly so they could stay more, ahem, attired, but it's pretty clear from Morgyn's expression that that was a fun Monopoly session. https://i.imgur.com/UEGCE19.png
Don leaves and these two immediately start flirting. https://i.imgur.com/HQtwpWX.png
(Seem to have an irritating bug here - the pink bars just are not happening! Even after actual Romance interactions, nothin'. Try adding one with cheats, nothin'.)
Hmmm. https://i.imgur.com/g0oaLKv.png
And then he immediately splashes back down. Glitch with going for a plasma pack while chilling on a float (which he was doing just before), I guess! https://i.imgur.com/zQNSH4v.png
And it's the lottery! You know, we almost have $700... once I get Caleb (who's not doing anything) to sell some produce, I'm gonna get him to buy a ticket! https://i.imgur.com/1IVq8Pw.png
"...and on the offchance we win, I can totally cook us a gourmet meal!" https://i.imgur.com/T1VwAjK.png
Okay, we're on $913. Time to get everyone to buy a ticket! https://i.imgur.com/joje1Ng.png
Lilith's fridge repair did not go well. https://i.imgur.com/okaMCGj.png
An interesting angle. Caleb, are you okay? https://i.imgur.com/6SwRkgy.png
Everyone has bought a ticket! Breakfast may resu-- oh lord it's Harvestfest tomorrow. https://i.imgur.com/9oQPzGp.png
"I swear to Watcher..." https://i.imgur.com/voK89Tg.png
Morgyn lays the compliments upon their Bed Buddy. https://i.imgur.com/8qfV6sc.png
Don is pleased. Or on a sugar high. Not sure. https://i.imgur.com/ZkZAYRb.png
(And now we begin a sequence called, 'Morgyn, are you okay? :-|')
Morgyn stares at the coffee machine, then thinks better of it. That's that self-care, bby! https://i.imgur.com/OMJehNo.png
...or not XD https://i.imgur.com/0euq2GX.png
Good job. https://i.imgur.com/iwVdrhV.png
Please help them. https://i.imgur.com/fSVDrwv.png
I guess that takes care of their energy needs...? https://i.imgur.com/MDIvfVc.png
...Nope, they just stuck it in their inventory and passed out again. Lilith and Don consider staging an intervention. https://i.imgur.com/GOAKXce.png
Wakes up. Makes another coffee. https://i.imgur.com/edZU2EA.png
Outgoing Sims are ridiculous. https://i.imgur.com/F6jEzSj.png
"YEAH CAFFEINE." https://i.imgur.com/jttAx3h.png
MORGYN... https://i.imgur.com/aZ8vTY3.png
MORGYN P L S. https://i.imgur.com/FSlOvsc.png
And despite now desperately needing to use the bathroom, now they waddle off to bed (after dropping the coffee on the counter, which at least is better than the one still sitting in their inventory!). https://i.imgur.com/SVW1MHM.png
Good night. https://i.imgur.com/ShhmAJq.png
"Am I the only one who knows how to take care of their needs here?!" https://i.imgur.com/wCou06D.png
Actually scratch that he super needs the bathroom and a shower. Actually, unscratch that he because he just immediately went and did just that. Good boy, Johnny. https://i.imgur.com/htAuJFD.png