Forum Discussion

GalacticGal's avatar
Seasoned Ace
4 years ago

BUILDERS: Please, Please, Please, Please, PLEASE

Builders, besides play-testing your lots before you share them in the Gallery, kindly make sure Sims visiting the lot, especially venues, are able to use the bathrooms! I placed a very nice looking remodel of Orchid A Go Go, and added a karaoke machine (the small one) as I always did in the original venue. This is a good place for a budding singer to show off their talent and earn those much-needed celebrity points. So, I took my Teen who is currently a Rising Star back over there to strut his vocal chords and in general earn those points! All was well, until two of his siblings were suddenly doing the Potty dance, as it were. I panned around and discovered where the bathroom was. I clicked on the toilets (there were three to send them to empty their bladder. Then I didn't give them a second thought. Suddenly, the third sibling is really prancing about. But, alas, it was too late. He wet all over the floor. :open_mouth: Then I noticed their only sister was needing the bathroom again. Again? How many cream sodas have you had, missy? Well, I decided I had to take a look at the bathroom. Then I discover not one of the three stalls had doors. There was simply no access. Obviously, this venue was created prior to University, as the stalls were player built ones. Nice, but no doors. I went in, moved the toilet and the potted plant to make room for a door and fixed the problem.

Do I upload it with a note? Or just let the builder discover their own mistake? Or, did they use a pack I didn't have? I'm going to suggest that builders stick to base game doors as much as possible, since not all players have every single pack. Just sayin'.

Thanks for letting me vent.

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