And So We Moved, a Cantrell: The Early Years Save “Lulu,” Joseph said. Seeing her frown at his chosen nickname for her, he began again, gently taking her by the shoulders. “Louise, I know you’re in ...
Dancing To My Own Beat, a Cantrell: The Early Years Update
“They’re all fast asleep,” Joseph said, upon his return to the living room. He had just made the ‘rounds. Sometimes Aaron was prone to get up and wander about. A proclivity left over from his toddlerhood. Which was quite a worry, given there were a few predatory wild animals down in the canyon. This canyon was just around the cliff side and behind them. The Lematya, for one. A feline-type creature, very large, with poisonous claws. Now and again a Sehlet might be encountered, but this bear-like animal was, for the most part, domesticated and generally the ones roaming had simply escaped their confinement container. Mostly a well-kept large crate often locked. Somebody’s pet.
Joseph took a seat in one of the side chairs. Louise smiled at him upon his return. “You had something to discuss,” she coaxed, sipping at her evening glass of wine..
“Yes,” he said. “Erik’s birthday is coming rather soon. I have a thought or two on what we should get him. I want it to be something that nurtures his interests.”
“As we did for Aaron.” Louise nodded. “Is there something in particular you had in mind?”
Joseph resettled himself into the chair, as if uncomfortable. “I’ve got a couple of items in mind. Problem is, both on are the pricey side.”
“If you have a mind to get him his own guitar,” Louise smiled. “I can always paint our way into affording it.”
Joseph’s eyes sparkled as he gazed over at his wife. “Yes, that was one of the items I had in mind.”
“A guitar of his own is something I most certainly can support. He’s always been so interested in yours. Standing, staring at it as if it were some kind of magical device. But he was always so mindful not to touch.”
“You noticed, too. But of course you did. Did I ever mention just how much I admire you? You’re a terrific mother, as I suspected you would be the day we met. That’s why I chose you, you know?”
“Oh, you chose me?” She grinned broadly, her pretty face lighting up. “And, here all of this time I thought I was the one doing the choosing. Huh, what do you know?”
Erik’s birthday came. His mother baked him a coconut cake. “Whoa, the faeries are back,” The four-year-old exclaimed. “See, they’re dancing on top of the cake?” he said when called to blow out his candles.
“Faeries?” his parents questioned in unison.
“There aren’t any faeries, son,” Joseph said gently, “That’s the flickering of the flames.”
“Okay, maybe they’re angels, since I see that at church, too. Bobbing and dancing. They’re very happy.”
The parents shot each other a glance. “I guess somebody needs their eyes checked,” Louise said. “I’ll call and make an appointment.”
Erik blew out his candles, twirled and suddenly a child stood where the toddler once did. " Hey, hey look at me! I'm big. Finally."
When handed his gifts, Erik was in awe as he unwrapped a large oddly shaped wrapped package. Opening the box in side, his eyes welled up. “My own guitar? This is for me? Thank you. Oh, thank you so much. Mom, Dad, you’re the best!”
“Don’t forget to open the other present. It’s from your brothers.”
The package was much smaller, but it contained a child’s size violin. Erik’s enthusiasm was no less for this second gift.
“Can I play them now?”
“Sure. Which instrument are you going to try first?”
The boy picked up the guitar and to all those present, he played better than expected. While not perfect, he clearly showed talent and a proclivity for the instrument. The parents gazed at each other, both thinking prodigy.
Over the next few days Erik played the guitar, the violin and the piano. Each time he sat down, he gained more skill. And, once he was fitted for his glasses, he excelled in his homework, too. “Wow, I had no idea the world was so clear. I thought everybody saw the world as I did. A blurry fuzzy landscape full of odd green shapes that moved in the wind. I can see. I can see!”
The time whizzed by more quickly now that two of the boys were in school, and Brianna spent time in a comprehensive Vulcan program. T’Pran had sought permission from the Council, in order to teach the child to vastly curtail her Wanderings. When her sessions were done for the day, T’Pran took time to teach the rest of the family how best to guard their own Thoughts. Shielding their minds from such an onslaught.
Throughout this passage of time, Joey went from an Infant to a Toddler and then to a Child.Before anyone knew it, Joey was off to school with his brothers. “Goodbye, T’Pran, I hope you have a productive day,” he smiled as he left the house. Brianna was growing, too. Before too long she would be aging up to a child. Louise wondered if her daughter would be allowed to attend the human primary school, with her brothers, or if her schooling would be far more remote . . . The thought grieved her, but she now understood all of this training was to protect the girl and her family. Louise sighed, dreading the day of Brianna’s birthday, fast approaching.
All for now. Thanks for reading!
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