Forum Discussion

Mk_2790's avatar
New Spectator
4 years ago

City Living refresh ideas


Breakdance mat

Mimes in the streets

Gabby the mime

Police and burglars (also BG update)

Ballet barre

Unsavory Charlatan

5 Replies

  • Love the cop and burglar! And the mime idea!

    Smaller apartments as an option

    If we have the burglar back, lets bring back the burglar alarm as well?

    Superheroes and villains? They usually fight in cities. Super Sims could be a new life state.

    Plumbots or other robots to automate tasks throughout the city? Like occasionally clean the streets or water city plants and such.

    Remove NAPs in the city... People in apartments can do nothing if something like power consumption is active.
  • Cities are, by their nature, bustling centers for work and leisure activities. Apart from the festivals, there is not much to do in San Myshuno and there are very few lots suitable for community venues. I would like an option to be able to combine multiple venues and residences on one lot. We also need a working cinema venue and a mall.
  • • Apartment lot type
    (just lot type that lets you add few households separately without combining them)

    • ability to edit hallways for existing apartments

    •functional elevators so we can use them in any build of choice to go from floor to floor
    • and if so elevator woohoo :sunglasses:
    •politics related social events? festival for uptown perhaps? strange thing to miss when there is all the politics stuff

    •needs tlc made into lot challenge that can be removed

    (i get it its fun but like really its just very illogical after having completely renovated those apartments)

    • making advertisements of our own sims?
    random thought after thinking about urbz for a second... theres lot of those advertisement board things in city living.. could be get famous too tho... but wouldn't it be fun to have our sims on them

    • newspaper!
    what would be more perfect place for the good old newspaper with its politics pages and all...

    • karaoke songs to be available as normal songs for sims to sing... its bit strange having to get machine to sing these songs at all
    • or smaller karaoke machine for home tv use possibly
  • City Living is for me a essential pack, probably the one that I had most households in. But I would love to have it extended, with restaurants, spas, cinemas and whatever. I would like it to be so my Sims would never have to leave the city except for holidays. I want my City Living Sims to be like all people who lives in big cit capitalss. "We are the best who needs the rest!"
  • SEREFRAS's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    4 years ago
    If they ever do refresh City Living, I hope they turn it into the fabulous Bridgeport & add more & better City Festivals. ;)