Forum Discussion

xmerer's avatar
6 years ago

Clanbuilding for Dummies: now with the last two chapters!

Hi, everyone! Welcome to Clanbuilding for Dummies. It's a humorous story about one guy who tries to make a name for Newcrest (and himself) through extreme measures and mildly fangy practices. The story is told through both written word and comic pages. Chapter 1 is posted below. The rest of the chapters are available on my website. But if you're just looking for the two latest ones, here they are:


Clanbuilding for Dummies, Chapter 1

The two vampires met just before dawn, on the steps of the largest (and clearly, most expensive) abode in all of Forgotten Hollow. One male, white-haired and conservatively dressed. One female, who looked like she had recently been performing at a rock concert. Mohawk and all.

While Forgotten Hollow was normally a quiet place, tonight it was anything but.

The first rays of sunlight began to crack through the dark sky. As neither vampire wished to be lightly roasted with a side of wolfsbane, they quickly brought the conversation to a close, each in their own way.

Gertrude, of course, insisted on yelling. Vladislaus preferred his succinct approach.

And that, dear readers, is how our story begins. And you know what? We prefer the name Miss H over Gertrude. We shall, as the young ones say, stick with that.


End of Chapter 1.

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