2 years ago
Creating a legacy challenge...
I was wondering if anyone can create a legacy challenge for me, non magic or ghost related, based on the periodic table. I kinda had an idea to have each generation's heirs name be an element on the periodic table but other than that I got nothing. I've never used mods and here are the packs I have:
Cottage living
Cats and dogs
Get to work
Dine out
Outdoor retreat
My first pet stuff
Romantic garden stuff
(Thinking of adding another pack but not sure which one. My fav thing is collecting/fishing/gardening so I'd like a pack that'll add something new to one or more of those areas. Any suggestions?)
Not a lot to go on, sorry, but I'm bored and looking for a challenge. 😏
If no can create a legacy for me, can you recommend one?
Cottage living
Cats and dogs
Get to work
Dine out
Outdoor retreat
My first pet stuff
Romantic garden stuff
(Thinking of adding another pack but not sure which one. My fav thing is collecting/fishing/gardening so I'd like a pack that'll add something new to one or more of those areas. Any suggestions?)
Not a lot to go on, sorry, but I'm bored and looking for a challenge. 😏
If no can create a legacy for me, can you recommend one?