Now I made the 4 main characters from the Rot and Ruin book series by Jonathon Maberry!! These are the only zombie books I actually like, and all these characters are badass Zombie hunters!
Lilah (AKA "The lost Girl") She was stuck out in the woods by herself from the time she was 12, and being alone taught her how to be a complete badass when it comes to killing Zombies(and people...)
Tom Imura; his father was from a family of samurais, and that makes him the Last Samurai. He is an awesome zombie bounty hunter, and he also carries a katana but I couldn't find any cool CC. On the night the "Zombie Plague" started, Tom carried his younger half brother Benny to safety after their parents had been bitten.
Benny Imura, Toms Brother. He's a little bit of a ditz most of the time, not the smartest protaginist, but he is brave and he tries to follow Toms Samurai rules.
And finally, Pheonix (Nix) Riley; She's a fiery red head with a whole lotta baggage...Benny's girlfriend and lifelong best friend, she knows almost everything about how to kill Zombies. She keeps a journal and everytime she learns something new about them she writes it down.
If you're interested, all these characters are in the gallery. you can search them under either my origin Id(Simintoxication), #rotandruin, or #bookcharacters
Tell me what you think!!! No CC at all except for their eyes; I wanted to make them stand out.