Educated teen run away challenge Goal is to complete High school with a graduation with honours then enrol into university and complete the Academic aspiration. Have a house by the time you start y...
Day 2 was a bit more challenging since she had her tasks at school to achieve and also it was pouring with rain so she could not go fish and spent time in the park, I had to compromise, all in all I think it went ok and her needs are not to bad going to bed. Started with 126 Simoleons and have 118 now :)
The morning started pretty wet and a grumbling tummy, but the first day of school was happening soon
Miranda met he principal and found out what this school was all about
She then walked to loo with legs pinched together, did not want a bladder malfunction on the first day of school. Phew just in time.
The first class was not fun, Miranda was listening and taking notes, but was starving now
Thank goodness it was lunch break, time to eat and then study for those exams a bit more
Second class was so much better with a full tummy and a great end of the day result, Way to go Miranda
With school done I thought it a good idea to use the gym's showers and toilets. but what to do with pouring rain. Her fun was a bit low so I had her play the piano to help her get that up a bit more
All was going good until she got an audience and felt super embarrassed
Where to go for dinner and a last toilet run before sending her home to sleep, well the Thrift store had a fridge so she made herself a salad, although she was not too happy with the quality of the fridge
oops or the end result of her salad, she ate it quite against her will. Buy hey it filled up that hunger.
So with good needs it is time for bed. She is going to school by herself on Tuesday (to help with the bug of progression)
That is me for today, hope you guys liked the update :)