3 years ago
Every Pack is a Generation Challenge
Hi! I created a challenge so I could use every pack from the Sims 4 and I wanted to share it on here in case someone else might want to do it. Just a disclaimer, English is not my first language so if there is any mistake, please let me know. :)
This challenge uses every expansion pack and game packs. I also used some stuff packs but they are just extra stuff you can do. Feel free to skip any generation that you don't like.
Generation 1: StrangerVille
You get sent to a new neighborhood where everyone seems a little... strange. But it's your job to investigate what's going on there. After all, you work in the military!
Aspiration: StrangerVille Mystery
Traits: Paranoid, ambitious and geek
Career: Military
- Master the military career.
- Finish your aspiration and discover the mystery of StrangerVille.
- Master the video gaming skill.
- Live in StrangerVille your whole life.
- Marry someone from your job.
- Complete the space prints collection.
Generation 2: Spa Day
Having military parents was super stressful to you. They spent all of their time focusing on their career and their video games. You want to give your child a better childhood and be more present for them.
Aspiration: Inner Peace
Traits: High maintenance, gloomy and vegetarian
Career: Entertainer (Comedian Branch)
- Move to Sulani as a young adult to find a more peaceful place to live.
- Master the entertainer career.
- Finish the inner peace aspiration.
- Master the wellness and comedy skills.
- Do yoga or meditation every week with your child.
- Have a sauna and an aquarium in your house.
- Complete the seashells collection.
Generation 3: Island Living
As a teenager, you were fascinated by fishes. You were the only one taking care of the aquarium. One day, while swimming in the ocean, you saw a half fish-half human creature. You got fascinated really quick and decided to follow it…
Aspiration: Beach Life
Traits: Child of the islands, child of the ocean and active
Jobs: Lifeguard and fisherman
- Master the lifeguard and fisherman jobs.
- Finish the beach life aspiration.
- Become a mermaid.
- Date and have a baby with a mermaid.
- Master the fitness skill only by swimming and master the fishing skill.
- Own a water scooter.
- Woohoo at the waterfall.
- Complete the buried treasure collection.
Generation 4: Get Famous
You’ve always been told to hide yourself from other people. That being a mermaid should be a secret, otherwise people will try to hurt you. But that won’t stop you from becoming a star.
Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity
Traits: Self-Absorbed, mean and outgoing
Career: Actor
- Join the Drama Club as a child and master it as a teenager.
- Master the actor career.
- Finish the World-Famous Celebrity aspiration.
- Never tell anyone about your mermaid form.
- Go swimming every night
- Master the acting and charisma skills.
- Have a baby with a human.
- (Vintage Glamour) Have a butler.
Generation 5: Tiny Living
Your parent was obsessed with becoming a star. They did succeed, but that left you empty and without a real parent. So, you started reading books and spent most of your time alone. You are still happy, just a little empty, I guess.
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Traits: Bookworm, loner and music lover
Career: Entertainer (Musician Branch)
- Live in a tiny home your whole life.
- Have a beautiful garden.
- Complete the musical genius aspiration.
- Master the gardening and guitar skills.
- Have four kids.
- Read every night before bed.
- Complete the magic bean collection and become a PlantSim.
Generation 6: Seasons
As a child, you were the only one helping your parent with the garden. It was so fun to you and a great way to spend your time. You decide to make this your career and show your kids how to garden!
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Traits: Cheerful, loves outdoors and clumsy
Career: Gardener
- Join the scout as a child.
- Have a sunroom full of plants.
- Master the gardener career.
- Complete the freelance botanist aspiration.
- Master the flower arrangement and skating skills.
- Complete the Holiday Cracker Plushies collection.
Generation 7: Realm of Magic
You love gardening. It’s such a relaxing and fin activity to do. But you never understood why your parent would just grow plants and not do anything with them. As a teenager, you started creating some potions and mix certain plants together. One day a mysterious person guides you to a magic world…
Aspiration: Purveyor of Potions
Traits: Perfectionist, vegetarian and creative
Career: None
- Become a Spellcaster.
- Complete the Purveyor of Potions aspiration.
- Learn all three schools of magic.
- Become friends with all six of the sages.
- Get a familiar.
- Die of an unnatural death before becoming an elder.
Generation 8: University
Your parent lived a pretty crazy life and died way too early. You couldn’t stay in your old house, so you decided to enroll in university to live a normal life and hopefully move on from everything that happened. You also tried to communicate with the ghost of you parent multiple times.
Aspiration: Academic
Traits: Genius, Gloomy and Goofball
Career: Education
- Go to university.
- Master the Education career.
- Complete the Academic aspiration
- Master the research & debate, robotics and juice pong skills.
- Have a baby while in university
- (Paranormal Stuff) Master the medium skill.
Generation 9: City Living
You are very close to your parent. As a kid, they would bring you everywhere. You would party a lot with them and their friends. When you became a young adult, you bought an appartement in the city and started working as an Arts Critic.
Aspiration: City Native
Traits: Unflirty, art lover and slob
Career: Critic (Arts Critic branch)
- Complete the city native aspiration.
- Master the Critic career.
- Master the painting and singing skills.
- Live in an apartment your whole life.
- Meet the love of your life at a festival.
- Have a super close relationship with your parent.
- Complete the Snowglobes collection.
Generation 10: Parenthood
You love your family and the good relationship your parent and grand parent had. All you can wish for is having an even better relationship with your own kids. Oh and you always wanted to have six kids so better get started now.
Aspiration: Super Parent
Traits: Family-Oriented, neat and childish
Career: Secret Agent (Diamond Agent)
- Complete the Super Parent aspiration.
- Have six kids with the same partner.
- Master the parenting skill.
- Master the Secret Agent career.
- (Kids Room Stuff) Complete the VoidCritter cards collection.
Generation 11: Dine Out
Growing up you had a lot of support and love from your parent. They would encourage you to pursue your dream. So, with their help, you got yourself your own restaurant!
Aspiration: Master Chef
Traits: Good, foodie and glutton
Career: Self-employed
- Have your own restaurant.
- Master the cooking, gourmet cooking and mixology skills.
- Complete the Experimental Food Prints collection.
- Dine out every week with your family.
- (Home Chef Hustle) Own every small kitchen appliance in the game.
Generation 12: Jungle Adventure
You grew up fascinated about the jungle of Selvadorada and promised yourself that one day you will go explore it! The day has come. You are now a young adult and can do whatever you want. You pack your bag, bring some cash and leave everything you know behind you.
Aspiration: Archaeology Scholar
Traits: Noncommittal, self-assured and kleptomaniac
Career: None
- Never get a job or a house.
- Live in Selvadorada your entire life
- Have a baby with a Selvadoradian
- Complete the Archaeology Scholar aspiration.
- Master the photography, archaeology and selvadoradian culture skills.
- Complete the Ancient Omiscan Artifacts collection.
Generation 13: Get Together
You grew up in Selvadorada, alone, because your parent was too busy exploring the jungle. Since your parent was never present for you, you decided to create your own family and start a group of close friends.
Aspiration: Leader of the Pack
Traits: Dance machine, insider and bro
Career: Freelance (Programmer Branch)
- Complete the Leader of the Pack aspiration.
- Master the dancing, DJ mixing and programming skills.
- Create a group of friends.
- Hang out with your friends at least twice a week.
- (Bowling Night Stuff) Master the bowling skill.
Generation 14: Get to Work
You’ve always wanted to help others as you grew up. You wanted to feel useful and helpful. Being a doctor seems like a good choice. You’re going to be helpful and you’re going to make a lot of cash!
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Traits: Cheerful, Good and Materialistic
Career: Retail Employee and Doctor
- Work as a Retail Employee as a teenager.
- Master the Doctor career.
- Complete the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration.
- Master the Baking and Rocket Science skills.
- Complete the Geodes collection.
Generation 15: Cats and Dogs
You absolutely LOVE animals. They are so cute and fluffy and kind! You would do anything for them. Your parent has also really inspired you to help others, just not humans.
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Traits: Cat or Dog lover, Romantic and Hates Children
Career: Veterinarian
- Master the Veterinarian career.
- Complete the Friend of the Animals aspiration.
- Master the Pet Training and Veterinarian skills.
- Own at least one dog and one cat.
- Only have a child because you are in love and never take care of it.
- Complete the Postcards and Feathers collections.
- (My First Pet Stuff) Own a rodent.
Generation 16: My Wedding Stories
As you grew up, you realized that your parent didn’t really want you. But you still understand why they got you. Your parents are madly in love and you can see that in their eyes. They would do anything for each other. You are hoping to find true love as well.
Aspiration: Soulmate
Traits: Romantic, Creative and Jealous
Career: Style Influencer
- Complete the Soulmate aspiration.
- Get a gold medal on all six of the wedding events.
- Heal your relationship with your parent when you become a young adult.
- Master the Style Influencer career.
- Complete the Messages in Bottles collection.
Generation 17: Eco Lifestyle
When you became a teenager, you started getting involved about the ecology. You started voting and speaking up! You even introduced solar panels to your family. Now, as a young adult, you make sure that your family produce green energy and are none wasteful.
Aspiration: Eco Innovator
Traits: Green Fiend, Recycle Disciple and Maker
Career: Civil Designer
- Master the Civil Designer career.
- Complete the Eco Innovator aspiration.
- Master the Fabrication and Juice Fizzing skills.
- Make your neighborhood eco footprint green.
- Add the Off-the-Grid and Reduce and Recycle lot challenge to your household.
Generation 18: Outdoor Retreat
Growing up in an Off-the-Grid house made you really love the outdoors, but you are still terrified of bugs! You want to conquer your fear, so you start making remedies with bugs and plants. Also, camping is one of your favorite activity.
Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast
Traits: Vegetarian, Squeamish and Erratic
Career: Athlete
- Complete the Outdoor Enthusiast aspiration.
- Master the Athlete career.
- Complete the Herbalism and Logic skills.
- Go camping every week with your family.
- Complete the Insects collection.
Generation 19: Vampires
As a teenager, you’ve heard a lot about vampires so you started looking up information about them and it was so fascinating. One day, you decide that you want to become one of them. So you go out and search for one, become friend with them and ask them to transform you!
Aspiration: Master Vampire
Traits: Music Lover, Snob and Evil
Career: Business
- Master the Business career.
- Complete the Master Vampire aspiration.
- Master the Vampire Lore and Pipe Organ skills.
- Marry and have a baby with the Vampire that transformed you.
- Be enemy with every Werewolf you meet.
- Complete the Sugar Skull collection.
Generation 20: Werewolves
Being a Vampire is pretty nice, you have cool powers and are immortal. But you do have a voracious thirst for blood and since you were born a Vampire, you’ve never had real food. One day, you met a gorgeous Werewolf. They were so impressive and interesting. You realized that you want to live like them! Go hunting, join a pack, enjoy nature and eat a lot of food!
Aspiration: Werewolf Initiate
Traits: Foodie, Outgoing and Lazy
Career: Culinary
- Cure your vampirism and become a werewolf.
- Join the Wildfangs or the Moonwood and complete the aspiration that goes with it.
- Have a werewolf spouse and try to make your parent love them.
- Master the Culinary career.
- Complete the Frogs collection.
Generation 21: Snowy Escape
You love adrenaline. Since you grew up in a werewolf pack, you are a super active person and are obsessed with dangerous sports. One day, you heard about this wonderful place called Mt. Komorebi. Only the bravest people go there and you wanted to prove that you are one of them.
Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Traits: Adventurous, Proper and Active
Career: Salaryperson
- Master the Salaryperson career.
- Complete the Extreme Sports Enthusiast aspiration.
- Master the Rock Climbing, Skiing and Snowboarding skills.
- Relax in the hot springs every week.
- Go sledding with your family.
- Complete the Simmies collection.
Generation 22: Dream Home Decorator
You are a very creative person and like to express it in various ways. You play the piano, the violon and you write books in your spare time! Obviously, you needed a job that was going to fit your personality. So, you became an Interior Decorator!
Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Traits: Creative, Art Lover and Hot-Headed
Career: Interior Decorator
- Master the Interior Decorator career.
- Complete the Bestselling Author aspiration.
- Master the Piano, Violon and Writing skills.
- Live in a three-story house.
- Complete the Microscope Prints collection.
Generation 23: Cottage Living
You’ve always dreamed of having a little cottagecore house with your own family and pets. You also love gardening and you want to cook with fresh produce from your farm. You saw a beautiful town called Henford-on-Bagley and decide to move there!
Aspiration: Country Caretaker
Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Neat and Lactose Intolerant
Career: Self-Employed
- Earn money by selling produce from your farm. (Crops, milk, egg, etc...)
- Complete the Country Caretaker aspiration.
- Have at least one cow, llama and chicken.
- Master the Cross-Stich and Handiness skill.
- Add the Simple Living challenge to your lot.
- Complete the Gardening and Fish collections.
- (Nifty Knitting) Master the Knitting skill.
Generation 24: High School Years
As a child, you were very intelligent and knew what you wanted in life. You worked hard and made sure to become an A grade student. Once you became a teenager, you wanted to become an astronaut. You began working even harder and going after your dream.
Aspiration: Goal Oriented (Teen) and Nerd Brain (Adult)
Taits: Overachiever, socially awkward and genius
Career: Astronaut
- Master the Astronaut career.
- Complete the Goal Oriented and Nerd Brain aspirations.
- Master the entrepreneur skill.
- Join an afterschool activity of your choice.
- Only wear thrifted clothing
- Complete the Aliens and Space rocks collections.
Generation 25: Journey to Batuu
You parent was so successful in life and put a lot of pressure on you to make them proud. You are not good at school and feel like you don’t belong on this planet. You don’t want to live a traditional lifestyle and find a job. Luckily, your parent was an astronaut fascinated with the outer space and you were too! You read a lot of books about space and the possibility of another form of life and discovered Batuu!
Aspirations: Hope Vs Order and Galactic Privateer
Traits: Evil, Self-Assured and Geek
Career: None
- Complete the Hope Vs Order aspiration and then choose between joining the First Order or the Resistance.
- Complete the Galactic Privateer aspiration.
- Master the mischief skill.
- Own a droid.
- Gamble your credit while playing Sabacc.
Generation 26: Growing Together
Your parent was addicted to gambling and didn’t pay too much attention to you, because you were a mistake, they never intended to have a child. You don’t know who your other parent is and where they are. Your goal in life is to have a big happy family and hopefully find your other parent!
Aspiration: Mind and Body (Child) and Big Happy Family
Traits: Family-Oriented, Good and Childish
Career: Stay at home parent
- Organize a social event for your family every week.
- Have a good relationship with all of your children.
- Find who your other parent is and become good friend with them.
- Complete the Mind and Body and the Big Happy Family aspirations.
- Marry someone who is family-oriented.
Generation 27: Horse Ranch
You grew up in an amazing loving family that always encouraged you to pursue your dreams! One of them is to own a ranch and have as many horses as possible, but horses are expensive so you started painting as a teenager and made a few bucks with that. Now you can finally own the ranch of your dream and do a career that you like.
Aspiration: Championship Rider
Traits: Rancher, Horse Lover and Ambitious
Career: Painter
- Complete the Championship Rider aspiration.
- Master the Riding skill.
- Own at least three horses and as many sheep and goats your heart desire.
- Own the ranch of your dream.
@Belalucina Here is my challenge :)
This challenge uses every expansion pack and game packs. I also used some stuff packs but they are just extra stuff you can do. Feel free to skip any generation that you don't like.
Generation 1: StrangerVille
You get sent to a new neighborhood where everyone seems a little... strange. But it's your job to investigate what's going on there. After all, you work in the military!
Aspiration: StrangerVille Mystery
Traits: Paranoid, ambitious and geek
Career: Military
- Master the military career.
- Finish your aspiration and discover the mystery of StrangerVille.
- Master the video gaming skill.
- Live in StrangerVille your whole life.
- Marry someone from your job.
- Complete the space prints collection.
Generation 2: Spa Day
Having military parents was super stressful to you. They spent all of their time focusing on their career and their video games. You want to give your child a better childhood and be more present for them.
Aspiration: Inner Peace
Traits: High maintenance, gloomy and vegetarian
Career: Entertainer (Comedian Branch)
- Move to Sulani as a young adult to find a more peaceful place to live.
- Master the entertainer career.
- Finish the inner peace aspiration.
- Master the wellness and comedy skills.
- Do yoga or meditation every week with your child.
- Have a sauna and an aquarium in your house.
- Complete the seashells collection.
Generation 3: Island Living
As a teenager, you were fascinated by fishes. You were the only one taking care of the aquarium. One day, while swimming in the ocean, you saw a half fish-half human creature. You got fascinated really quick and decided to follow it…
Aspiration: Beach Life
Traits: Child of the islands, child of the ocean and active
Jobs: Lifeguard and fisherman
- Master the lifeguard and fisherman jobs.
- Finish the beach life aspiration.
- Become a mermaid.
- Date and have a baby with a mermaid.
- Master the fitness skill only by swimming and master the fishing skill.
- Own a water scooter.
- Woohoo at the waterfall.
- Complete the buried treasure collection.
Generation 4: Get Famous
You’ve always been told to hide yourself from other people. That being a mermaid should be a secret, otherwise people will try to hurt you. But that won’t stop you from becoming a star.
Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity
Traits: Self-Absorbed, mean and outgoing
Career: Actor
- Join the Drama Club as a child and master it as a teenager.
- Master the actor career.
- Finish the World-Famous Celebrity aspiration.
- Never tell anyone about your mermaid form.
- Go swimming every night
- Master the acting and charisma skills.
- Have a baby with a human.
- (Vintage Glamour) Have a butler.
Generation 5: Tiny Living
Your parent was obsessed with becoming a star. They did succeed, but that left you empty and without a real parent. So, you started reading books and spent most of your time alone. You are still happy, just a little empty, I guess.
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Traits: Bookworm, loner and music lover
Career: Entertainer (Musician Branch)
- Live in a tiny home your whole life.
- Have a beautiful garden.
- Complete the musical genius aspiration.
- Master the gardening and guitar skills.
- Have four kids.
- Read every night before bed.
- Complete the magic bean collection and become a PlantSim.
Generation 6: Seasons
As a child, you were the only one helping your parent with the garden. It was so fun to you and a great way to spend your time. You decide to make this your career and show your kids how to garden!
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Traits: Cheerful, loves outdoors and clumsy
Career: Gardener
- Join the scout as a child.
- Have a sunroom full of plants.
- Master the gardener career.
- Complete the freelance botanist aspiration.
- Master the flower arrangement and skating skills.
- Complete the Holiday Cracker Plushies collection.
Generation 7: Realm of Magic
You love gardening. It’s such a relaxing and fin activity to do. But you never understood why your parent would just grow plants and not do anything with them. As a teenager, you started creating some potions and mix certain plants together. One day a mysterious person guides you to a magic world…
Aspiration: Purveyor of Potions
Traits: Perfectionist, vegetarian and creative
Career: None
- Become a Spellcaster.
- Complete the Purveyor of Potions aspiration.
- Learn all three schools of magic.
- Become friends with all six of the sages.
- Get a familiar.
- Die of an unnatural death before becoming an elder.
Generation 8: University
Your parent lived a pretty crazy life and died way too early. You couldn’t stay in your old house, so you decided to enroll in university to live a normal life and hopefully move on from everything that happened. You also tried to communicate with the ghost of you parent multiple times.
Aspiration: Academic
Traits: Genius, Gloomy and Goofball
Career: Education
- Go to university.
- Master the Education career.
- Complete the Academic aspiration
- Master the research & debate, robotics and juice pong skills.
- Have a baby while in university
- (Paranormal Stuff) Master the medium skill.
Generation 9: City Living
You are very close to your parent. As a kid, they would bring you everywhere. You would party a lot with them and their friends. When you became a young adult, you bought an appartement in the city and started working as an Arts Critic.
Aspiration: City Native
Traits: Unflirty, art lover and slob
Career: Critic (Arts Critic branch)
- Complete the city native aspiration.
- Master the Critic career.
- Master the painting and singing skills.
- Live in an apartment your whole life.
- Meet the love of your life at a festival.
- Have a super close relationship with your parent.
- Complete the Snowglobes collection.
Generation 10: Parenthood
You love your family and the good relationship your parent and grand parent had. All you can wish for is having an even better relationship with your own kids. Oh and you always wanted to have six kids so better get started now.
Aspiration: Super Parent
Traits: Family-Oriented, neat and childish
Career: Secret Agent (Diamond Agent)
- Complete the Super Parent aspiration.
- Have six kids with the same partner.
- Master the parenting skill.
- Master the Secret Agent career.
- (Kids Room Stuff) Complete the VoidCritter cards collection.
Generation 11: Dine Out
Growing up you had a lot of support and love from your parent. They would encourage you to pursue your dream. So, with their help, you got yourself your own restaurant!
Aspiration: Master Chef
Traits: Good, foodie and glutton
Career: Self-employed
- Have your own restaurant.
- Master the cooking, gourmet cooking and mixology skills.
- Complete the Experimental Food Prints collection.
- Dine out every week with your family.
- (Home Chef Hustle) Own every small kitchen appliance in the game.
Generation 12: Jungle Adventure
You grew up fascinated about the jungle of Selvadorada and promised yourself that one day you will go explore it! The day has come. You are now a young adult and can do whatever you want. You pack your bag, bring some cash and leave everything you know behind you.
Aspiration: Archaeology Scholar
Traits: Noncommittal, self-assured and kleptomaniac
Career: None
- Never get a job or a house.
- Live in Selvadorada your entire life
- Have a baby with a Selvadoradian
- Complete the Archaeology Scholar aspiration.
- Master the photography, archaeology and selvadoradian culture skills.
- Complete the Ancient Omiscan Artifacts collection.
Generation 13: Get Together
You grew up in Selvadorada, alone, because your parent was too busy exploring the jungle. Since your parent was never present for you, you decided to create your own family and start a group of close friends.
Aspiration: Leader of the Pack
Traits: Dance machine, insider and bro
Career: Freelance (Programmer Branch)
- Complete the Leader of the Pack aspiration.
- Master the dancing, DJ mixing and programming skills.
- Create a group of friends.
- Hang out with your friends at least twice a week.
- (Bowling Night Stuff) Master the bowling skill.
Generation 14: Get to Work
You’ve always wanted to help others as you grew up. You wanted to feel useful and helpful. Being a doctor seems like a good choice. You’re going to be helpful and you’re going to make a lot of cash!
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Traits: Cheerful, Good and Materialistic
Career: Retail Employee and Doctor
- Work as a Retail Employee as a teenager.
- Master the Doctor career.
- Complete the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration.
- Master the Baking and Rocket Science skills.
- Complete the Geodes collection.
Generation 15: Cats and Dogs
You absolutely LOVE animals. They are so cute and fluffy and kind! You would do anything for them. Your parent has also really inspired you to help others, just not humans.
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Traits: Cat or Dog lover, Romantic and Hates Children
Career: Veterinarian
- Master the Veterinarian career.
- Complete the Friend of the Animals aspiration.
- Master the Pet Training and Veterinarian skills.
- Own at least one dog and one cat.
- Only have a child because you are in love and never take care of it.
- Complete the Postcards and Feathers collections.
- (My First Pet Stuff) Own a rodent.
Generation 16: My Wedding Stories
As you grew up, you realized that your parent didn’t really want you. But you still understand why they got you. Your parents are madly in love and you can see that in their eyes. They would do anything for each other. You are hoping to find true love as well.
Aspiration: Soulmate
Traits: Romantic, Creative and Jealous
Career: Style Influencer
- Complete the Soulmate aspiration.
- Get a gold medal on all six of the wedding events.
- Heal your relationship with your parent when you become a young adult.
- Master the Style Influencer career.
- Complete the Messages in Bottles collection.
Generation 17: Eco Lifestyle
When you became a teenager, you started getting involved about the ecology. You started voting and speaking up! You even introduced solar panels to your family. Now, as a young adult, you make sure that your family produce green energy and are none wasteful.
Aspiration: Eco Innovator
Traits: Green Fiend, Recycle Disciple and Maker
Career: Civil Designer
- Master the Civil Designer career.
- Complete the Eco Innovator aspiration.
- Master the Fabrication and Juice Fizzing skills.
- Make your neighborhood eco footprint green.
- Add the Off-the-Grid and Reduce and Recycle lot challenge to your household.
Generation 18: Outdoor Retreat
Growing up in an Off-the-Grid house made you really love the outdoors, but you are still terrified of bugs! You want to conquer your fear, so you start making remedies with bugs and plants. Also, camping is one of your favorite activity.
Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast
Traits: Vegetarian, Squeamish and Erratic
Career: Athlete
- Complete the Outdoor Enthusiast aspiration.
- Master the Athlete career.
- Complete the Herbalism and Logic skills.
- Go camping every week with your family.
- Complete the Insects collection.
Generation 19: Vampires
As a teenager, you’ve heard a lot about vampires so you started looking up information about them and it was so fascinating. One day, you decide that you want to become one of them. So you go out and search for one, become friend with them and ask them to transform you!
Aspiration: Master Vampire
Traits: Music Lover, Snob and Evil
Career: Business
- Master the Business career.
- Complete the Master Vampire aspiration.
- Master the Vampire Lore and Pipe Organ skills.
- Marry and have a baby with the Vampire that transformed you.
- Be enemy with every Werewolf you meet.
- Complete the Sugar Skull collection.
Generation 20: Werewolves
Being a Vampire is pretty nice, you have cool powers and are immortal. But you do have a voracious thirst for blood and since you were born a Vampire, you’ve never had real food. One day, you met a gorgeous Werewolf. They were so impressive and interesting. You realized that you want to live like them! Go hunting, join a pack, enjoy nature and eat a lot of food!
Aspiration: Werewolf Initiate
Traits: Foodie, Outgoing and Lazy
Career: Culinary
- Cure your vampirism and become a werewolf.
- Join the Wildfangs or the Moonwood and complete the aspiration that goes with it.
- Have a werewolf spouse and try to make your parent love them.
- Master the Culinary career.
- Complete the Frogs collection.
Generation 21: Snowy Escape
You love adrenaline. Since you grew up in a werewolf pack, you are a super active person and are obsessed with dangerous sports. One day, you heard about this wonderful place called Mt. Komorebi. Only the bravest people go there and you wanted to prove that you are one of them.
Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Traits: Adventurous, Proper and Active
Career: Salaryperson
- Master the Salaryperson career.
- Complete the Extreme Sports Enthusiast aspiration.
- Master the Rock Climbing, Skiing and Snowboarding skills.
- Relax in the hot springs every week.
- Go sledding with your family.
- Complete the Simmies collection.
Generation 22: Dream Home Decorator
You are a very creative person and like to express it in various ways. You play the piano, the violon and you write books in your spare time! Obviously, you needed a job that was going to fit your personality. So, you became an Interior Decorator!
Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Traits: Creative, Art Lover and Hot-Headed
Career: Interior Decorator
- Master the Interior Decorator career.
- Complete the Bestselling Author aspiration.
- Master the Piano, Violon and Writing skills.
- Live in a three-story house.
- Complete the Microscope Prints collection.
Generation 23: Cottage Living
You’ve always dreamed of having a little cottagecore house with your own family and pets. You also love gardening and you want to cook with fresh produce from your farm. You saw a beautiful town called Henford-on-Bagley and decide to move there!
Aspiration: Country Caretaker
Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Neat and Lactose Intolerant
Career: Self-Employed
- Earn money by selling produce from your farm. (Crops, milk, egg, etc...)
- Complete the Country Caretaker aspiration.
- Have at least one cow, llama and chicken.
- Master the Cross-Stich and Handiness skill.
- Add the Simple Living challenge to your lot.
- Complete the Gardening and Fish collections.
- (Nifty Knitting) Master the Knitting skill.
Generation 24: High School Years
As a child, you were very intelligent and knew what you wanted in life. You worked hard and made sure to become an A grade student. Once you became a teenager, you wanted to become an astronaut. You began working even harder and going after your dream.
Aspiration: Goal Oriented (Teen) and Nerd Brain (Adult)
Taits: Overachiever, socially awkward and genius
Career: Astronaut
- Master the Astronaut career.
- Complete the Goal Oriented and Nerd Brain aspirations.
- Master the entrepreneur skill.
- Join an afterschool activity of your choice.
- Only wear thrifted clothing
- Complete the Aliens and Space rocks collections.
Generation 25: Journey to Batuu
You parent was so successful in life and put a lot of pressure on you to make them proud. You are not good at school and feel like you don’t belong on this planet. You don’t want to live a traditional lifestyle and find a job. Luckily, your parent was an astronaut fascinated with the outer space and you were too! You read a lot of books about space and the possibility of another form of life and discovered Batuu!
Aspirations: Hope Vs Order and Galactic Privateer
Traits: Evil, Self-Assured and Geek
Career: None
- Complete the Hope Vs Order aspiration and then choose between joining the First Order or the Resistance.
- Complete the Galactic Privateer aspiration.
- Master the mischief skill.
- Own a droid.
- Gamble your credit while playing Sabacc.
Generation 26: Growing Together
Your parent was addicted to gambling and didn’t pay too much attention to you, because you were a mistake, they never intended to have a child. You don’t know who your other parent is and where they are. Your goal in life is to have a big happy family and hopefully find your other parent!
Aspiration: Mind and Body (Child) and Big Happy Family
Traits: Family-Oriented, Good and Childish
Career: Stay at home parent
- Organize a social event for your family every week.
- Have a good relationship with all of your children.
- Find who your other parent is and become good friend with them.
- Complete the Mind and Body and the Big Happy Family aspirations.
- Marry someone who is family-oriented.
Generation 27: Horse Ranch
You grew up in an amazing loving family that always encouraged you to pursue your dreams! One of them is to own a ranch and have as many horses as possible, but horses are expensive so you started painting as a teenager and made a few bucks with that. Now you can finally own the ranch of your dream and do a career that you like.
Aspiration: Championship Rider
Traits: Rancher, Horse Lover and Ambitious
Career: Painter
- Complete the Championship Rider aspiration.
- Master the Riding skill.
- Own at least three horses and as many sheep and goats your heart desire.
- Own the ranch of your dream.
@Belalucina Here is my challenge :)