Forum Discussion

Fanphoria's avatar
3 years ago

"Freelance" Performer Ideas

With the "meet & greet" event from Get Famous giving money as a reward, plus the "gig" mechanic as seen with things like the Home Decorator career, as well as the freelance careers and "odd jobs", it's occurred to me it might actually be viable to have sims host a "performance" as a way to earn money as a "freelance" performer.

There's a few ways it could work, but some basic ideas that could be incorporated could be:

1: having a "freelance performer" as a career track, and it thus functioning like any other freelance career where you look for gigs/jobs, & then have tasks and/or rabbit holes to complete them. These would have suggested skill levels just like any other freelance or or odd jobs.

2: having a "performance event" which could be hosted that was unlocked either by the freelance performer career, or just by reaching a certain skill in a music or comedy (and ideally djing & dancing too). This event would have certain tasks, including doing a "performance" of some kind (ideally you'd be able to set what KIND of performance it is while planning the event), and the "reward" would primarily just be money, maybe fame & reputation with you have get famous. Could have some other unlocked fun reward object, but that's honestly optional.

Anyway, this could be a fun way for sims to live off their performance skills, without having to get a more "regular" job as an Entertainer or Actor or anything. Thinking particularly for a sim like, say, Candy Behr from Get Together, a playable "freelance DJ" seems much more her speed than the traditional Entertainer to Musician or Comedian career track, and being able to "host" a "party" where YOU get to be the DJ or other entertainer and ACTUALLY GET PAID FOR IT seems like it would be quite fun and, given the mechanics that have been introduced recently, actually viable at this point as well!
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