"morganlefaye;c-17898603" wrote:
@ghamrick75 I watched "Gone With The Wind" with my grandma and we ended up watching a lot of Alfred's movies. I completely forgot about Frank Sinatra, I was mainly thinking of the women in Hollywood's golden age. I was trying to make a Marilyn like I said ended up thinking about the actresses and female singers. Sinatra would be such a cool thing. I don't remember why I liked Clark Gable, but I just do.
We watched "Gone with the Wind" yearly in elementary and middle school during history class. (Think we did during high school some too.) That isn't including the times I watched with with grandparents. As for Gable, probably similar reasons that a lot women of his era liked him a lot. Eh, though I could be wrong. :smile: :
It's funny that Alfred H's last name is blocked out that like. I liked several of his films. :smile: