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- CAPTAIN_NXR74 years agoLegend
"crocobaura;c-18008310" wrote:
What does a werewolf eat?
I’ve seen ‘em hang around the Chipper’s on Friday and Saturday Nights. Battered sausages, curry chips, spice bags, you name it.
Anything goes really. They’d be howling their way back home at 3 in the morning but at least their tummies are full. Those would be the younger ones though.
The more seasoned werebeasts prefer raw or medium raw meat. Farmers beware! Mind your cattle. And your wives.
Werebeasts do love the taste of plasma but they’re not as sensitive to it the way, say, sharks or vampires are. - ValiantRedKnight4 years agoSeasoned AcePlant sims need to be a real lifestate again.
- crocobaura4 years agoLegend
"temporalgod;c-18008763" wrote:
"crocobaura;c-18008310" wrote:
What does a werewolf eat?
Human Hearts according to the folklore, but they might change it to be more kid friendly in the sims universe.
That seems a bit wasteful, to eat the heart only. - Chicklet453684 years agoSeasoned Ace
"friendlysimmers;c-17993496" wrote:
no super naturals unless they include toglesto turn them off in game for players that do not went to play them as a player thats my case since i do not play supernatural sims
The nice thing is, that packs are optional. It's not like a basegame update that forces you to have content you don't want. You could just not buy the pack and the problem would be solved about not having occults in your game. - VWoodsong4 years agoSeasoned Ace
"Chicklet453681;c-18016138" wrote:
"friendlysimmers;c-17993496" wrote:
no super naturals unless they include toglesto turn them off in game for players that do not went to play them as a player thats my case since i do not play supernatural sims
The nice thing is, that packs are optional. It's not like a basegame update that forces you to have content you don't want. You could just not buy the pack and the problem would be solved about not having occults in your game.
Excellent advice. I would also strongly advise people not to just rush out and get The Next New Thing without really knowing what they're getting into.
For example, the way Get To Work was generally marketed, I got the mistaken notion that aliens were directly related to the Scientist career, but it didn't occur to me that they'd be far more pervasive than that, with or without a sim in the Scientist career. Still, when I got the pack at first I shrugged and decided it was fine to have aliens everywhere, and that maybe they'd be fun. Boy was I wrong, though, and I now ban most of them from most of my saves (via modding). They turned out to be excruciatingly annoying to me in a variety of ways, but the one thing that made me ban them was the filter used to create their voices. It makes my ears and head hurt, and I do mean quite literally. Even if they had been more fun they wouldn't have been worth that kind of pain.
But at the end of the day, the fault is still at least partially on me because I could have researched the pack more thoroughly and didn't. - Francoisf304 years agoSeasoned Ace
"DaWaterRat;c-17993170" wrote:
I think werewolves are "easier" coding wise, as there's less variation in folklore (level of transformation, cause of transformation, weaknesses) than there are for Fairies.
That and I'm going to find Fairies lacking. Because what I want (like with spellcasters) isn't possible within a Game Pack budget, and they're not going to dedicate a whole EP to True Fae type Faerie.
I honestly think its just ideas and lore that people are missing from werewolves, because I think the opposite, I don't see how much more they could bring up with fairies that would be an interest and bringing something new to the game... wings, gardening magics? lol Or what magical thing could they do different than spellcasters to be very interesting, not that they are out of interests, but I don't see it as defined and fun than werewolves. Its probably because I did no researches on fairies lore but I am uninterested in those for now and wish werewolves come first.
With werewolves we would get something darker, which we never get in the sims, the return of the moon cycle, bodyhair, right there already two base game updates possibility... so yeah, just for this, its already so much more. Also, there could be a very interesting 3 forms occults, for the first time, human/werewolf/full wolf forms. Also, themed that havent been explored yet, like hunting, and pack leading, territory wars, having to defend and conquer territories/neighborhood. Curring werewolves, with a special silver tools etc... werewolves human hunt, or the possibilities for human to hunt werewolves. They would also have a special diet, making them very interesting to play, like the vampires. All the perks on a tree skills, would also bring more controls whenever your sims is into is werewolves forms and special perks into battle.
We could have so many new interesting worlds, like and old town in France, where the werewolves lore was quite present back in the day, or out of the box, a village in the Canadian tundra, up north, with a very native american themed, Inuits, with polar bears as a lot challenges, where only werewolves/courageous sims (fearless trait) would be able to push back, fight and or perhaps befriend. Ice fishing to get your werewolves their diet fullfilled, or hunting wild animals (perhaps a rabbitholes) or direct on artic wild rabbits! Aurore borealis, open white, snowy spaces, and iced seas, icebergs... I mean I would die for a themed like this even though it would be without werewolves, but I think they could be included in such world. And you would find silver through a mine, where there would be a conflict with native vs contractors from the outside world, coming for the mine... I mean, can I invade Maxis studios and explain them my idea, cause I think it would be a perfect way to bring native american to this game, plus an artic world, and so many more things. A real treath (polar bear) optional of course, through the lot challenges.
Also, skidoo, anyone? lol that would be crazy cool. - Francoisf304 years agoSeasoned Ace
"Simmingal;c-17993351" wrote:
Oh man can we not associate werewolves and vampires with Twilight ?
I freaking hate twilight
As fantasy loving kid I once made mistake of telling the Twilight cult that I think its dumb when they asked what I think of it and they decided that warrants 5 years of school bullying p_p
I feel you, I don't like Twilight, even though it was for my generation, I always felt it was so bad, so teenagers truggles, and not making justice to those occults... Not interested in it at all, and I hope they dont go for this themed with werewolves, but I would not mind a native american themed world associated with werewolves, like in one of my comment here. Im not gonna describe the hole thing again, but an canadian artic world with Inuits would be great for werewolves and out of the box. - Francoisf304 years agoSeasoned Ace
"Movotti;c-17993325" wrote:
Vampires needpetsfriends to pay fetch with
And keep well behaved...
Lol I hope they dont do that though, it so pointless, uninteresting and shameful for werewolves, there are so much more to do with them than the sims 3 did. It was so stupid how they made werewolves, so bad, but I think the sims 4 can make them much better. - Francoisf304 years agoSeasoned Ace
"crocobaura;c-18015724" wrote:
"temporalgod;c-18008763" wrote:
"crocobaura;c-18008310" wrote:
What does a werewolf eat?
Human Hearts according to the folklore, but they might change it to be more kid friendly in the sims universe.
That seems a bit wasteful, to eat the heart only.
You know that most alpha predator will hunt or steal an animal, eat the heart and liver and leave the rest for other animals right? Because the heart and liver are the most nutritious part of an animals, better than just meat, and full of iron and proteins, cholines etc... all of what you need to survive and make your body strong and energic. Animals dont know that, but they feel it and sniff it as well. Its experiences and instinct.
Grizzly Bears do that when they steal a fresh carcass from wolves, because they dont have time to spend on eating everything, they takes whats best (heart and livers) and leave the rest to the wolves waiting patiently.
Also Grizzly bears will catch salmons, open them, eat their eggs and leave the fresh meat to be eaten by other animals... because the eggs are the best they can find, so it goes into the same optic here. - Francoisf304 years agoSeasoned Ace
"Ancaryvan;c-17995395" wrote:
I vote for other occult, to be specific: Centaur, half human, half horse. Lately have crazy idea of Cowboy-centaur lives on the frontier living.
Yeah honestly I though about it and it would be awsome if it comes with horses... like what a crazy idea. I mean I still want my werewolves first, but I would not mind having centaure second, and before fairies...
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