Forum Discussion

nastyjman's avatar
Rising Newcomer
7 years ago

Insta-Change Potion

Now that we have a Re-Traiting Potion, how about an Insta-Change Potion?

Drinking this potion will let you change your sim's look without using a mirror or a dresser. Also, this potion let's you change everything, similar to "cas.fulleditmode."
  • EgonVM's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    Change sim interaction on the mirror or dresser also lets you change everything (except traits, age, weight, and children and toddlers' voice).
    Manage Worlds' Manage Household has a button where you can go to CAS (pencil icon). It allows you to go to CAS to change everything except these mentioned before. The only difference is that you can add new sims and pets and remove existing sims/pets.