Forum Discussion

cyncie's avatar
Seasoned Veteran
3 months ago

Blue Moon Potions, Potables and Ponderings Part 2

Greetings, fellow travelers in a strange new world.

 Welcome to the relocated Blue Moon. I am your host, Oberon. Newcomers might be asking, "what is this place?" Well, it has always been our little spot for the fantasy, supernatural and sci-fi simmer. Do you need advice about repelling vampires? We have that here. Are you frustrated that you canโ€™t seem to find fairies in Windenburg? Of course you are. Do raging werewolves ruin your weekend? We understand. Are alien abductions and a severe lack of dragons getting you down? You have our sympathy. Are you a Spellcaster struggling with curses? Ugh.  Are you having nightmares about forum relocation? Let me offer you a drink. 

New developments in our world only occur once in a blue moon. In the meantime, you can share your supernatural needs and relocation anxiety here. 

I always say, spend your life doing strange things with strange people. That includes you, traveler.

And also, your friendly bartender. 

Link to our original location: The Blue Moon Part One

The Blue Moon Jukebox