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annoyingtiger888's avatar
4 years ago

Life's Greatest Adventure, The Morgan Legacy

Life’s Greatest Adventure, The Morgan Legacy is a Sims 4 playthrough combining various challenges and elements into one single playthrough – rags to riches, the legacy challenge, alphebacy, etc. However, there aren’t any rules for this playthrough. I just want to have fun and create a legacy to enjoy.

If you’re a fan of Red Dead Redemption 2, then you may realize that my founder, John Morgan, is a blend between Arthur Morgan & John Marston, my two favorite characters from the game. I decided to start this legacy to honor the memory of Arthur. If you decide to stick around and see where this legacy goes, I appreciate it. I won’t lie, though, I often disappear from projects without warning and don’t return for months. If that bothers you, maybe not follow this playthrough. I do plan to do my best to continue this playthrough and create a long-lasting, fun legacy.

✲ Succession Rites
  • Heirs will be the youngest of the children, no matter their gender.
  • The next generation begins when the heir becomes a young adult.
  • Each heir of the next generation will begin with the letter after their parent (ex. John’s kids could be Kim, Kyne, Karol, etc.) This will continue through the alphabet.

✲ Traits, Aspiration & Career
  • Traits will be completely randomized by clicking the dice three times.
  • Aspiration will be randomized, as well, skipping ones that have been chosen already.
  • Career will be chosen based on traits and aspiration.
  • Each generation will strive to complete their career and/or aspiration.

Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male
Born: Winter
Birthplace: Oasis Springs
Traits: Family-Oriented, Kleptomaniac, Maker, Domestic
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Career: Criminal
Current Residence: Old New Henford, Henford-on-Bagley
Favorite Color: Brown
Music Preference: Americana
Hobbies: Writing, woodworking
Joseph Morgan (father†)
Betty Morgan, nee Mason (mother†)

Born during an unusually cold winter in Oasis Springs to Betty and Joseph Morgan, John had a relatively normal childhood until about the age of seven when his mother died during childbirth – his younger brother, whose name had not yet been chosen, died a short time after her. At first, Joseph became overly affectionate to his son, trying to make sure he knew he was loved and didn’t feel lonely, but it wasn’t long before he could no longer cope. Joseph turned to the bottle to forget his problems and soon came to forget that his son even existed. Just a few days shy of John’s sixteenth birthday, Joseph passed away in his recliner, a bottle clutched in his hand.

Now an orphan living on the street, John was forced to turn to thievery in order to survive. He continued this life of crime for years, gaining quite the reputation on the street and it wasn’t until he was arrested and forced to serve a year in jail that he decided he needed a fresh start. And so, with only the clothes on his back and a cheap tent, he moved to Henford-on-Bagley to begin what he hoped would be a new life for him.

The problem is that you can’t take the crime out of a criminal and it wasn’t long before the local crime syndicate reached out to him, tempting him with promises of simoleons. Though reluctant, he knew he needed the money if he wanted to survive in the ever-changing world, so he agreed and joined them. He swore to himself that, once he had made enough money to build a house and secure his future, he would finally leave his life of crime for good.


I will do my best to update this thread, but I make no promises as I'm pretty forgetful. Please follow this legacy on my blog if you're interested in this legacy :) Thank you for checking out this post, I hope you enjoy this legacy. I really want to stick with this one and take it far even though I've attempted this in the past (if you know me, you know I have many unfinished series and I often disappear for months.) I want this playthrough to be different, so I hope you will join me on this journey and help encourage me to continue with the Morgan family <3 Much love.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to let me know either in this thread or on my blog!

36 Replies

  • V50: Rotten Criminal

    Klarence came into the room, babbling toward John. He figured the toddler was hungry so he fixed him up a sandwich, which the boy was happy to munch on.

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    V51: John the Chonk

    John wasn’t sure why, but he he knew he was gaining weight and he didn’t like how chonky he was becoming. So, he decided to do something about it by beginning to work out.

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  • NOTE: Hey guys! Just wanted to give a quick apology for not being active like I should be. I’ve been sick the past week and haven’t had the energy to do much of anything. I’m starting to feel better and have a bit more energy so I’ll try to get back on track. Thank you so much for following this series, it means the world to me and I love your comments even if I don’t always reply ❤ I see you and I love you, thank you!


    V52: Rage Cleaning

    John decided that one of his first fatherly duties should be to potty train his child so that Klarence could go on his own when he needed to. He thought he was doing a good job, but Klarence ended up having an accident and ended up feeling quite sad about it.

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    V53: Fox, I Choose You!

    When Klarence approached his dad, dressed in the cutest hoodie ever and clutching a book in his small hands, John knew what his son wanted and he was more than happy to oblige. John was really beginning to enjoy the time spent reading to his son. Really, he just enjoyed being near his son no matter what they were doing. Klarence was the literal best thing that had ever happened to him.

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    V54: The Food Fix

    With spring finally here, the leaves and flowers were beginning to grow on the trees again! John was looking forward to seeing them at full bloom, knowing how beautiful they were.

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  • V55: DigiThief

    Like most toddlers, Klarence really liked to play with his toys, especially with the superheroes. He would help them fly through the air, their capes billowing behind them. And when he was done, he was responsible enough to place the toy back in its place instead of on the floor.

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    V56: Reflection

    John thought that the sink was breaking a bit too often, so he decided it was time to try his hand at upgrading something for the first time. While he was working, Klarence came in to babble at him, which John believed was his way of encouraging him.

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    V57: Near Accident

    What better way to celebrate a repaired relationship than to play some mischievous pranks? It paid off, as well, because he leveled up his skill to his job’s specification.

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    V58: Pancake Apology

    Klarence quickly tired of paying attention to Jessica so he decided he would have fun by making a mess outside, but John wants to teach him that he shouldn’t do this. First, he lightly scolds him.

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    V59: Who Is Pregnant??

    John’s new position required him to learn to program. It wasn’t something he was particularly interested in, but with the help of Soogle, he was able to learn pretty quickly and soon began his journey as a programmer.

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    V60: Bah bah, blah!

    John was already starting to feel tired when he went in to work, but as he worked hard throughout the night, he found himself completely drained by the time he finally returned home. He could barely hold his head up!

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    V61: Caregiver

    With a baby on the way and little to no experience under her belt, Carly started to pay extra attention to Klarence so she could practice her parenting. He certainly didn’t mind, enjoying the attention she offered when John was away.

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  • V62: A Big Question

    John is working hard to max out his fishing skill and he’s getting close! Currently, he’s at level eight. He thought about trying to complete the fish collection, but it’s large and he has other responsibilities to focus on, such as his growing family. He would do what he could to add to the collection, but he wouldn’t focus on it.

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    V63: Carly’s New Hobby

    They say that when a woman is pregnant, she glows. Carly took that idea and ran with it! Along with her pregnancy, she is so happy that she is literally glowing with happiness and hope for the future.

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    V64: Carly’s Night Out

    To say Carly was surprised when Cecilia called her up and invited her out to the Spice Festival would be an understatement. She briefly wondered if John would feel weird about his fiancé going out with his ex, but she knew him better than that. He would want the two females to get along for the sake of Klarence, so she agreed.

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    V65: Urban Squatter

    Cecilia finally reemerged, talking with an orange-haired female that Carly hadn’t seen before. She approached them, waiting for the right time before interjecting herself into the conversation. Cecilia didn’t look too pleased by this, faking a laugh when Carly told a joke but the woman, Moira Fyres, was happy to meet someone new.

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    V66: The Date is Set

    Klarence hasn’t learned how to turn on the television, but he really wanted to watch the kids channel, so he babbled to his father, motioning toward the TV when the older man looked confused. It took a minute, but John finally got the message and flicked the TV on for him.

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    V67: To Be A Maker

    With the wedding fast approaching and John’s hands having been idle for a while, he decided he would make something special to give to Carly on their wedding day.

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    V68: Kaylynn Morgan

    Carly thought she just had to pee, but when she made it into the bathroom, her water burst and she went into labor! Her first instinct was to call John but, as she held the phone in her hand, looking at his contact information, she knew she couldn’t take him away from work. He’s been working so hard trying to reach the top so he can finally leave that life behind and she didn’t want to take that away from him. Plus, it was risking his life if he was in a dangerous situation.

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  • V69: Family

    While Carly and John are very happy about their new bundle of joy, Klarence isn’t happy at all. He’s sad to have a new sibling because he believes his parents won’t love him anymore. He believes they already don’t! If they loved him, then why would they bring another child home? Isn’t he enough for them?

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    V70: Happy Birthday, Klarence!

    Carly decided she would finally teach Klarence to say please and thank you. She worried that he wouldn’t be very receptive to this, but he seemed genuinely happy just to have attention that he followed the lesson closely.

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    V71: Loving Home

    Klarence started to talk with Maira, his first friend since aging up into childhood. Though she was several years older, they found that they both liked many of the same TV shows, something they bonded over as they talked.

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    V72: Cooper <3

    Cooper has become an elder and the family was worried that he wouldn’t be with the family for much longer. They all decided to give him some extra attention and love, starting with Carly.

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    V73: Stop or I’ll Tell

    John wasn’t too sure why this other sim was nearly naked as he went fishing since the lake was off-limits to swimmers, but he didn’t question it. He just gave the man a friendly nod before focusing on his fishing – the best way to wind down after a stressful day at work.

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