Forum Discussion
2 years agoSeasoned Ace
LONE TRAVELLER LEGACY - BILLY BLAZE & THUNDER - WEEK 2 (Thursday to Saturday - cont'd)
LONE TRAVELLER LEGACY - BILLY BLAZE & THUNDER - WEEK 2 (Thursday to Saturday - cont'd)
Billy and Thunder travelled quite a distance on Thursday until they came upon a place called Henford-on-Bagley. They were in an area called the Isle of Volpe in the Bramblewood, and Billy thought the area looked just fine and he decided to stay for 2 weeks. (Rolled 14 days, but he will actually stay for 13 days as I am deducting one for over-staying on Palomino Junction).
He entered a clearing and spied a run-down cottage, an old chicken coop and an animal shelter, and thought this would be a good place to camp. He also saw some other forest creatures and stopped to sing to a fox. (The lot came with the Wild Foxes lot trait; Rolled 6 - Spooky and Rolled 3-Penny Pixies. I also made the lot off-the-grid.)
After he unpacked his saddlebag, he ventured into the cottage to look around. The stone walls had cracks in them and he spied a few cobwebs. but after some cleaning, it looked pretty good. There was a fireplace, an old bed, a rocking chair, some books and what looked like a basket filled with hoops.
The kitchen was small, but there was a gas stove that worked. Billy was looking forward to cooking some meals on it, but first he needed some supplies. On his way here, he had passed a sign for the Village of Finchwick, so perhaps he would be able to find something there. But before he could head off, one of his neighbors, Derek McMillan, came for a visit. (And, might I add, they didn't bring any fruitcake. I am sure it was a glitch.) They chatted for awhile, and Billy asked if Derek knew of any jobs in town. Derek told him that Billy might try talking to Kim Goldbloom, the Grocery Shop Owner, as sims were always looking for someone to run errands for them. (Rolled 12 - Income is errands).
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Billy and Thunder headed towards town, and there Billy found a grocery stall owned by Kim Goldbloom and a flower stall co-owed by Agnes Crumplebottom and her cousin, Agatha. When Billy enquired about a job, both Kim and Agatha were so pleased he had asked, and quickly gave him some errands to do.
Agatha took Billy aside and told him she wanted him to talk to a gnome and get the gnome gossip, and also to find 2 single sims. Billy figured this wouldn't be too hard to do.
Kim, on the other hand, was so busy, and she asked Billy if he could get 4 grocery orders for her. Plus, she was working so hard that she had forgotten to eat, and if he could pick her up something at The Gnome's Arms bar, she would appreciate it.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Billy had remembered seeing a gnome by the Gnome's Arms, so he would do two errands in one swoop, by chatting with the gnome first for Agatha's errand and then getting some food to-go for Kim's errand.
Billy did feel a bit strange talking to the gnome, but if it meant he would get some simoleons, he would do it. In his mind, he started to spin a story that he could tell Agatha of the gnome gossip that he had "heard".
He then went into the Gnome's Arms and ordered some eggs and toast to go....and also got those grocery orders. While he was waiting, he saw Rohan Elderberry who he had met in Chestnut Ridge. He asked Rohan if he was for a friend...and indeed Rohan was.
Billy brought Kim her dinner, and also those grocery orders. But, apparently everyone ordered eggs, so now he needed to get a dozen "white" eggs. Kim suggested that he could purchase some chickens...and she heard that the Watson farm had some for sale. He would check that out tomorrow.
Billy saw a teen skating, and though that maybe he would ask her if she was single. (As a teen, Billy can only ask other teens if they are single, so makes this a bit harder).
And so he went skating and practically fell on poor Greta Laurent, but did ask her if she was single. She was!
He saw Agatha and told her the gnome gossip, and the names of the 2 single sims. She seemed rather pleased, and thought it would be sweeter if he brought her a dessert.
The market stalls were closed and it had started to snow, so Billy decided to head home and continue on those errands tomorrow.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Friday morning, and Thunder snuck inside again to sleep.
Billy decided to make some pancakes, and he also made a nice white cake for Agatha.
Before heading to town, he took a walk around, and collected some items, including a lot of mushrooms.
As he walked along the trail, he met Rahmi Watson. He spoke to her about buying some chickens, and she said she would deliver them later that morning.
And sure enough, by the time he got home again, a hen and a rooster were in his chicken coop. He named the hen Maple, and the rooster Marvin.
He then headed to town to deliver the dessert to Agatha and she was so pleased. And Billy finishes his first errand! Agatha gave him $175 simoleons, and also some oversize seeds and a cute garden gnome. (1 - Completed Do I Gnome You errand).
He stopped by the Gnome's Arms and met Argus Rhoades, who was a grocery delivery clerk working for Kim Goldbloom. He had a package to deliver, and since Billy was new in town, it would give Billy a chance to meet some sims and also get some simoleons for delivering a package.
After a few unsuccessful attempts, he was able to find the right sim and handed them the package.
Argus gave him $90 simoleons, some aubergine parmesan, some berries and a watermelon cross-stitch pattern. And now Billy knew what those hoops were in the box at his cottage. (2 - Completed A Friendly Visit errand).
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Saturday, and Billy collected his first eggs. He hoped those sims were patient for their grocery orders because he only collected 1 egg.
He decided to head to town again, and this time met Agnes Crumplebottom at the garden stand. When Billy said he could help her with errands, she wasn't so sure, so gave him a test.
She wanted him to plant an oversize pumpkin, and luckily for Billy, Agatha had given him pumpkin seeds yesterday. He would do that when he got home. Then, Agnes wanted him to go and scold Kim Goldbloom for flirting. For flirting? Really? Geez! Agnes was a meanie. And then she said she was thirsty and wanted Billy to bring her a glass of milk.
Okay, well, he headed over to the grocery stall, and saw that Kim had some milk for sale. So he bought some, and then, he grudgingly scolded her. By the look on Kim's face, he wasn't sure he liked this errand too much. I guess Kim forgave him, because she wanted him to deliver a rose to the Creature Keeper. Who the heck was that?
But he did deliver the milk to Agnes and she seemed somewhat pleased with him.
He then asked Agnes if she knew who the Creature Keeper was, and she pointed to a figure of a sim in a knight suit. And so, off Billy went to give the rose to the Creature Keeper from Kim. (For some reason, the Creature Keeper is not Michael Bell, but a sim named Nina Hanco ck. I later found Michael Bell living in Strangerville).
The Creature Keeper thought that maybe Kim had the wrong idea, and told Billy to give his regards to Kim, and also handed Billy a box of mushrooms for Kim.
He went over and delivered the items to Kim, and gave her the Creature Keeper's message. She didn't seem too pleased. Before anything further happened, Billy figured that he should head home.
When he got home, he planted his pumpkin seeds and hoped that they would grow in the cold weather. (I did make a covered area for the garden).
Then he settled in for the night, and decided to do some cross-stitch.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Isle of Volpe Bramblewood lot was a national park, but just changed it to residential. I made the run-down cottage out of debug pieces and walls. The lot was expensive because of all the trees and shrubs. I could have changed them all to debug, but this would have taken me too long. There is a pond where he can fish, which came with the lot, and I also added the Jungle Adventure toilet/shower combo outhouse. The horse shelter is debug, and I added all the necessary horse items. I placed the chicken coop, but it is empty.
Billy takes his horse everywhere when he travels; however, the horse will not go over the stone bridge in the Bramblewood from his lot. That is unfortunate, as I thought this would be a nice area for Billy to ride Thunder. He does take Thunder to town, though.
There are 15 errands in all. Not sure if Billy will finish all of them, so let's hope he returns to Henford-on-Bagley and rolls that one again.
He entered a clearing and spied a run-down cottage, an old chicken coop and an animal shelter, and thought this would be a good place to camp. He also saw some other forest creatures and stopped to sing to a fox. (The lot came with the Wild Foxes lot trait; Rolled 6 - Spooky and Rolled 3-Penny Pixies. I also made the lot off-the-grid.)
After he unpacked his saddlebag, he ventured into the cottage to look around. The stone walls had cracks in them and he spied a few cobwebs. but after some cleaning, it looked pretty good. There was a fireplace, an old bed, a rocking chair, some books and what looked like a basket filled with hoops.
The kitchen was small, but there was a gas stove that worked. Billy was looking forward to cooking some meals on it, but first he needed some supplies. On his way here, he had passed a sign for the Village of Finchwick, so perhaps he would be able to find something there. But before he could head off, one of his neighbors, Derek McMillan, came for a visit. (And, might I add, they didn't bring any fruitcake. I am sure it was a glitch.) They chatted for awhile, and Billy asked if Derek knew of any jobs in town. Derek told him that Billy might try talking to Kim Goldbloom, the Grocery Shop Owner, as sims were always looking for someone to run errands for them. (Rolled 12 - Income is errands).
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Billy and Thunder headed towards town, and there Billy found a grocery stall owned by Kim Goldbloom and a flower stall co-owed by Agnes Crumplebottom and her cousin, Agatha. When Billy enquired about a job, both Kim and Agatha were so pleased he had asked, and quickly gave him some errands to do.
Agatha took Billy aside and told him she wanted him to talk to a gnome and get the gnome gossip, and also to find 2 single sims. Billy figured this wouldn't be too hard to do.
Kim, on the other hand, was so busy, and she asked Billy if he could get 4 grocery orders for her. Plus, she was working so hard that she had forgotten to eat, and if he could pick her up something at The Gnome's Arms bar, she would appreciate it.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Billy had remembered seeing a gnome by the Gnome's Arms, so he would do two errands in one swoop, by chatting with the gnome first for Agatha's errand and then getting some food to-go for Kim's errand.
Billy did feel a bit strange talking to the gnome, but if it meant he would get some simoleons, he would do it. In his mind, he started to spin a story that he could tell Agatha of the gnome gossip that he had "heard".
He then went into the Gnome's Arms and ordered some eggs and toast to go....and also got those grocery orders. While he was waiting, he saw Rohan Elderberry who he had met in Chestnut Ridge. He asked Rohan if he was for a friend...and indeed Rohan was.
Billy brought Kim her dinner, and also those grocery orders. But, apparently everyone ordered eggs, so now he needed to get a dozen "white" eggs. Kim suggested that he could purchase some chickens...and she heard that the Watson farm had some for sale. He would check that out tomorrow.
Billy saw a teen skating, and though that maybe he would ask her if she was single. (As a teen, Billy can only ask other teens if they are single, so makes this a bit harder).
And so he went skating and practically fell on poor Greta Laurent, but did ask her if she was single. She was!
He saw Agatha and told her the gnome gossip, and the names of the 2 single sims. She seemed rather pleased, and thought it would be sweeter if he brought her a dessert.
The market stalls were closed and it had started to snow, so Billy decided to head home and continue on those errands tomorrow.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Friday morning, and Thunder snuck inside again to sleep.
Billy decided to make some pancakes, and he also made a nice white cake for Agatha.
Before heading to town, he took a walk around, and collected some items, including a lot of mushrooms.
As he walked along the trail, he met Rahmi Watson. He spoke to her about buying some chickens, and she said she would deliver them later that morning.
And sure enough, by the time he got home again, a hen and a rooster were in his chicken coop. He named the hen Maple, and the rooster Marvin.
He then headed to town to deliver the dessert to Agatha and she was so pleased. And Billy finishes his first errand! Agatha gave him $175 simoleons, and also some oversize seeds and a cute garden gnome. (1 - Completed Do I Gnome You errand).
He stopped by the Gnome's Arms and met Argus Rhoades, who was a grocery delivery clerk working for Kim Goldbloom. He had a package to deliver, and since Billy was new in town, it would give Billy a chance to meet some sims and also get some simoleons for delivering a package.
After a few unsuccessful attempts, he was able to find the right sim and handed them the package.
Argus gave him $90 simoleons, some aubergine parmesan, some berries and a watermelon cross-stitch pattern. And now Billy knew what those hoops were in the box at his cottage. (2 - Completed A Friendly Visit errand).
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Saturday, and Billy collected his first eggs. He hoped those sims were patient for their grocery orders because he only collected 1 egg.
He decided to head to town again, and this time met Agnes Crumplebottom at the garden stand. When Billy said he could help her with errands, she wasn't so sure, so gave him a test.
She wanted him to plant an oversize pumpkin, and luckily for Billy, Agatha had given him pumpkin seeds yesterday. He would do that when he got home. Then, Agnes wanted him to go and scold Kim Goldbloom for flirting. For flirting? Really? Geez! Agnes was a meanie. And then she said she was thirsty and wanted Billy to bring her a glass of milk.
Okay, well, he headed over to the grocery stall, and saw that Kim had some milk for sale. So he bought some, and then, he grudgingly scolded her. By the look on Kim's face, he wasn't sure he liked this errand too much. I guess Kim forgave him, because she wanted him to deliver a rose to the Creature Keeper. Who the heck was that?
But he did deliver the milk to Agnes and she seemed somewhat pleased with him.
He then asked Agnes if she knew who the Creature Keeper was, and she pointed to a figure of a sim in a knight suit. And so, off Billy went to give the rose to the Creature Keeper from Kim. (For some reason, the Creature Keeper is not Michael Bell, but a sim named Nina Hanco ck. I later found Michael Bell living in Strangerville).
The Creature Keeper thought that maybe Kim had the wrong idea, and told Billy to give his regards to Kim, and also handed Billy a box of mushrooms for Kim.
He went over and delivered the items to Kim, and gave her the Creature Keeper's message. She didn't seem too pleased. Before anything further happened, Billy figured that he should head home.
When he got home, he planted his pumpkin seeds and hoped that they would grow in the cold weather. (I did make a covered area for the garden).
Then he settled in for the night, and decided to do some cross-stitch.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Isle of Volpe Bramblewood lot was a national park, but just changed it to residential. I made the run-down cottage out of debug pieces and walls. The lot was expensive because of all the trees and shrubs. I could have changed them all to debug, but this would have taken me too long. There is a pond where he can fish, which came with the lot, and I also added the Jungle Adventure toilet/shower combo outhouse. The horse shelter is debug, and I added all the necessary horse items. I placed the chicken coop, but it is empty.
Billy takes his horse everywhere when he travels; however, the horse will not go over the stone bridge in the Bramblewood from his lot. That is unfortunate, as I thought this would be a nice area for Billy to ride Thunder. He does take Thunder to town, though.
There are 15 errands in all. Not sure if Billy will finish all of them, so let's hope he returns to Henford-on-Bagley and rolls that one again.
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