Forum Discussion
2 years agoSeasoned Ace
It was Sunday and Billy headed to town to let Agnes know he planted his pumpkin. And Agnes figured he was more useful than she had thought. Agnes rewarded Billy with $175 simoleons, a cowplant cross-Stitch pattern and some Grow-Fast Fertilizer. Nice! (3 - Completed Another Useless Tourist errand.)
Billy then decided to explore the area around his home some more and discovered some ruins of a castle...
...and also a run-down cottage...
...where the Creature Keeper lived. Of course, Billy had to ask if the Creature Keeper needed help with errands, and they did.
Apparently, the Creature Keeper needed some chocoberries and spicy mushrooms, and with all the collecting that Billy had done, he just happened to have exactly what the Creature Keeper needed.
And so, the Creature Keeper made something called mushroom mash and told Billy to eat it and then go and talk to the birds. Well, after Billy had a bit of that mushroom mash, he was feeling rather dazed, and he really thought he heard the birds talk back to him. He so had to tell the Creature Keeper what they said. The Creature Keeper was so pleased with Billy that they gave him $175 simoleons, and all sorts of mushrooms and produce.
Afterwards, it started to snow, and feeling a bit dazed, Billy decided to sleep outside as he missed sleeping under the stars. Oh what dreams he had! (4-Completed Mushroom Madness errand).
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Monday and the bills came. Why? Ugh, but Billy paid them anyway.
And as he placed the envelope in the mailbox, he saw a wanted poster for a bandit who was on the loose in the Bramblewood. And there was a bounty! He scrutinized the photo, and oh the bandit looked scary! Sure, Billy would do it! Now, where would a bandit possibly hide?
And as he looked around, oh my plumbobs, he saw this suspicious character lurking near his chicken coop. Billy had an old prank buzzer in his pocket and used it to neutralize the bandit until the authorities came and took the bandit away. For his trouble, Billy was given $87 simoleons. A far cry from the $100,000 simoleons that had been advertised on the poster! Hmph! (Rolled 25 - Bounty Hunter - You get news of a bounty on a bandit and decide to go after it. Sum all your actual skill level and check the outcome: Total is 30+, you successfully complete the bounty and get $50-100. Billy had 50 skill points, and rolled the number between 50 - 100 and he got $87).
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The egg collection was going rather slowly, so he had spoken to Rahim Watson again, and he bought another hen and rooster and called them Henry and Henrietta. He did collect a special egg which was blue, though, and was so happy he gave his chicken a hug.
Egads! And there was a fox after his chickens or his eggs or both! Was it that same fox he had so nicely sung to when he arrived? He would have to talk to that bushy-tailed fox!
After the run-in with the bandit, Billy decided to head to town again. When he got there, he saw Agatha chatting with some children in a picnic area, and when she saw Billy, she motioned frantically to him. She had another errand for him.
Agatha really took her job seriously as the town's matchmaker, and gave Billy 2 red roses to give to sims, and to try and get these sims together. Oh, and she had some extra seeds and plants for him to sell, too.
The town square was pretty crowded, so Billy decided to try to match up some sims first. He saw the skating teen from yesterday, Greta, and handed her a rose, although it somehow backfired, and Greta seemed to think that Billy had romantic intentions towards her. mean...oh gosh...he somehow did something wrong. (Poor Billy, I did the interaction from the Romance category and he gave Greta a rose; except this was wrong and there was another interaction that was highlighted in purple to give a rose. lol So, now he has a little pink with Greta. hehehe)
He looked around for any other teens, and couldn't find any. Drat...his plan to match Greta with another teen didn't work. But then he saw Agnes Crumplebottom in the town square.
He had heard about Agnes' disastrous lovelife from Rahim Watson. Agnes was a widow, and her first husband, Erik Darling died on their honeymoon. That, in itself, is a tragic tale. Then apparently, she re-married a puppeteer, named Robert, who just disappeared one day, never to be seen again. No wonder poor Agnes was disillusioned about romance. Billy looked at the rose in his hand, and had an idea. Maybe if he could help Agnes fall in love, she wouldn't be so upset when she saw others being romantic.
He went up to Agnes and bid her good day and then handed her a rose, and told her it was from a mysterious admirer. He wasn't sure what she would do, but she took the rose from him and he did see a glint of excitement in her eyes. That lasted a second, and then she turned on her heel and said she had no time for such foolery and had to open her garden stall.
Billy turned around and saw a lonely sim, named Isaac Girard, looking at the fountain in the square. Billy found out that the sim was single and was a writer visiting Finchwick who liked gardening. Ooh...this could be a match for Agnes. He gave Isaac a red rose and told him the rose was from the lady in the garden stall, and that Billy thought that Agnes might be interested in Isaac. Billy encouraged Isaac to head over to the garden stall and try flirting with Agnes. Without hesitation, that is exactly what Isaac did.
Billy thought this was working out so well and he saw Agnes come out from the stall. Ooh...maybe she wanted to give Isaac her number. like a bashing with her purse.
Well, obviously that didn't work out. He heard Agnes shouting words at poor Isaac and Isaac seemed to be spewing a quote from a Jane Austen novel. "None of us want to be in calm waters all our lives.” Billy was about to walk off and figured it was back to the drawing board for getting two sims together.
But wait...something weird was going on. Whatever Isaac had said seemed to have gotten Agnes' attention and Billy could have sworn that Agnes just flirted with Isaac. And Isaac flirted back at her again. What? They were now getting on? Did Agatha give Billy some magic roses, or maybe there was a full moon or something tonight?
Whatever it was, suddenly Agnes autonomously did a romantic gesture towards Isaac and gave him a rose!
Billy stood there dumbfounded. He thought about the "woohoo and romance" talk he had had with Lias, and Lias had never mentioned anything about romance being like this. One minute, hate and then the next minute, love. This was confusing. And then Agnes thanked Billy for introducing her to Isaac. Um...yeah...okay. Billy just shook his head and thought that love was strange, but somehow felt good about finding someone for Agnes.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Now that Billy had matched up two sims, he was off to sell these seeds and plants that Agatha had given him. But wait, since Agnes was in such a good mood, maybe he could sell them back to her.
In no time at all, Billy sold the seeds and also all the watermelons.
Agatha was so thrilled with all his work that she gave him $300 simoloeons, a decorative gnome, super Vitality Fertilizer and a supposed-flirty potion. She also told him that there would be a special delivery to his house tomorrow. Billy wondered what it could be. (5 - Completed Meddlin' and Peddlin' errand)
Billy was pretty exhausted after all the matchmaking and selling he had done, and went home and crawled into his sleeping bag and fell right to sleep.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tuesday and Billy supposedly had 12 "white" eggs, but when he went to give them to Kim at the grocery stall, he was told he was short 3 eggs. Darn! Maybe they had spoiled. Maybe he should buy more chickens. This errand was taking a long time. In the meantime, since it was Winterfest tomorrow, he bought some supplies for a grand meal that he was going to make.
He stopped by the Gnome's Arms to speak with Sara Scott, and she seemed to be having a craving for chocoberries. No problem there, as Billy had some with him! And, boom...he finished that errand so quickly. (6 - Completed - A Simple Request) Sara was so happy with the chocoberries that she gave Billy $90 simoleons, a meal, an assortment of ingredients and some fertilizer.
Billy left town early as he wanted to do some decorating at his house. When he arrived, there was a lone teen just standing there. His name was Malcolm Landgraab, and as soon as Billy introduced himself, the teen left.
And then Billy smelled smoke! Oh no! And it seemed to be coming from his cottage.
Billy raced inside only to discover that his beloved rocking chair was in flames. He quickly doused it and was able to salvage what he could, but he couldn't help but wonder if that lone teen had something to do with the fire. It just seemed rather odd.
On a bright note, Agatha's surprise delivery had arrived. It was a holiday tree! How wonderful. Brushing aside the fire incident, Billy pulled out some holiday decorations from a box he found and humming to himself, did some decorating.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Isaac Girard is some random townie who just happened to be in the square at the time. I went into CAS and saw that he had the Bestselling Author aspiration, and also had the romantic trait. Since Agnes is stuck in another era romantically, I figured that if Isaac quoted some Jane Austen, it would stop her in her tracks and she would take notice of him. Oh my gosh, and she did! teehee
“None of us want to be in calm waters all our lives.”, is a quote from the book Persuasion by Jane Austen, 1817.
I thought it would be fun for Billy to catch a "real" bandit.
Billy then decided to explore the area around his home some more and discovered some ruins of a castle...
...and also a run-down cottage...
...where the Creature Keeper lived. Of course, Billy had to ask if the Creature Keeper needed help with errands, and they did.
Apparently, the Creature Keeper needed some chocoberries and spicy mushrooms, and with all the collecting that Billy had done, he just happened to have exactly what the Creature Keeper needed.
And so, the Creature Keeper made something called mushroom mash and told Billy to eat it and then go and talk to the birds. Well, after Billy had a bit of that mushroom mash, he was feeling rather dazed, and he really thought he heard the birds talk back to him. He so had to tell the Creature Keeper what they said. The Creature Keeper was so pleased with Billy that they gave him $175 simoleons, and all sorts of mushrooms and produce.
Afterwards, it started to snow, and feeling a bit dazed, Billy decided to sleep outside as he missed sleeping under the stars. Oh what dreams he had! (4-Completed Mushroom Madness errand).
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Monday and the bills came. Why? Ugh, but Billy paid them anyway.
And as he placed the envelope in the mailbox, he saw a wanted poster for a bandit who was on the loose in the Bramblewood. And there was a bounty! He scrutinized the photo, and oh the bandit looked scary! Sure, Billy would do it! Now, where would a bandit possibly hide?
And as he looked around, oh my plumbobs, he saw this suspicious character lurking near his chicken coop. Billy had an old prank buzzer in his pocket and used it to neutralize the bandit until the authorities came and took the bandit away. For his trouble, Billy was given $87 simoleons. A far cry from the $100,000 simoleons that had been advertised on the poster! Hmph! (Rolled 25 - Bounty Hunter - You get news of a bounty on a bandit and decide to go after it. Sum all your actual skill level and check the outcome: Total is 30+, you successfully complete the bounty and get $50-100. Billy had 50 skill points, and rolled the number between 50 - 100 and he got $87).
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The egg collection was going rather slowly, so he had spoken to Rahim Watson again, and he bought another hen and rooster and called them Henry and Henrietta. He did collect a special egg which was blue, though, and was so happy he gave his chicken a hug.
Egads! And there was a fox after his chickens or his eggs or both! Was it that same fox he had so nicely sung to when he arrived? He would have to talk to that bushy-tailed fox!
After the run-in with the bandit, Billy decided to head to town again. When he got there, he saw Agatha chatting with some children in a picnic area, and when she saw Billy, she motioned frantically to him. She had another errand for him.
Agatha really took her job seriously as the town's matchmaker, and gave Billy 2 red roses to give to sims, and to try and get these sims together. Oh, and she had some extra seeds and plants for him to sell, too.
The town square was pretty crowded, so Billy decided to try to match up some sims first. He saw the skating teen from yesterday, Greta, and handed her a rose, although it somehow backfired, and Greta seemed to think that Billy had romantic intentions towards her. mean...oh gosh...he somehow did something wrong. (Poor Billy, I did the interaction from the Romance category and he gave Greta a rose; except this was wrong and there was another interaction that was highlighted in purple to give a rose. lol So, now he has a little pink with Greta. hehehe)
He looked around for any other teens, and couldn't find any. Drat...his plan to match Greta with another teen didn't work. But then he saw Agnes Crumplebottom in the town square.
He had heard about Agnes' disastrous lovelife from Rahim Watson. Agnes was a widow, and her first husband, Erik Darling died on their honeymoon. That, in itself, is a tragic tale. Then apparently, she re-married a puppeteer, named Robert, who just disappeared one day, never to be seen again. No wonder poor Agnes was disillusioned about romance. Billy looked at the rose in his hand, and had an idea. Maybe if he could help Agnes fall in love, she wouldn't be so upset when she saw others being romantic.
He went up to Agnes and bid her good day and then handed her a rose, and told her it was from a mysterious admirer. He wasn't sure what she would do, but she took the rose from him and he did see a glint of excitement in her eyes. That lasted a second, and then she turned on her heel and said she had no time for such foolery and had to open her garden stall.
Billy turned around and saw a lonely sim, named Isaac Girard, looking at the fountain in the square. Billy found out that the sim was single and was a writer visiting Finchwick who liked gardening. Ooh...this could be a match for Agnes. He gave Isaac a red rose and told him the rose was from the lady in the garden stall, and that Billy thought that Agnes might be interested in Isaac. Billy encouraged Isaac to head over to the garden stall and try flirting with Agnes. Without hesitation, that is exactly what Isaac did.
Billy thought this was working out so well and he saw Agnes come out from the stall. Ooh...maybe she wanted to give Isaac her number. like a bashing with her purse.
Well, obviously that didn't work out. He heard Agnes shouting words at poor Isaac and Isaac seemed to be spewing a quote from a Jane Austen novel. "None of us want to be in calm waters all our lives.” Billy was about to walk off and figured it was back to the drawing board for getting two sims together.
But wait...something weird was going on. Whatever Isaac had said seemed to have gotten Agnes' attention and Billy could have sworn that Agnes just flirted with Isaac. And Isaac flirted back at her again. What? They were now getting on? Did Agatha give Billy some magic roses, or maybe there was a full moon or something tonight?
Whatever it was, suddenly Agnes autonomously did a romantic gesture towards Isaac and gave him a rose!
Billy stood there dumbfounded. He thought about the "woohoo and romance" talk he had had with Lias, and Lias had never mentioned anything about romance being like this. One minute, hate and then the next minute, love. This was confusing. And then Agnes thanked Billy for introducing her to Isaac. Um...yeah...okay. Billy just shook his head and thought that love was strange, but somehow felt good about finding someone for Agnes.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Now that Billy had matched up two sims, he was off to sell these seeds and plants that Agatha had given him. But wait, since Agnes was in such a good mood, maybe he could sell them back to her.
In no time at all, Billy sold the seeds and also all the watermelons.
Agatha was so thrilled with all his work that she gave him $300 simoloeons, a decorative gnome, super Vitality Fertilizer and a supposed-flirty potion. She also told him that there would be a special delivery to his house tomorrow. Billy wondered what it could be. (5 - Completed Meddlin' and Peddlin' errand)
Billy was pretty exhausted after all the matchmaking and selling he had done, and went home and crawled into his sleeping bag and fell right to sleep.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tuesday and Billy supposedly had 12 "white" eggs, but when he went to give them to Kim at the grocery stall, he was told he was short 3 eggs. Darn! Maybe they had spoiled. Maybe he should buy more chickens. This errand was taking a long time. In the meantime, since it was Winterfest tomorrow, he bought some supplies for a grand meal that he was going to make.
He stopped by the Gnome's Arms to speak with Sara Scott, and she seemed to be having a craving for chocoberries. No problem there, as Billy had some with him! And, boom...he finished that errand so quickly. (6 - Completed - A Simple Request) Sara was so happy with the chocoberries that she gave Billy $90 simoleons, a meal, an assortment of ingredients and some fertilizer.
Billy left town early as he wanted to do some decorating at his house. When he arrived, there was a lone teen just standing there. His name was Malcolm Landgraab, and as soon as Billy introduced himself, the teen left.
And then Billy smelled smoke! Oh no! And it seemed to be coming from his cottage.
Billy raced inside only to discover that his beloved rocking chair was in flames. He quickly doused it and was able to salvage what he could, but he couldn't help but wonder if that lone teen had something to do with the fire. It just seemed rather odd.
On a bright note, Agatha's surprise delivery had arrived. It was a holiday tree! How wonderful. Brushing aside the fire incident, Billy pulled out some holiday decorations from a box he found and humming to himself, did some decorating.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Isaac Girard is some random townie who just happened to be in the square at the time. I went into CAS and saw that he had the Bestselling Author aspiration, and also had the romantic trait. Since Agnes is stuck in another era romantically, I figured that if Isaac quoted some Jane Austen, it would stop her in her tracks and she would take notice of him. Oh my gosh, and she did! teehee
“None of us want to be in calm waters all our lives.”, is a quote from the book Persuasion by Jane Austen, 1817.
I thought it would be fun for Billy to catch a "real" bandit.
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