MCSM Legacy Challenge
(Repost Because i cant publish the original edited post, will be deleting old one)
Fandom: Minecraft Story Mode
1) No cheating unless it mentions you can, you want twins or triplets, you accidentally get a sim stuck and they can't get out, or increase family size to get a pet (you can't go in CAS if you do this, all but 8 sims will be deleted)
2) No restarting after bad events unless your sim is stuck somewhere and you can't get them out, don't restart to prevent anything else
3) only cheat needs for making a cutscene, if the needs bar is some how glitched, or you just dont want to take care of infants (i dont blame you)
4) you can not change a Sims aspiration unless you have completed it
5) you can have the heir be an occult
6) you can only revive your heir using cheats if they die from urban legend or emotions. DONT get the ambrosia or any life saving thing from the gallery!!! Family members that are not the heir can not be revived with cheats
7) spouses/ any sim moving in can only bring at most 500 simoleons
(If there is no one else in the household: you can move them in, deduct the amount they brought from your household funds, then add 500 simoleons after your money is set to how it was before they moved in. Hope that made sense)
8) you can only adopt an baby, infant, or toddler. You can't adopt children.
9) you can build a starter house for them then cheat and take away money until you have 1,500 simoleons if you have some left over
10) Your heir can be any gender and have any sexuality.
11) you can work on two gens simultaneously until the previous heir dies or you complete the previous heirs requirements. (E.g. Gen 2 as an adult/elder and gen 3 as a teen/young adult)
12) if your heir dies before the requirements are complete then you've failed the challenge
Ultimately this is your save file so you can change the rules and requirements to fit your needs, gameplay, and packs.
Gen 1: Jesse
You like to hangout with your friends from time to time. One day at a convention the world you live in is infected with wither sickness (strangerville possessed) and it's up to you to stop the witherstorm (motherplant)
because everyone else is a coward. /J
Traits: Cheerful, Good, one trait of your choosing
Aspiration: strangerville Mystery
•Start as a teen or young adult
•Have 5 friends and keep their relationship up
•become level 10 in politician career in the politician branch
•Complete aspiration
•Save strangerville
•become level 10 in charisma skill
•Become a 5 star celebrity
•marry your best friend out of your 5 friends
•have or adopt at least two kids (you can have more)
Gen 2: Petra
You have a great relationship with the parent who gave birth or adopted you, your other patient not so much (if you decide to go this route). You also love exploring and would often sneak out to go explore.
Traits: Adventurous, loyal, Hot-headed
Aspiration: jungle explorer
•complete aspiration
•become level 10 in 3 skills (cooking doesn't count)
•only work odd jobs (your partner can still get a job)
•get to level 5 in scouts after school activity
•fall out with one of your friends as a young adult (relationship is in the red) then marry them as an adult.
•live in all worlds (or as many as you have) at least once (can be for however long you want, even a week in game)
•visit all hidden lots except sixam and magic realm (sylvian glade, forgotten grotto, hermits house, and mt. Komorebi peak •Complete the jungle temple •Vacation every Sunday
Gen 3: Lukas
You love writing and books and your parents have always called you the bookworm of the family, you hope to write a best seller one day. Oh and you tend to get flirty looks from everyone
Traits: bookworm, romantic, and one of your choosing
Aspiration: best selling author
•complete aspiration
•become level 10 in writing skill
•quit career to become an freelance author (writing books at your own time) once you hit level 5 in the writing career (you can quit at level 10 if you want)
•write at least 10 books
•write at least 1 best seller
•write one biography as an elder or adult
•go on dates with at least 3 people and marry the last person you go on a date with.
•you must adopt at least one baby, Infant, or Toddler
Gen 4: Olivia
Your parents say you have the mind of Einstein, you always think of ways to make a simple thing more complicated. You also dream of becoming an engineer.
Traits: genius, perfectionist, one of your choosing
Aspiration: nerd brain
•get level 10 in the robotics career
•complete aspiration
•Get level 10 in robotics skill
•make a robot and marry it
•adopt two kids and no more kids after that
Gen 5: Axel
You tend to um... Explode stuff and love doing it. You love to prank your friends and high school classmates. You tend to live fast and not care about your grades or school. Oh and you like to steal things but your a real sweetheart and could never hurt a soul.
Traits: party animal, kleptomaniac, one of your choosing
Aspiration: live fast and chief of mischief
•complete chief of mischief aspiration
•complete at least 5 tasks for live fast aspiration
•become level 10 in mischief and baking skill
•only hack and do mischievous things to make money (spouse can still make money using 9 to 5 job)
•steal at least one thing every week
•summon urban legend one time (if Sim dies you can cheat to revive)
Optional requirements:
•start a bakery once you have skill level 10 in baking
Gen 6: Aiden
You went down your parents path but more mean then mischievous. Your the school bully and tend to be jealous of everyone especially the popular people. Let's just say everyone's the villain in your story. But later your hoping for redemption.
Traits: jealous, mean, one of your choosing
Aspiration: public enemy
•get an F grade in high School
•complete aspiration
•get at least level 5 in criminal career
•get fired once you reach level 5 of career (you can cheat to get fired)
•become level 10 in wellness skill after you get fired
•take up a part time job, freelance job, or sell things after you're fired (those 9-5's don't want a criminal)
•never marry
•only have one kid and raise them to have an A grade in elementary school
(There's you Aiden redemption, Aiden lovers)
(You don't have to have Cassie Rose as gen 7, just choose one of the extras instead)
Gen 7: Cassie Rose (White Pumpkin) (Extreme Violence mod is optional):
You hated your parent even if they were the nicest parent ever, you just somehow despised them.
Traits: hot-headed, evil, one of your choosing
Aspiration: psychopathic Tendencies or villainous Valentine (if you don't have the mod)
•Complete aspiration
•kill your parent as a teen
•kill at least 10 Sims as a young adult, not including your parent (can be through drowning Sims, pufferfish Nigeri, etc.)
•never get a job
•get an F grade in highschool
Optional requirements (require mod):
•dont get caught by police/go to jail
Gen 8: Admin Romeo
You really like to hangout with your friends but once they all start straying away from you to do their own thing you start reaking havock. You then want to start a new and get new friends in... Not the nicest way. Your friends have started to dislike you and you feel bad... You just wanted to keep you guys together.
Traits: hot-headed, erratic, one of your choosing
Aspiration: friend of the world
•Befriend 2 people as a child then have them drift apart slowly as you get older
•start aspiration after you become level 5 in the politician career
•complete aspiration
•become level 10 in charisma skill
•get back to good friends level with one friend as an adult, close to elder
•get back to good friends level with the other as an elder
•marry the first friend you get back with
•must have triplets (feel free to cheat for triplets) and name them after the three of you (you and your two friends)
Other characters:
Gen 9: Nell
You've always wanted to live care free and had a fascination for the ocean. So you took up surfing as a hobby. You have the goal to restore the islands of sulani.
Traits: child of the ocean, child of the islands, one of your choosing
Aspiration: Beach Life
•You must live in sulani
•complete aspiration
•quit job of Diver when you reach level 3
•when you quit sell seashells to make income (pretend your making them into bracelets)
•become a merperson
•clean up sulani
•become level 5 in fishing skill without fishing and don't get anymore skill levels
•never marry
•have at least one mermaid offspring
•befriend a dolphin (become status good friends)
Optional requirements:
•complete the seashells collection
•have at at least one Elemental offspring
Gen 10: Ivor
An old member of the order of the stone who spawned the witherstorm (motherplant). You like making potions but more for... Not so nice purposes, I mean you have a house of lava. #LongLiveLava
Traits: self assured, two of your choosing
Aspiration: purveyor of potions
• complete aspiration
• become level 10 in the scientist Career
• get to level 10 in rocket science skill
• learn all potion recipes
• become a spellcaster
• Never date until you are an adult
• revive the motherplant
• have 2 kids
• have a great relationship (good friend status) with your kids
Extra Gens:
Gen 11: Radar
A new intern/assistant and Very loyal to their boss. You are kind of a neat freak and don't like it when things are dirty and disorganized.
Traits: Squeamish, Loyal, One of your choosing
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
• Complete aspiration
•Get level 10 in the business career in the management branch
•Reach level 3 in the careers: Retail employee and Salaryperson then join the Business career
•Gain the fear of being judged and the fear of failure when your a teen and get over the fears when your an adult
•Never date in high school and marry as a young adult
Gen 12: Stella (Still working on)
You are very manipulative
Traits: Self absorbed, Ambitious, one of your choosing